
  • 网络catharsis;emotional catharsis;emotional disclosure
  1. 就官方和民间的社祭互动来说,官方着意于对民间文化的驯化,民间则重在节日中的情绪宣泄。

    To official and unofficial social interaction for the festival , the official pains in the domestication of folk culture , folk festival is focusing on the emotional catharsis .

  2. 随笔作为一种比较自由的写作方式,可以实现心理辅导的意义表达、情绪宣泄、沟通与建构功能。

    Essay used as a kind of open and free composing way can play the role of meaning conveyer , emotion catharsis , communication and construction of life in mental counseling .

  3. 不是乔丹的暴怒,而是乔丹式的情绪宣泄。

    Not Jordan 's rage , but Jordan 's emotional intensity .

  4. 然而,研究表明,怒气情绪宣泄的念头根本没有意义。

    Studies show , however , that the notion of anger catharsis is poppycock .

  5. 探讨了转型后小说中大量使用的内部语言及其情绪宣泄的功能。

    Explores the transformation of the novel large-scale use of internal language , catharsis .

  6. 你是否允许适当的情绪宣泄?

    Do you allow feelings to surface ?

  7. 情绪宣泄、停滞放弃和求助宗教三种应对方式年级差异显著。

    The three solutions , emotion vent , abandonment and religion vary distinctly with grades .

  8. 让你的情绪宣泄出来。

    Just let all these emotions out .

  9. 我们经历了震惊、情绪宣泄、激怒、内疚、消沉五个阶段,最后达到消解和重新适应的阶段。

    We go through the five stage program of shock , emotional release , anger , guilt , depression , and withdrawal , afterwards reaching a stage of resolution and readjustment .

  10. 运行探索性和验证性因素分析后表明:篮球运动员比赛应对方式主要有四种类型,即直接行动、情绪宣泄、重新计划和逃避;

    The results showed that the ways of coping with the basketball players consists of four factors , which are : direct action , morale drain , plan afresh , and avoidance behavior .

  11. 笔者分别从青春期的情绪宣泄、另类和叛逆的个性以及理性、理想光芒的闪现三个层面解读80后诗歌中的成长主题。

    The author from the adolescent emotional catharsis , alternative and rebellious personality as well as the rational and the ideal of the flash light 80 , after three levels of reading poetry in the " grow " theme .

  12. 方法:全部患者均选择同一化疗(足叶乙甙和卡铂)及放疗方案,治疗组在此基础上给予情绪宣泄和认知疗法:治疗开始阶段进行宣泄,每5d1次,需1~3次;

    METHODS : All participant received the same chemotherapy and radiotherapy ( etoposide carboplatin ), the patients in treatment group were given additional emotional catharsis and cognitive therapy at the beginning of treatment once every five days for 1-3 times ;

  13. 第二章在论述非理性和非理性表达的基础上着重分析和归纳网络论坛中非理性表达的表现形式,即情绪宣泄、群体极化、言语暴力、谣言四起和的碎片化的信息。

    In the second chapter , based on discussion on irrationality and irrational expressions , the author focuses on analysis and resume on the forms of irrational expressions : catharsis , group polarization , verbal abuse , rumors , and the fragmentation of information .

  14. 情绪宣泄能够缓解创伤或压力事件对免疫功能的消极影响,而抑制消极体验则会导致免疫系统功能的降低,引发更为严重的身心健康问题。

    Emotional disclosure can alleviate the negative effects of trauma or stressful events on immune system and promote the recovery and improvement of immune system , while inhibition of negative emotional experience can reduce the function of immune system and cause more serious physical or psychological health disease .

  15. 在灰色的讽刺后,加深了对社会黑暗强烈的反讽和没落情绪的宣泄,其幽默所指,充满逃离叙述主流的逃亡情绪。

    After the cinereous satire , the irony and catharsis of downfallen feelings have been deepened , whose humor is full of fugitive feelings of escaping narration .

  16. 因为这种生理和心理的变化,青少年迫切的需要情绪的宣泄,需要高级思维的进一步发展,需要进一步了解和认识社会,与他人交往。

    Because of these changes , youngsters may urgently need abreact their emotion , develop their advanced thinking and communicate with other people through further understanding the society .

  17. 精神发泄紧张情绪的宣泄,如在心力交瘁的经历过后借以重蓄或恢复精神白日梦、旅行或精神目标对你都是有帮助的宣泄途径。

    A release of emotional tension , as after an overwhelming experience , that restores or refreshes the spirit . Daydreaming , travel , or spiritual goals are constructive outlets too .

  18. 从他们的作品中我们可以阅读到青涩生猛情绪,宣泄和透露着他们迷惑、惶恐、怀旧、孤僻、暴力、幽默和力量。

    From their works , we can read a young and live emotion , which abreact and disclose their puzzlement , fear , nostalgia , withdrawnness , violence , humor and strength .

  19. 倾诉主要是抱怨行为主体向第三方表达对抱怨对象的不满,侧重于情绪的宣泄以及平衡内心不公平感。

    In " talk ", " actor " talk and complain about the " object " to a third party to express dissatisfaction . This complain focus on the emotional catharsis , and the balance of inner sense of unfairness .

  20. 反之,若一提到他前妻他就激动的不行,气得脸红脖子粗,则说明他仍对这段婚姻憋着一肚子气,心里满是挫败感,那么他很有可能会将这些负面情绪一股脑宣泄到你们的恋情中。

    If he turns red in the face and gets agitated at the mere mention of his ex-wife 's name , then he may still be harboring a lot of anger and frustration which could spill over into your relationship .

  21. 一旦情绪无法自然宣泄,人就开始感到焦虑和压力。

    When emotions are prevented from taking their natural course , people experience anxiety and stress .

  22. 传统的日记是写给自己看的私密性很强的东西,是一种思想和情绪的自我宣泄,不希望被别人看。

    Traditional diaries are written for oneself , very private things , and outlets for one 's own thoughts and feelings , which are not supposed to be read by others .

  23. 整理展示材料的过程有助于她担起责任:“如果我没有为此次活动做准备,我不会如此仔细地审视我曾犯过的错误。”她表示,直面自己的失败让她的情绪得到了宣泄。

    Putting the presentation together helped her take responsibility : " If I hadn 't been preparing for this I wouldn 't have looked at the mistakes I made so closely . " It has been cathartic , she says , to face up to her own failings .

  24. 优秀的电影作品能够疏导不良情绪,帮助人们宣泄情感障碍。

    Excellent film can dredge bad mood , help people to give vent to emotional problems .

  25. 坚持马来族的确被边缘化的马来人的潜在不满情绪,得到了宣泄。

    It helped unleash the latent unhappiness of those Malays who insisted that there is indeed marginalisation of the Malays .

  26. 在人格杂志上发表的一个研究说明,对于将近三分之二的一群女性她们每天都保持记录自己的情绪,流泪对宣泄情绪并没有什么作用。

    Research published in the Journal of Research in Personality found that shedding some tears had no effect on the mood for nearly two-thirds of a group of women who kept daily emotion journals .

  27. 克莱因博士补充道,最重要的是不要一味沉浸于那种悲伤情绪之中,“沉入你内心的负面情绪,(那种说)这样做有宣泄作用,你必须哭出来,将害怕的情绪宣泄出来,那都是胡说。”

    Dr Klein added it is important not to dwell on the times we felt sad , saying : ' Going deep down into your negative feelings , [ the idea ] it has a cathartic effect , and you have to cry your tears out and shout your fears out , is really c * * p. " "