
  • 网络situational leadership
  1. 情境领导理论在见习期护士培训中的应用

    Application of situational leadership theory in nurse training during probationary period

  2. 如果你上过商学院的话,你可能学过情境领导理论。

    If you have been to business school you have probably studied Situational Leadership .

  3. “情境领导模式”理论已被实践证明是一种有效的工作模式。

    The theory of " Circumstances Lead Model " have been testified an effective work model .

  4. 情境领导的探讨

    Discussion on Contextual Leader

  5. 情境领导理论认为,把较大的项目委派给那些已经在工作中证明了自身能力的下属相对而言比较容易。但是,他们是不是能一直这样胜任?

    Again , the principle of situational leadership applies : it is easier to delegate large projects to people who have already proven themselves competent .

  6. “情境领导理论”认为,把较大的项目委派给那些已经在工作中证明了自身能力的下属相对而言比较容易。

    Again , the principle of " situational leadership " applies : it is easier to delegate large projects to people who have already proven themselves competent .

  7. 有鉴于此,本文突破传统压力管理理念,基于情境领导理论对员工工作压力进行研究,从管理者领导方式与员工发展阶段的匹配这一角度分析工作压力问题。

    In view of this , this paper broke through traditional stress management idea , based on the situational leadership theory studied work stress , analyzed work stress problem In terms of matching of managers leadership and employee development stage .

  8. 校长的领导方式、领导情境、领导效能不因性别、年龄、学历、任职年限等的不同而有显著差异;

    Candidate 's sex , age , education background and work experiences as leader don 't bring significant influence on his leadership style , leadership situation aad effectiveness ;

  9. 他们的研究主要集中在领导者的个人特质、领导者行为发生的情境以及领导行为与绩效的关系。

    They had made fruitful achievements in their researches . Their studies focused on the personal traits of leaders , the situational determinants of leadership behaviors and its relation with performance etc.

  10. 危机领导就是领导者在危机情境中的领导活动。

    Leadership in crisis is leadership activities in a crisis situation .

  11. 他的研究方向为中国情境下的领导和变革管理。

    His research focuses on leadership and change management in China .

  12. 有关工作情境因素与领导行为关系的研究则主要集中于组织行为学,而从心理学角度将它们作为影响领导行为外源性因素的研究很少涉及。

    Relationship between work epidemic factors and leadership behaviors were mainly investigated in organizational behaviorism , almost no in psychology .

  13. 八种领导情境下,领导方式与领导效能的相关基本上符合菲德勒权变模式的预测,支持了菲德勒权变理论,但所有相关系数均未达到显著性水平。

    Under 8 leadership situations , the correlation between leadership style and leadership effectiveness primarily matches the prediction of Fiedler contingency model and supports his theory .

  14. 试论副职领导必备的能力和素质论领导情境与副职领导干部配备方式&以深圳大学实行正职对副职提名权的做法为例

    Capacity and Qualification of Deputy Cadres The Leader 's Situation and the Choice of the Subsidiary Leader & An Analysis of the Reform in Shenzhen University

  15. 本文主要研究了危机情境下变革型领导的作用机理和危机处理过程中的行为特征。

    This paper mainly studies the transformational leadership 's mechanism of the action in crisis situations and the behavioral characteristics in the crisis in the crisis management process .

  16. 第六部分分析了隐性领导的实现途径,认为有效实施隐性领导,需要将树立领导者的隐性领导思想、构建领导情境和隐藏领导方式,三方面有机的结合起来。

    The sixth part analyzes the realization ways of recessive leadership that the effective implementation recessive leadership , need will establish leader of the leadership thought , constructing the recessive leadership situation and hidden leadership , organic combine three aspects .

  17. 笔者认为有效的团队领导风格需要反映情境因素,团队领导风格的有效性与团队成员成熟度与团队任务结构等环境因素相关。

    The author concludes that effective team leader must reflect the circumstance factors such as the team member maturity and the task structure .