
héng xīng yǎn huà
  • stellar evolution
恒星演化[héng xīng yǎn huà]
  1. 恒星演化晚期阶段研究中的流体动力学计算方法

    Computational Methods of Fluid Dynamics in the Study of Late Stages of Stellar Evolution

  2. 氢燃烧后的恒星演化及物理原理

    Stellar Evolution After Hydrogen Burning And Physical Principles

  3. 8M■恒星演化过程中湍流应力作用效果的分析

    The Analysis of the Effect of Turbulent Stress on the Evolution of the Star with 8M_ ■

  4. 新不透明度下对流超射对大中质量恒星演化的影响

    The Influence of Convective Overshooting on Modelling Massive and Intermediate-Mass Stars with New Opacities

  5. 恒星演化和超新星爆发理论中某些重要问题的核物理问题

    Some important questions of nuclear physics on the theoryof both stellar evolution and supernova explosion

  6. 我们对于宇宙学,星系和行星形成的了解也全部都需要恒星演化的理论。

    Our understanding of cosmology , galaxies and planetary formation all depend on stellar evolution .

  7. 超新星是恒星演化的最终阶段,是最激烈的天体物理现象。

    A supernova is the last stage of stellar evolution , and is a violent astrophysical phenomena .

  8. 在恒星演化过程中湍流压常被忽略,但其对流区固有的大尺度湍流使得湍流压必然存在。

    Although turbulent pressure is omitted generally , its inherent large-scale turbulence on convection region makes turbulent pressure inevitable .

  9. 第三个重要任务是要由观测得到不可辩驳的证据来证明原恒星演化中的一些最早期现象确实能发生。

    Third , it is important to derive from the observations irrefutable evidence that the earliest phases in the evolution of protostars do occur .

  10. 星团和星协中蓝离散星的存在是一种较普遍的现象,这对传统的恒星演化理论提出了挑战。

    The occurrence of blue stragglers in star clusters and associations is a common phenomenon and presents a challenging problem for traditional steller evolutionary theories .

  11. 综述了数值模拟恒星演化晚期阶段所使用的流体动力学计算方法和程序等方面的情况以及研究现状。

    The computational methods and current situation of fluid dynamics in the study of the late stages of the stellar evolution are presented in this review .

  12. 该星周尘可能是由红超巨星抛出物质所构成的大气层膨胀所致,这是大质量恒星演化的最后阶段。

    The dust is likely formed as the swollen atmosphere of the supergiant sheds material into space , a final phase in the evolution of a massive star .

  13. 然而在大爆炸宇宙模型和恒星演化理论之间存在一个人们了解甚少的领域:就是由大量恒星组成而又作为宇宙基本单元的星系是如何形成和演化的?

    Between the theories of big-bang cosmology and the theory of stellar structure and theory , there is a gap still rarely understood : how do the galaxies form ?

  14. 在第一部分引言中,说明现代恒星演化学说的分歧主要是在恒星形成主序星以后的演化。

    In the first introductory part it is pointed out that the main difference among current theories of stellar evolution is in the evolutionary stage after stars move onto the main sequence .

  15. 如果在恒星演化过程有磁应力来支撑引力,超过中子星质量上限的大质量中子星则不致于坍缩成黑洞。

    If the magnetic stress bears up the gravitation in the stellar evolution , the big mass neutron star over the neutron - star mass can not collapse into a black hole .

  16. 贫金属星被称为是恒星演化历史的“化石”。研究其核合成元素丰度,对检验核合成理论和探索恒星形成具有十分重要的意义。

    The metal-poor stars are known as the stellar evolution history of the " fossil . " Studying the nucleosynthesis element abundances to test nucleosynthesis theories and exploration of star formation have great significance .

  17. 但是随着观测技术的提高,近几十年来科学家们发现经典的恒星演化模型计算结果与最新的观测结果存在较大的差异。

    But with the improvement of observation technology , scientists find that there exist lots of differences between the calculated result of evolution model of the classic stars and the latest observation results in recent decades .

  18. 根据粒子物理理论和量子简并理论,本文认为自然界存在夸克星,这是恒星演化最后阶段形成的一类产物。

    According to the particle physics theory and the quantum degeneration theory , this paper considers that quark stars are in existence in nature . They are the product of the last stage of the star 's evolutionary process .

  19. 利用简并费米统计理论,并考虑到电子运动的相对论效应,求出白矮星的极限质量&Chan-drasekhar极限质量,并进一步讨论了这一极限质量在恒星演化过程中的意义。

    Using degenerate Fermi statistics theory and considering the relativistic effect of electronic move - ment , this paper derives limited mass of White Dwarf Stars-Chandrasekhar limit , and then discusses the importance of Chandrasekhar limit in the stellar evolution process .

  20. 根据恒星演化理论,在大约45亿年之后,太阳将变成一个巨大的红色星球,它和地球的距离会缩小,所有的液体会蒸发掉,可能太阳会吞噬地球。

    According to the stellar evolution theory , in approximately 4.5 billion years , the sun will become a giant red star , its distance to Earth will shrink , all liquids will evaporate , and possibly the sun will absorb Earth .

  21. 将恒星演化模型与观测结果进行对比,还能有效地追踪银河系自形成以来的演化历史、理解核合成理论,并且对现有的宇宙模型作出检验,促使人们对宇宙演化有更新的认识。

    Researchers can also effectively trace the evolutionary history of the Milky Way since its formation , understand the nucleosynthesis theory , and examine the existing models of the universe by comparing stellar evolution models and observing results to promote researchers updating understanding of universe evolution .

  22. 正常恒星的演化模型计算

    The computation of the evolution model of normal stars

  23. 各种质量的恒星的演化,均以流体力学的时间尺度进行。

    Evolution of stars of all masses takes place on a hydrodynamic time scale .

  24. 这对恒星晚期演化和超新星爆发研究可能会有重要的影响。

    The screening effect may importantly influences the study of stellar late stage evolution and supernova burst .

  25. 天体物理学讲座第一讲恒星的演化

    STELLAR EVOLUTION Evolution of stars

  26. 而且对流区域越大,恒星的演化寿命变化越大;

    And the larger the area of the convection is , the more changes of the lifetime has .

  27. 通过计算机模拟技术,对短程力步长在星系中的分子云和恒星的演化中的作用做了详细的研究。

    The effect of the step for the short self-gravitation of molecular clouds is studied by means of numerical simulation .

  28. 后来许多研究元素扩散对太阳及其它恒星的演化影响的工作也展开了。

    Later , a large number of studies have been made of the effect of diffusion on the evolution of the Sun and other stars .

  29. 在2009年它首次引起人们注意,当时它骤然爆炸成为一颗超新星,并发出闪耀的光芒。超新星就是恒星在演化末期时经历的一种剧烈爆炸。

    It first drew attention in 2009 , when it flared up brightly in an apparent supernova - a star exploding at the end of its life .

  30. 湍流压对中小质量恒星后期演化的影响(I)湍流压对内部结构和演化的影响

    The Influence of Turbulent Pressure on the Late Stages of Evolution of Low and Intermediate mass Star . ( II ) The Effect of Turbulent Pressure on the Internal Structure and Evolution