
  • 网络Scope Change
  1. 在项目管理过程中最突出的是项目变更问题,其中绝大多数都属于范围变更或由范围变更引起的其他变更。

    In project management practice , the most prominent issue is project changes . The majority of those changes are scope change or others that are generally arisen by scope change .

  2. 铁路信息化项目范围变更流程与过程控制研究

    A Study of Scope Change Control in Railway Infomation Project

  3. 大多自适应的方法都允许范围变更(随时可以向backlog增加故事卡片),区别仅仅是理论在现实生活中的一些不同。

    Most Adaptive methodologies will allow changes in scope ( adding storycards at any time to the backlog ) and thus the distinction is merely academic in real life .

  4. 第二条“s”曲线应包括任何商定的范围变更。

    The second 's'curve shall include any agreed variations to scope .

  5. 未计划工作的识别与执行,包括范围变更

    Unplanned work identified and implemented , including scope changes

  6. 在业务流程分析中对范围变更进行规划

    Plan for scope changes in business process analysis

  7. 您可以在对它们进行较大范围变更之前运行您所选择的过程,使它对您的交付自动化解决方案产生效果。

    You should implement your selected processes into your delivery automation solution as they exist today before making broad changes to them .

  8. (四)兼营广告业务的企业,应当办理经营范围变更登记。

    For enterprises concurrently engaged in advertising business , applications shall be filed with the relevant departments for change of business scope registration .

  9. 论文运用文献搜索法、案例研究法对铁路信息化项目范围变更的分类、管理中存在的问题、控制体系及控制措施进行了探索和研究。

    The paper make use of literature search , case studies of railway information on the scope of the project to change the classification , management problems , control system and control measures carried out exploration and research .

  10. 项目管理方法系确定了协助项目管理团队制定与控制项目初步范围说明书变更的过程。

    The project management methodology defines a process that aids a project management team in developing and controlling changes to the preliminary project scope statement .

  11. 不要不切实际的期望IT项目交付团队在需求范围不断变更的情况下还能够遵守进度和预算。

    It is unreasonable to expect the IT project delivery team to commit to schedule and budget if the requirements scope is continually changing underneath them .

  12. 最后讨论了引起面向虚拟供应链的项目范围发生变更的原因,并针对每个原因提出了相应的解决方法。

    At last , the reasons that result in the scope changes are discussed , and at the same time , the resolution is given respectively .

  13. 我们和他们探讨了当时敏捷社区中正热烈讨论的“组织范围的变更”和“组织训练”:为什么现在这个这么热门?

    We asked them about the shift in the Agile community toward talking about " organizational change " and " organizational coaching ": why is this happening now ?

  14. 根据农业发展银行业务范围的变更,可以将农业发展银行的发展历程大致分为以下三个阶段:单一的开发性金融阶段、资金封闭运行阶段以及综合性开发金融阶段。

    According to changes of business scope , it can be broadly divided into three stages : a single stage of financial development , closed-loop operation funds and comprehensive stage of financial development .

  15. 有了该方案,软件开发团队就可以管理不同分布地理范围内的变更与配置。

    With this solution , software development teams can manage change and configuration across distributed geographies .

  16. 当发生下降阻碍时,则仅对需要的范围传播权值变更信息。

    When there is no descend path , the algorithm just posts the information to required areas .

  17. 程序的范围可以从变更企业的一方面,到转变整个的企业。

    Programs can range in scope from modifying one aspect of the enterprise to transforming the entire business .

  18. 合并报表范围如发生变更,应当披露变更内容、原因。

    In case of changes of the consolidated statements , the content and causes for the changes shall be disclosed .

  19. 迁徙自由权是指公民在法律允许的范围内自主变更居住地的权利。

    The freedom of Migration is the right of citizens to choose their resident on the will in the scope of law .

  20. 然而,从药品质量体系的观点,所有的变更应由公司范围内的变更管理体系评估。

    However , from a pharmaceutical quality system standpoint , all changes should be evaluated by a company 's change management system ;

  21. 相关文件可以被链接,这可以使得对项目范围及资源变更影响的分析变得更为容易。

    Related requirements can be linked , which makes it easier to analyze the impact of a change on the project 's scope and resources .

  22. 当事人对委托代理人的授权范围是可以变更的,可以扩大或缩小,代理权变更后,应通知人民法院和对方当事人。

    Party can be changed to accredit limits of the attorney , can expand or narrow , after dealership is changed , should inform people of court and the opposing party .

  23. 其中,对缔约过失责任的独立性、责任承担方式、赔偿范围和合同变更、解除、有效情况下的缔约过失责任提出了自己看法;

    Meanwhile , I put forward my position in the independence , way of commitment , scope of compensation and of treaty-making errors responsibility as well as it in the change , dissolution and validness of contract .

  24. 但所签合同条款,或对工程的实施、完成及修补其缺陷的性质和范围的任何变更,不解除保证人所承担之上述保证书规定的义务。

    But no alteration in terms of the said contract or in the extent or nature of the works to be executed , completed and defects therein remedied thereunder shall in any way release the Guarantor from any liability under the above-written guarantee .

  25. 本文详细分析了系统工程的有关方法,并基于系统工程方法提出了项目范围管理流程和变更控制方法。

    The project scope management processes and change control methods are proposed base on the system engineering methods .

  26. 合并会计报表是会计理论和方法体系中的难点,本文论述了合并会计报表涉及到的合并范围的确定和变更、子公司净资产为负数情况下的合并会计报表及比例合并方法几个方面的内容。

    Consolidate statement is difficult content of accounting theories and methods . The thesis describes and settles some problems about consolidate financial statement , they are the choice and change of consolidated range , consolidate statement with subsidiary of negative net asset and proportional consolidation method .

  27. 样板可能包括工作分解结构样板、范围管理计划样板与项目范围变更控制表格。

    Templates could include work breakdown structure templates , scope management plan templates , and project scope change control forms .

  28. 本文就未来PHS网络转型方向及其网络改造项目范围进行研究,分析PHS网络转型方向,研究PHS网络转型项目中的范围管理,界定项目范围并明确项目范围变更控制方法。

    By study the reform direction and the scope management of PHS network reform projects , this thesis will define project scope and scope control methods of PHS network reform projects .