
  • 网络Situation report;situation circular
  1. 在八月份召开的一项艾滋病的国际会议上,当HIV疫苗发展的新情况通报给大家之后,大家一致认为研发疫苗的工作还远远没有实现。

    At an international AIDS meeting in August , following updates on the status of HIV vaccine trials , there was wide consensus the world is not close to a vaccine .

  2. 这些文档显示,GCHQ昼夜不停地实时向45名分析人士提供了峰会期间谁正与谁通电话的情况通报。

    The documents suggest that GCHQ supplied 45 analysts with a live round-the-clock summary of who was phoning whom at the summit .

  3. 2002年全国安全生产情况通报

    A circular on the nation-wide safety in production in 2002

  4. 阿肯色州的学校将学生肥胖情况通报家长的计划。

    An effort by Arkansas schools notify parents when students are overweight .

  5. 第九届北京&埃森焊接与切割展览会筹备情况通报

    The 9th Beijing ESSEN Welding & Cutting Fair Report for preparing and arrangement

  6. 吉林省外办已将上述情况通报了有关国家驻华使馆。

    The foreign office of Jilin Province has already informed relevant embassies in China .

  7. 紧急情况通报和援助技术工作手册

    Emergency Notification and Assistance Technical Operations Manual

  8. 全国有线电视数字化进展的情况通报

    Circular about Progress of National CATV Digitization

  9. 世卫组织将通过早餐情况通报会和专家组讨论会重点强调几项公共卫生问题,其中包括

    Through breakfast briefings and panel discussions , WHO will highlight several public health issues , including

  10. 但是周日,古巴当局将在岛屿上发现哈肯一家的情况通报了美国国务院。

    But Cuban authorities notified the State Department Sunday of the Hakken 's presence on the island .

  11. 2009年2月,帕内塔就任中情局局长以后首次关于本拉登的情况通报会令人失望。

    Mr. Panetta 's first briefing on bin Laden as CIA chief , in February 2009 , was discouraging .

  12. 部分反应堆的数据未得到公布,这成为东京电力在情况通报会上与记者的争论点。

    The lack of disclosure of data at certain reactors has become a point of contention at Tepco 's briefings with reporters .

  13. 建立和完善党内情况通报制度、情况反映制度和重大决策征求意见制度。

    We should establish and improve inner-Party information sharing and reporting systems and the system of soliciting opinions concerning major policy decisions .

  14. 我国政府和企业要充分利用听证会和情况通报等程序提出我方观点和证据。

    Government and enterprises should make full use of such hearings and briefings procedures , bring up our point of view and evidences .

  15. 但是,该养殖场场主秦国荣却并未及时将情况通报给当地警方,现已被拘留调查。

    But the farm owner , Qin Guorong , failed to report the case to the police and has now been detained for investigation .

  16. 此外,还有根据需要召开的专题座谈会、专题协商会、情况通报会、论证会、意见听取会、研讨会等。

    In addition , according to the need to convene a symposium , special consultations , briefings , verification meetings , public hearings , seminars .

  17. 他表示,中方已通过外交渠道将有关情况通报美方和日方,愿继续协助处理好后续事宜。

    He says the United States and Japan have been notified of the deaths through diplomatic channels , adding that China will offer necessary assistance .

  18. 布什在白宫听取紧急救援人员最新情况通报之后承诺,联邦政府将尽最大努力帮助“艾克”飓风灾民。

    After his latest briefing at the White House from emergency officials , he promised the federal government will do all it can to assist the victims of Hurricane Ike .

  19. 国际劳工局局长应将各成员国就本公约所交存的所有批准书、受书和退出书的登记情况通报国际劳工组织的全体成员国。

    The Director-General of the International Labour Office shall notify all members of the International Labour Organization of the registration of all ratifications , acceptances and denunciations under this convention .

  20. 中华人民共和国交通部应当将打捞作业的起止时间、理位置等情况通报国家海洋局等有关部门。

    The Ministry of Communications should inform the National Bureau of Oceanography and other departments concerned of the time of beginning and ending the salvage operations and their geographic position .

  21. 世卫组织总干事将在开幕式上作主旨发言,世卫组织的其他高级官员将参加为期四天会议期间举行的早餐情况通报会和专家组讨论会。

    The Director-General of WHO will give a keynote address at the opening session , and other WHO senior staff will take part in breakfast briefings and panel discussions throughout the four days .

  22. 福特快步朝走廊另一头走去,任那东西晃晃悠悠地跟在自己屁股后头。它不停地告诉他一切都多么美好,能够把这一情况通报给他自己又多么的高兴。

    Ford hurried on down the corridor , letting the thing bob along in his wake telling him how delicious everything was , and how happy it was to be able to tell him that .

  23. 第六,在损害最终调查阶段,我国政府和企业也要认真回答问卷,充分利用问卷、听证会和情况通报机会,提出无损害和无因果关系的抗辩。

    Sixthly , in the final investigation stage of damage , government and enterprises must seriously answer the questionnaires , make full use of questionnaires , hearings and briefings , and other opportunity to provide no damage , and no causal relationship between dumping / subsidies and damages defense .

  24. 沃伦上校在情况通报中表示:“我们正在打击这条蛇的蛇头部位。我们尚未把蛇头割下来,它的毒牙仍然还在——这一点我们必须明确。我们还要打更多仗。”

    In a briefing , Colonel Warren said : " We are striking at the head of this snake . We haven 't severed the head of this snake yet and it still has got fangs - we have to be clear about that . There is much more fighting to do . "

  25. 卫生部关于2002年重大食物中毒情况的通报

    Circular on major food poisoning issues in 2002 issued by Ministry of Healthy

  26. 交通部安委会发布关于近期客轮火灾事故情况的通报《神经科学通报》编辑委员会

    The Safety Commission of MOC releases the Circular on Recent Fire Accidents involving Passenger Ships NEUROSCIENCE BULLETIN MEMBERS OF EDITORIAL BOARD

  27. 交通部关于金富星18等三艘船舶检验问题情况的通报

    The circulated notice released by MOC on the survey issues involving the three ships , including M / V " JIN FU XING 18 "

  28. 对于连续数日不申报融资融券业务数据或申报数据有误的会员,我所将视情况采取通报批评、公开谴责、暂停或限制融资融券交易权限等监管措施。

    For members failing to declare the financed funds and bonds business data for consecutive days or submitteding inaccurate data error member , the exchange will adopt informed criticism , denounce in public , suspend or limit the authority of financed funds and bonds trading etc regulatory measures .

  29. 各派出机构要加强对上市公司资产重组信息的监管,发现异常情况,及时通报证券交易所。

    All dispatched agencies shall strengthen the supervision of the capital reorganization information of the listed companies and inform the stock exchange timely if they find any unusual situations .

  30. 大堂经理对酒店内发生抢劫和预谋抢劫的情况予以立即通报,并作相应跟踪,确保员工和个人的安危。

    The Guest Service Manager will be immediately notified of a robbery or attempted robbery within the Hotel and will follow procedures accordingly as not to jeopardize staff or self .