
  • 网络dendrolimus kikuchii matsumura
  1. 思茅松毛虫(DendrolimuskikuchiiMatsumura)是我国南方松树的重要害虫之一,在福建省常与马尾松毛虫(D.punctatusWalker)混合发生危害,在高海拔地区发生较为严重。

    Dendrolimus kikuchii Matsumura is one of significant pine pests in south china . In Fujian province , this pest was serious in high altitude area , and usually with D.punctatus Walker mixed occurrence .

  2. 思茅松毛虫幼虫空间格局与抽样技术的初步研究

    Preliminary study on the spatial distribution pattern and sampling technique of larvae of Dendrolimus kikuchii Matsumura

  3. 思茅松毛虫发生期预测预报研究初报

    A Preliminary Study on Forecast of the Occurrence Period of Dendrolimus kikuchii

  4. 禄丰县思茅松毛虫成灾与林分因子相关性调查研究

    A Study on the Relationship between Forest Factors and Outbreak of Dendrolimus kikuchii in Lufeng County , Yunnan Province