
zhí xínɡ zǒnɡ jiān
  • executive director
  1. 联想西欧人力资源与人才执行总监肯巴蒂(KenBatty)表示,联想的前IBM员工必须学会适应沉默。

    At Lenovo , Ken Batty , executive director of HR and talent for western Europe , says that former IBM employees have had to learn to be comfortable with silence .

  2. 马西是“气候博物馆启动项目”(ClimateMuseumLaunchProject)的执行总监,这个总部位于纽约的团体力图在曼哈顿建立一座类似的博物馆,不过规模会更大,目标也会更大。

    She 's the executive director of the Climate Museum Launch Project , a group based in New York that is seeking to build a similar , but far bigger and more ambitious , museum in Manhattan .

  3. 海夫纳并不知道,时任美国广播公司的执行总监耶鲁·尤多夫(YaleUdoff)也参加了那次派对。

    Little did Hef know , Yale Udoff , an ABC executive was attending .

  4. 头脑风暴事实上回顾到了一种很长久的方式,回溯到了1939年,当广告执行总监亚历克斯F第一次设计出来。

    Brainstorming actually goes back a long way , all the way back to 1939 when it was first devised by advertising executive Alex F. Osborn .

  5. 拉合尔的数字权利基金会(DigitalRightsFoundation)的执行总监妮格特·达德(NighatDad)是在网上发布称赞俾路支的请愿书的女权主义团体成员。她说自己在Twitter上发表关于此案的帖子之后,遭到前所未有的强烈反对。

    Nighat Dad , the Lahore-based executive director of the Digital Rights Foundation and a member of the feminist collective that posted the petition celebrating Ms. Baloch , said that after writing on Twitter about the case , she had received an unprecedented backlash .

  6. AMR资源公司的执行总监阿尔达说,他的公司已经加速在土耳其南部生产稀土,以迎合日本资源短缺带来的需求。

    Ahmet Arda , managing director of AMR Resources , says his company has accelerated the production of rare earths in southern Turkey to take advantage of the shortage .

  7. 马库拉应用伦理学研究中心执行总监、授课教师KirkO.Hanson指出,课程供不应求的状况是由多种原因造成的。

    The course is in demand for many reasons , said Kirk O. Hanson , the course instructor and executive director of the Markkula Center for Applied Ethics .

  8. 斯坦福课程和业务开发执行总监肖恩班达卡(seanbandarkar)表示,这是一个机会,可以接触到那些可能永远不会来斯坦福上学的高管,还有助于在硅谷(siliconvalley)之外建立斯坦福关系网。

    It is , says Sean bandarkar , managing director of programme and business development at Stanford , a chance to reach out to executives who would never visit Stanford and to help build the Stanford community outside Silicon Valley .

  9. 就像Pantone的色彩研究所的执行总监所说,我们都对蓝色会流露出自然而然的喜爱,一部分原因是它的天空的颜色。

    According to executive director of the Pantone Colour Institute , we all have a natural preference for blue , partially because of the sky . '

  10. 齐莉格还是斯坦福科技投资项目的执行总监。

    Seelig is also executive director of the Stanford technology ventures program .

  11. 头衔:洁净水组织执行总监

    Title : Executive Director of the Clean Water Initiative

  12. 胡宁,现任平安信托物业投资部高级投资执行总监。

    Francis Hu , Senior Executive Director of Property Investment of Ping An Trust & Investment Co.

  13. 收容所执行总监菲尔·摩根说发生这种事情的几率可能微乎其微。

    The risk may be remote ( 3 ), said the shelter 's executive director , Phil Morgan .

  14. 丝绸之路项目的执行总监,劳拉?佛利德声称,鲁宾博物馆的艺术展给整个合奏乐团带来创造性的影响。

    Silk Road Project Executive director , Laura Freid says the art exhibited at the Rubin has served as a creative influence for the musicians in the ensemble .

  15. 在《死神来了》系列电影拍摄期间,发生了一系列匪夷所思的怪事,令演员、编剧、执行总监都胆战心惊。

    A series of creepy incidents surrounding the Final Destination franchise spooked the actors as well as the screenwriters and executives both before and during filming of the movies .

  16. 聪明的老板同样会指定一个高级执行总监来负责数据安全&而非仅仅使其成为一个在数据泄漏事件发生时的方便替罪的人。

    A wise boss will also appoint a senior executive to be responsible for data security & and not just to have a convenient scapegoat in the event of a leak .

  17. 权囗利运动的执行总监,说道一群人关注并且目睹事件的发生可以使事件彻底暴囗露并且使维护权囗利成为一件公众事务。

    Zhang Jianping , the executive director of the Rights Movement , says that a group of people following and watching an incident can expose it and make defending rights a public affair .

  18. 汤姆·詹金斯(执行总监):我认为人们能做的最重要的一点,就是把奥运会看作是一场盛大的晚会,而不是婚礼。

    Tom Jenkins ( Executive Director ): I think the most important thing that people can do is look upon the Olympics as a * as a great party , rather like a wedding .

  19. 以军法执行总监部为核心,包括行营、战区司令长官部以及各军、师、独立旅的军法处是实施战时军律的主要机构。

    The chief organization of implementing the discipline is the chief inspector department of military law , field headquarter , the command of war zone and every military law branch of army , division , and , independent bridge .

  20. 马来西亚“女性援助集团”执行总监艾薇·约西亚认为,马来西亚应该废除在某些情况下支持未成年婚姻的法律。她还补充说:“政府应该将(马来西亚)所有种族最低婚龄设为18岁。我们应该保护儿童”。

    Ivy Josiah , executive director of leading activist group Women 's Aid Organization , said that laws which allow underage marriage in certain cases must be dumped by Malaysia , " The government should set the minimum marriage age of 18 for all races . We need to protect the child , " she added .

  21. 我们公司一位执行创意总监不仅仅是在他的办公室开了一家酒吧,他的办公室就是一个酒吧,里面有一个U形吧台,使用漂亮的桃花心木制成,他会坐在吧台后面的高脚凳上撰写文案。

    One of our executive creative directors didn 't just have a bar in his office . His office was a bar . It was a U-Shaped bar , beautiful mahogany , and he would sit behind the bar on the bar stool and write his copy .

  22. 贯彻执行销售总监和区域经理指示的工作。

    Implement direction from director of sales and regional managers .

  23. 巴黎办事处的克里斯•加布特则来回踱步,这位执行创意总监掩饰不住自己的懊丧和失望。

    Chris Garbutt , Executive Creative Director for the Paris office , paced back and forth , frustrated and disappointed .

  24. 执行工程总监下达的任务,要求协助总监做好办公室工作并努力提高工作效率。

    Implement and complete the task that come from chief Eng. , request assist chief Eng. Do well office work and do my best improve work effective .

  25. 2013年9月,SEC对该公司及其前首席执行长和总监提起造假及相关指控。该公司及两位高管同意支付93.5万美元罚金与SEC达成和解。

    The SEC in September filed fraud and related charges against the company and its former chief executive and director , who agreed to settle for fines of $ 935,000 .

  26. 卡内基音乐厅执行与艺术总监克里夫•基林森(CliveGillinson)说,我们都感到,这个主题在目前的状态下并不适宜讨论。

    " All of us felt , as a topic , that wasn 't what you 'd want to be talking about right now ," executive and artistic director Clive Gillinson said .

  27. 巴特曾是美国平面设计协会(AIGA)的执行副主席和总监,并且也是AIGA芝加哥分部的创办者和前主席。

    Bart has been executive vice president and a director of the American Institute of Graphic Arts and is a founding member and past president of the AIGA Chicago Chapter .

  28. 首席执行官和财务总监的简历最为重要:大名鼎鼎的非执行董事无法补偿软弱的执行高管,因为是后者才是真正的经营者。

    The r é sum é s of the chief executive and finance director are the ones that matter : big name non-executives cannot compensate for weak executive managers who are actually running the business .