
qínɡ bào zhàn
  • intelligence station;information post
  1. 我们想让他做情报站的头。

    We 're thinking about giving him a station .

  2. 在分析雷达旅(团)情报站的作战环境、任务及信息处理流程的基础上,提出了一种分布式的雷达网信息处理仿真平台。

    By analyzing combating environment , task and processing flow of information in radar regiment station , a distributed simulation platform is proposed .

  3. 此外,俄罗斯还放弃了位于古巴的一个无线电情报站,以及位于越南的一个基地。普京本以为这些举措能换来某些回报,最终却什么也没得到。

    Russia also gave up a radio intelligence station in Cuba and a base in Vietnam – steps for which Mr Putin expected something in return but received little .

  4. 就这样,这位英国同性恋无神论数学家,和他的助手在这无线电情报站的小屋里,构想出了计算机。

    And thus it was that in this remote station of the new Sigint empire , working with one assistant in a small hut , and thinking in his spare time , an English homosexual atheist mathematician had conceived of the computer .

  5. GB13618-1992对空情报雷达站电磁环境防护要求

    Requirements of electromagnetic environment protection for air defense surveillance radar station

  6. 无线电截听或情报分析站

    Radio interception or intelligence analysis post

  7. 该系统适用于新标准情况下水情报汛站与地市级水情信息分中心的水情信息传输,为水情报汛站贯彻实施《水情信息编码标准》提供了简单易行的手段。

    The system is applicable to transmit the hydrological information between hydrological station and hydrological information branch center based on the new standard conditions , and then provides a feasible means for the hydrological stations to carry out the Standard for Hydrological Information Code simply and practicably .

  8. 昨晚这个索引在萨拉耶佛的中央情报局研究站被偷了。

    Last night the index was stolen from the CIA research station in sarajevo .

  9. 她发表此番讲话前一周,至少两名德国政府工作人员收受贿赂为美国提供间谍情报的消息被揭露,她下令驱逐了美国中央情报局德国站站长。

    Her remarks came a week after she ordered the departure of the CIA station chief in Berlin , following revelations that at least two German government workers had received money to spy for the US .