
  • 网络situational variables;contextual variable;contextual dimensions
  1. 而情境变量则被用来描述那些影响和决定着结构变量的组织背景。

    The contextual dimensions which influence the structure dimensions is used for the description on organizational settings .

  2. 研究情境变量对情绪生理心理学研究的影响;

    To investigate the influence of situational variable on psychophysiological research of emotion ;

  3. 将3个情境变量组合起来,提出了不同情境下的影响策略的情境模型。

    Thus , the three variables are combined into a situational influence strategies model .

  4. 本文选取了企业领导行为对员工态度的影响作为研究主轴,并根据中国的实际情况引入了情境变量&员工的文化价值观和领导与员工的亲信关系,以期研究对本土实践有一般指导意义。

    This paper mainly researches the effects of leadership on staff 's attitude , and according China 's characteristic situation , put the cultural value & trusted follower into medium variables .

  5. 这种权变性没有得到学者深入的研究,企业社会网络的负面性经常被忽视,并且情境变量对企业社会网络效应的影响也没有被考虑。

    But this contingency had not been deeply researched , the dark side of corporate Social network and the situational variables that influence the corporate social network effect had often been ignored .

  6. 此外,研究结果还表明,教师学习调节还是主动性人格、自我效能、成就目标定向、学校目标结构等动机、认知、情境变量影响教师学习策略、适应性绩效和工作满意感的一个重要中介变量。

    In addition , teacher learning regulation would mediate the relationship between proactive personality , self-efficacy , achievement goal direction , school goal structure and teacher learning strategies , adaptive performance , job satisfaction .

  7. 通过对销售人员进行访谈,大致总结出能体现销售人员工作压力、组织支持感等工作情境变量的题目,为下文工作压力量表的设计和修正奠定基础。(2)实证研究。

    By interviewing salesmen , this paper approximately sums up the questions that embody the variables in working milieu which lay the foundation for the modification of the questionnaire . ( 2 ) Empirical study .

  8. 进一步研究了不同情境变量下的影响策略,包括:影响对象、影响目的和管理者性别。

    In addition , under the traditional Chinese culture , the authors set up the structure of influence strategies , which is based on three situational variables : objects , purposes and gender of managers .

  9. 另外,研究已经证明动机环境作为情境变量对成就动机有直接或间接的影响,而任务掌握气氛与运动参与正相关。

    In addition , research has proved that motivation climate as situational variant has direct or indirect effects on contribution motivation . Nevertheless , there is a positive correlation between task mastery climate and movement participation .

  10. 在研究设计中,以情境变量和情绪特质变量作为自变量,人口统计变量作为控制变量,工作满意度作为因变量,提出了研究假设。

    In the course of the quantitative study , the situation variables and emotional characteristic variables are regarded as independent variables , the demographic variables as control variables , and job satisfaction as a dependent variable .

  11. 本研究拓展了企业社会网络与企业绩效的研究模型,突出了企业社会网络作用机制的情境变量,揭示了股权集中度在企业社会网络效应中发挥的重要作用。

    This study expands the corporate social network and firm performance research model , highlights the situational variables of the corporate social network , reveal the important role of ownership concentration in the corporate social network effect .

  12. 进一步的研究应该关注两个方向,一是影响品牌联盟评价的调节变量和情境变量,二是消费者评价品牌联盟及其参与品牌的心理模式和过程。

    Further research should be concerned about the two directions . The first is the moderator and condition variables that influence the evaluation of brand alliance and the second , is applied psychological model and process by consumers when they are evaluating the brand alliance and participants .

  13. 首先,在文献研究、访谈调查和专家法的基础上,抽取出影响大学生村官工作投入的五大组织情境因素变量,并据此编制初始问卷。

    First of all , based on the literature study , interview survey and expert law , this study extracts five organization situation factors variables which affect " village officials " work devotion , and accordingly works out initial questionnaire .

  14. 第三,时间是幼儿园教师问题意识的情境的重要变量。

    Thirdly , time is the important variables of the situations in kindergarteners ' issue consciousness .

  15. 其中冲动性购买特质作为自变量,预期后悔和情境因素作为调节变量,冲动性购买行为倾向作为因变量。

    Characteristic of impulse buying as independent variable , anticipated regret and situational factors as the adjustment variable , impulsive buying as the dependent variable .

  16. 同时,通过让访谈对象对不同工作情境下工作紧张和绩效表现进行对比,为下文的实证研究进一步验证工作情境变量对因变量的缓冲作用奠定基础。

    Besides , via the comparison made by managers based on work tension and performance in different work circumstances , the interaction effect had been detected , which needed for further research in empirical study .