- restored construction project;rehabilitated item

Mr. Fu runs a habitat recovery program in Xianning , Hubei Province .
Unexpected deviations from the plan can cause immense delays in the disaster recovery project .
Without that link conservationists have been hard-pressed to make an economic argument for restoration projects large and small .
Student : And that background information will fit right into my project on salt marsh restoration . This is so great !
Trying to recover , the Energy Department is trying to cut a deal with a utility that is already planning a new power plant .
The design of a wetland restoration project must be based on concise objectives , which will in turn guide the approach and subsequent effectiveness monitoring .
Foreign experts have done some researches on assessing habitat quality , measuring habitat differences and assessing the success of ecological restoration projects using arthropod as indicator .
However , USA still gets some achievements , such as the Healthy Forest Executive Planning done by Bush in 2002 , with American Forest Fireproofing Planning , forming a forest restoration project .
He announced the institution would increase its support to drought affected Horn of Africa countries from $ 500 million to nearly $ 2 billion to address short-term needs and fund long-term recovery .
Highway establishment produces side-effect to natural zoology system , to minimize the effect , resume the conditions before highway establishment , endow the land new purpose according with sustainable development , landscape-zoology must be reconstructed .
Research on the Post-evaluation of Restoring and Reconstruction Projects after Wenchuan Earthquake
Space Adventures was set to resume the program in 2013 , but that has yet to occur .
Consolidation into a single set of standards should be a goal of your disaster recovery planning project and an overall strategy of business continuity .
Ultimately , a conclusion is come to and some suggestions are put forward to improve the post project evaluation of post-disaster reconstruction in our country .
This paper gives a brief introduction to the objectives , research and development activities , demonstration activities as well as training activities of the European approach to nuclear and radiological emergency management and rehabilitation strategies ( EURANOS project ) .
Introduction to European Approach to Nuclear and Radiological Emergency Management and Rehabilitation Strategies
They need a well-considered concept for the future a concept that can restore the credibility of the European project .
Beijing could restart approvals as soon as next year however , after new safety codes and a new atomic energy law are completed .
The author also documents the process of the VSOs with Xishuangbanna Tropical Forest Rehabilitation and Conservation Project , and elaborates the roles of VSOs .
CFF reflexes central fatigue and BUN reflexes periphery fatigue . Their change are derangement , central fatigue emerges later , and recovers slower , in fencing we should think high of central fatigue .
Select the components to restore and the items to restore .
He was replying to an offer made by Ashton in early June to resume talks on the Iranian nuclear program .
Iran will also be able to return to its previous enrichment programs it has been scaling back this year as part of the interim deal .
【 Conclusion 】 As a result , much of the restored vegetation is at risk of being converted once more into farmland and rangeland when the project 's living subsidies end , compromising the sustainability of the project 's environmental achievements .