
  • 网络hang seng;HANG SENG BANK;Hang Seng Bank Limited;Hang Seng Bank Ltd
  1. 若加上其子公司恒生银行(HangSengBank),汇丰仍控制香港三分之一的贷款市场,吸纳存款的份额也大致相同。

    Together with Hang Seng Bank , its subsidiary , it still controls one-third of the local lending market and holds about the same in deposits .

  2. 这些活动得到了香港商业团体的支持,如利丰集团,恒生银行,汇丰银行慈善基金,以及嘉里控股等。

    Such efforts are supported by leaders of Hong Kong business community including Li & Fung , Hang Seng Bank , the Hong Kong Bank Foundation , and Kerry Holdings .

  3. 它持有一家中国本土资产管理公司和一家保险公司的股份,并控股香港恒生银行(HangSengBank)。

    It has stakes in a local asset manager and an insurer , and controls Hang Seng Bank .

  4. 其他贷款人包括巴克莱银行(Barclays)、澳新银行(ANZBank)、瑞信(CreditSuisse)、荷兰国际集团(ING),以及总部位于香港的永隆银行(WingLungBank)和恒生银行(HangSengBank)。

    Others include Barclays , ANZ , Credit Suisse , ING and Hong Kong-based lenders Wing Lung and Hang Seng Bank .

  5. 沃尔玛的全球采购中心建在中国深圳市,去年恒生银行的老总把办公室从伦敦搬到了香港。

    Wal-Mart 's global head of procurement is based in Shenzhen . HSBC 's boss moved from London to Hong Kong last year .

  6. 并以恒生银行发行的一款汇率挂钩型理财产品为例进行实证研究,从而印证模糊综合评估法在结构性理财产品风险评估的有效性。

    Then , through an empirical analysis of financial products issued by Hang Seng Bank , which confirms the fuzzy comprehensive evaluation method for risk assessment of the effectiveness of the structured financial products .