
  • 网络happy day
  1. 不得有任何事情使这个快乐的日子蒙上阴影。

    Nothing must darken this happy day .

  2. 今天是个快乐的日子。

    Today is a happy day .

  3. 从此三兄弟过着幸福快乐的日子。

    The three brothers lived happily ever after .

  4. 圣诞节是个快乐的日子,尤其是对孩子们。

    Christmas is a time of mirth , especially for children .

  5. 但是快乐的日子再一次变成了悲伤。

    But , once again , the happy days became sad .

  6. 我相信,我会在这里过一段很快乐的日子。

    I believe that I will live a very happy life here .

  7. 我知道您还有许多更快乐的日子。

    I know that you have many more happy years to come .

  8. 因此,对所有人来说,圣诞节是一个隆重而快乐的日子。

    It can be said a marvelous and merry day for all .

  9. 从此,他们便过着幸福快乐的日子。

    From then on , they lived happily ever after .

  10. 过去10个月是我一生中最快乐的日子。

    These last ten months have been the happiest of my life .

  11. 这对夫妇过了好长一段时间快乐的日子。

    The couple lived a happy life for some time .

  12. 快乐的日子,使我们聪明。

    The days that make us happy make us wise .

  13. 乔治看上去糊里糊涂地过着快乐的日子。

    George seems to bumble along through life happily enough .

  14. 去年我唯一觉得快乐的日子

    the only time I remember being happy this last year

  15. 但是,快乐的日子再一次变成了悲伤。

    But once again , the happy days became sad .

  16. 他仍不明白,为什么快乐的日子会从溜走。

    He still can 't figure out why they took happydays offthe air .

  17. 国王和伊莉莎从此过着幸福、快乐的日子!

    The king and Eliza lived happily ever after .

  18. 但是过了五年快乐的日子,他们理所当然认为

    but five happy years , their logic goes ,

  19. 对一些人来说,快乐的日子又回来了。

    Happy days are here again , for some .

  20. 他们回想起较为快乐的日子。

    They cast their thoughts back to happier times .

  21. 远记住这些快乐的日子。

    I shall remember these happy days forever .

  22. 他们再也不用挨饿了,从此过着幸福快乐的日子。

    They will never be hungry again , and they live happily ever after .

  23. 四天快乐的日子将会带来新一轮明月。

    Four happy days bring in another moon .

  24. 快乐的日子并没有持续多久。

    These happy days did not last long .

  25. 快乐的日子结束了,一去不返。

    Happy days are done and gone .

  26. 我想,昨天是你生命中最快乐的日子吧。

    Yesterday should I suppose have been one of the happiest days of your life .

  27. 是我人生最快乐的日子

    were the happiest of my life .

  28. 而第三位王子也如愿地娶了公主,从此过著幸福快乐的日子。

    And the third prince married the princess and they both lived happily ever after .

  29. 那是一段幸福、快乐的日子,至少,我这样认为。

    That time we used to be happy . Well , I thought we were .

  30. 今天是快乐的日子,编辑部邮来了样报。让我体会到灵感是多么可贵。

    Today was the joyful day , the editorial department has mailed in the type newspaper .