
  • life stress;The Stress of Life;Stress in life
  1. 高校教师生活压力的研究

    A Study on the Life Stress of University Teachers

  2. 女大学生生活压力与心理健康研究述论

    Review on Study of Female University Students ' Life Stress and Mental Health

  3. 这本书教你分析生活压力形成的原因。

    This book teaches you how to analyse what is causing the stress in your life .

  4. 道格拉斯扮演一个失意的普通美国人,他在日常生活压力下突然失控。

    Douglas plays a frustrated American everyman who suddenly loses control under the pressure of daily life .

  5. 她能妥善应付生活压力。

    She was able to cope well with the pressures of life .

  6. 生活压力、焦虑情绪、睡眠质量、以及基因遗传都与之相关。

    Stressful life events , anxiety , sleep quality and genetics are all linked to it .

  7. 她最近工作和生活压力很大,所以米卡偏头痛发作的次数比平时要多。

    They can last for a couple of days . She 's been under a lot stress at work and in her personal life lately , so Mika 's been getting more migraines than usual .

  8. 它传递的思想是,在21世纪的生活压力下,女性想要有一段时间可以专属于自己,并且免受工作和家庭中无休止的任务摆布,是越来越困难了。

    The idea is that , amidst the stress of 21st century life , a woman finds it increasingly difficult to spend time which is exclusively for her and is not encroached upon by the non-stop demands of work and family .

  9. 他是NBA第一个具有统治力的大个子,但在生活压力面前它不再那么高大。

    He was the NBA 's first dominant big man , but life literally cut him down to size .

  10. 近年来物价上涨使普通居民生活压力变重,而统计局公布的CPI涨幅与居民的主观感受存在偏差,使得居民对统计局的数据质量产生质疑。

    In recent years , because of the rising price , the living pressure of ordinary residents becomes heavier , and there is a deviation between the CPI released bv Bureau of Statistics and the subjective feelings of the residents , so that the residents doubt Bureau of Statistics .

  11. 先生是位完美主义者,使得生活压力更大。

    Being a perfectionist , Mr.B makes his life more stressful .

  12. 现在人们的生活压力都很大。

    People have a lot of pressure in nowaday 's life .

  13. 都市人面对种种生活压力,大量社会问题备受关注。

    City life is filled with all sorts of stress and problems .

  14. 他想办法应付每天的生活压力。

    He managed to hold up under the daily stress .

  15. 你会觉得很有生活压力。

    You think a lot about the pressures of life .

  16. 竞争激烈的社会充满了生活压力和工作压力。

    The competitive society is full of life pressures and work pressures .

  17. 她承受不了作为一个公众人物的生活压力和紧张。

    She failed to withstand the stresses and strains of public life .

  18. 生活压力较大,希望得到关心;

    Having pressures in life , they hope to be cared for .

  19. 大批居民从小茅屋转移到房屋之后只是为自己带来更多的生活压力。

    The ubiquitous exodus from huts to houses only adds to the strains .

  20. 职业紧张与生活压力对铁路女工月经的影响

    Effects of Work Stress and Family Stress on Menses in Female Railway Workers

  21. 大自然是对付生活压力与烦恼的最好良药。

    Nature is an amazing healer for the stresses and strains of modern life .

  22. 公务员和企业员工工作生活压力比较研究

    A Comparative Study on Job and Life Stress between Public Servants and Enterprise Staff

  23. 例:研究表明,生活压力大是头痛的元凶。

    Eg : Research shows that life stress is the prime cause for headache .

  24. 谈话一会儿就变成了各自对工作生活压力的抱怨。

    The conversation soon turned into complaints about stress in work and in life .

  25. 压力&香港是个社会节奏快,生活压力大的国际大都市。

    Pressure & Hong Kong is an international metropolis with fast pace and great life pressure .

  26. 高校学生生命意义感、生活压力与生活适应的关系研究

    The Relationship of Life Meaning and Life Pressure to the Life Adjustment for the University Students

  27. 广西民族地区中学生生活压力事件问卷编制报告

    A Questionnaire about the Life Pressure Events of the Middle School Students in Guangxi Ethnic Areas

  28. 初中学生个人素质、生活压力与心理健康的关系研究

    The Relationship Between Junior Middle School Students ' Diathesis , and Life Stress with Mental Health

  29. 其生活压力随年龄的增长呈上升的趋势,无性别差异;

    The elementary school pupil 's life event stress increased by age and without gender difference .

  30. 大学生的社会支持并没有产生调节生活压力对生命意义之效果。

    The college students'social support had no buffering effect between stress and the meaning of life .