- dwarf star

[dwarf star] 亮度正常或较低而重量及大小比较小的星(如太阳)
What is left after an explosion is a dwarf star of extraordinary density .
Discovery of X-ray Selected AGNs , a White Dwarf and a Cataclysmic Variable
The new star is what astronomers1 call a ' white dwarf2 ' .
Some white dwarves4 have almost pure hydrogen or helium atmospheres , but this star has an atmosphere unusually high in the heavier element , carbon .
G Dwarfs Metallicity Distribution in the Solar Neighbourhood and the Chemical Evolution
Solving the G-dwarf Problem with a Three-Component Model of the Chemical Evolution of the Galaxy
Visual surface brightness and radius of Da and non-DA white dwarfs
And it 's been dubbed WISE J085510.83-071442.5 .
Its dim thermal glow was just barely discernible to the infrared eyes of WISE and Spitzer .
A supernova from a merger of two white dwarfs , on the other hand , would create significantly less X-ray emission than the accretion scenario .
An open question remains whether these white dwarf mergers are the primary catalyst for Type1a supernovae in spiral galaxies .
Last year , astronomers at the National Radio Astronomy Observatory in Charlottesville , Virginia , discovered the first pulsar orbited by two other shrunken stars , called white dwarfs .
A carbon-oxygen white dwarf may explode as Type Ia supernova by accreting matter from its company via either Roche lobe overflow or wind .
The observations also show for the first time that a white dwarf can create a cavity around it before blowing up in a Type Ia event .
It was spotted recently by NASA 's WISE and Spitzer space telescopes .
Most scientists agree a Type1a supernova occurs when a white dwarf star a collapsed remnant of an elderly star exceeds its weight limit , becomes unstable and explodes .
In . contrast with Pup I stars the Li abundances of Pup ⅱ F - and early G-type dwarfs show a very small dispersion and they are about an order of magnitude smaller than the value of the young Pup I stars .
We include the effect of unstable accretion disk to binary evolution code , and the latest description of H and He burning condition at the surface of white dwarfs to follow the evolution of white dwarf binaries with different initial masses and orbital periods .
Multiple exoplanets -- planets orbiting stars outside our solar system -- were discovered orbiting an M-dwarf star , called GJ 357 in the Hydra constellation .
At first , this age-dating approach was used to estimate the age of G-dwarf stars with Th / Nd chronometry . Recently , it has been used to evaluate the age of halo field stars and globular cluster stars with the Th / Eu and U / Th chronometers .
The star is located 20 light-years from Earth in the constellation Libra . Red dwarf stars are about 50 times dimmer than our sun .
The two most Earth-like planets , known as Kepler-438b and Kepler-442b , both orbit red dwarf stars that are smaller and cooler than the sun .
Gliese 581g is one of two new worlds the team discovered orbiting the red dwarf star Gliese 581 , bumping that nearby star 's family of planets to six .
The new world - dubbed LHS 1140b - is ten times closer to its parent star than Earth but because a red dwarf is far cooler than our own yellow dwarf , the planet still sits in the habitable zone .
According as the original theory has regarded the white dwarf star system is a electron system alone , the helium-ion system is only looked as a external condition that the electron system is restricted .
Applying the new theory-the positive and negative energy spectrum ( PNES ) thermodynamical theory to the mechanical equilibrium of white dwarf stars , the mechanical equilibrium of white dwarf star at early stage has been analysed carefully .
And that distance is what makes white dwarves so attractive .
The Upper-limit of the Equilibrium Mass of the White Dwarf Star
This implies that white dwarf mergers dominate in these galaxies .
Models for Type I Supernovae : Partially Incinerated White Dwarfs