
zhí xínɡ jiān dū
  • Implementation supervision;supervision over execution
  1. 财产刑执行监督问题初探

    On Supervision over Execution of Property Punishment Executive Force

  2. WTO本身的性质及其强大的执行监督机制,使WTO框架下国际证券监管合作更具刚性和可执行性。

    The nature of WTO has a powerful supervision execution mechanism , which adds more rigidity and flexibility to the international cooperation and coordination of the securities .

  3. 问题一是售后服务不到位,解决办法:AB公司细化、完善具体的售后服务政策,加强对代理商的执行监督。

    The first question is the poor after service . The solution is : AB Company refines and improves specific after-service policies , strengthen monitoring its agents .

  4. 公共政策执行监督的困境及其解决对策

    Predicaments of Execution and Supervision of Public Policy and Their Solutions

  5. 第五,死刑案件的执行监督。

    Fifth , we should monitor the implementation of death penalty cases .

  6. 执行监督小组委托对解决方案的调查。

    An executive oversight group commissions an investigation into solutions .

  7. 人性化的监狱管理与刑罚执行监督

    Humane Administrations for Prisons and Supervision on Penalty Execution

  8. 第二部分梳理了公共政策执行监督相关理论的研究。

    The second part is mainly about the related theories of public policy implementation .

  9. 这项工作授权给执行监督小组的一个成员来执行。

    This is delegated to one member of the executive oversight group for execution .

  10. 该工作是在执行监督委员会的一个成员的总的指导下进行的。

    This work is under the overall direction of a member of the executive oversight committee .

  11. 文章主要分为以下几个部分:第一章,死刑执行监督的界定。

    The article is divided into the following sections : Chapter ⅰ, the definition of execution monitoring .

  12. 再次,指出民事执行监督制度应贯彻的指导理念有两方面。

    Thirdly , points out two respects of the guiding ideas of the supervise system of civil execution .

  13. 按照排污权交易流程和制度要求,政府在整个排污权交易体系中的职能大致分为市场建立之前的规划职能和市场建立之后的执行监督职能。

    According to the procedures and institution of emissions trading , the functions of government will contain programming and supervising .

  14. 首先,对权力监督和权力制约、执行监督和执行救济进行了概念辨析。

    Firstly , the author analyses the concept of the supervision and constraint on power , the supervision and relief on the execution .

  15. 业主对项目的质量要求、成本控制、时间进度、执行监督均在管理承包合同中体现。

    Quality requirements , cost control , progress schedule and execution supervision that the owner demands can be reflected in the lump-sum contract .

  16. 第六节则着重对刑事执行监督进行了阐述,讨论了刑事执行监督权力的配置问题。

    Part six of this chapter addresses on supervision of criminal execution and talks over the disposition of power of supervision to criminal execution .

  17. 理论储备的不足和刑事司法的行政化,使刑罚执行监督制度明显不能适应现代刑事司法体制的需要。

    The deficiency of theoretical study and the administrative nature of criminal justice make supervision of punishment execution obviously contradict the requirement of modern criminal judicial system .

  18. 其次,根据不同标准将执行监督划分为四种类型,并分析每种监督方式的优劣。

    Secondly , according to different standards the supervision of execution will be divided into four types , and analyzed the pros and cons of each mode .

  19. 本部分从监督主体、监督制度和测评体系三个视角分析制约公共政策执行监督的主要因素。

    The third part analysis the supervision predicament of the public policy implementation , which includes the perspectives of supervision subjects , supervision systems and evaluation systems .

  20. 土地覆盖土地利用及其变化的研究成果也被应用于有关全球环境变化国际公约的执行监督。

    The research results of land cover , land use , and their changes have been used to supervise the execution of international pact about global environmental changes .

  21. 首先,执行监督应遵循三个原则,即:两权制衡,相互监督原则;程序性监督原则;效率和公正原则。

    Firstly , the execution supervision should follow three principles : two rights check and balance , mutual supervision principles ; procedural supervision principles ; efficiency and fairness .

  22. 根据这项法案,国家烟草管理局制定了实施条例和规章,并建立执行监督制度,以确保法令得以实施。

    Under the measure , the National Tobacco Administration is directed to formulate the implementing rules and regulations and shall establish a performance monitoring system to ensure compliance .

  23. 因此,需要按照司法体制改革的总体要求,在强化法律监督职能中,切实完善刑罚执行监督工作,推进刑事执行监督制度改革。

    Therefore , in accordance with the general requirements of Judicial System Reform , we should consolidate legal supervision , improve supervision of penalty execution and promote its reformation .

  24. 第一部分阐明了选题背景与意义,综述了国内外对公共政策执行监督的研究,明确了基本研究方法和研究思路。

    The first part expounded topic selection , background , summarized the research of Supervision of public policy implementation at home and abroad and cleared about the research methods and idea .

  25. 金融机构内部管理与控制制度长期不健全或执行监督不力,造成重大资产损失,或导致发生重大金融犯罪案件;

    Internal management and internal control of financial institution being unhealthy for long period or with weak enforcement that result in severe loss of assets , or severe financial criminal cases ;

  26. 至此,我国的法律监督已形成了立案监督、侦查监督、审判监督及执行监督等完整的刑事诉讼法律监督体系。

    So far , our country of the legal supervision has formed filed supervision , investigation supervision , the trial surveillance and supervising the implement of criminal proceedings and complete supervision system .

  27. 刑罚变更执行监督是刑罚执行监督的重要组成部分,在确保刑罚正确执行、制约公权力等方面起着举足轻重的作用。

    The supervision on change of penalty execution is an important part of Supervision on penalty execution . It plays a pivotal role in ensuring the correction of penalty implementation and restricting public power .

  28. 鼓励工人发扬主人翁的精神,团结合作,允许工会对公司的重大决策享有投票权和执行监督权。

    They encouraged workers to solidify and cooperate as the owners of the firms . The union was also allowed to share voting rights on the momentous decisions and monitors rights on the executions .

  29. 但就现状而言,由于法律依据不系统,法阶不够高,制度空白等原因,监禁刑执行监督不能充分发挥其应有的作用。

    But according to the current situation , the legal system is not so perfect and the hierarchy of law is not strong enough , sentence of imprisonment can not fully play its due role .

  30. 省铁建办负责项目包括征地拆迁补偿安置政策制定和执行监督责任,并在全省范围内行使总体协调职责。

    The Provincial Railway Construction Office will be responsible for the formulation of land requisition , relocation , and resettlement policies and their supervision , and assume their responsibilities in overall coordination within the provincial range .