
  1. 我相信我死后会投胎成蛇。

    I believe I will be reincarnated as a snake .

  2. 蛇&最大的骗子(撒旦),将自己伪装成蛇的模样,蛇也是神创造的美好的生命之一。

    Serpent – The great deceiver ( Satan ) clothed himself as a serpent , one of God 's good creatures .

  3. 蛇体不同部位加工成的蛇粉中汞含量的测定

    Determination of mercury in snake powder made from different body of the snake

  4. 吸气,臀部往前推,头向前仰并扩胸,成眼镜蛇式。

    Inhale , slide the hips forwards , and arch the head and chest up into the Cobra pose ( see pp.64-5 ) .

  5. 他说:“如果你能制造成以蛇的细胞生物学和生物化学为基础的感受器,你就能使人工感受器技术显著发展。”

    " If you can build a sensor that 's based upon the cell biology and biochemistry " of snakes , he says ," you could make some extraordinary advancements in artificial sensor technology . "

  6. 当人梦见一条盘成圈的蛇,这就暗示着他(或她)家将遭遇不幸。

    When people dreamt a snake coiled it implies his or her family will have unrest .

  7. 让咱们在地面上画成一条蛇,先画完的人喝酒。

    Let us draw a snake on the ground ; the one who finishes first drinks the wine .

  8. 而这并不是因为生存竞争强迫而成的,蛇可以和数千种的无毒蛇一样,不依靠毒药捕食而谋生。

    It was not forced upon them by the survival competition ; they could have caught and lived on prey without using poison just as the thousands of non-poisonous snakes still do .

  9. 有的像许多伸出头、纠成一团的蛇;

    others like snakes knotted together , with their heads sticking out ;