
  • 网络Mental Echo
  1. 观众总是能在观影过程中产生对于其影片的理性思索和强烈的心灵共鸣,并被电影中人物的病态心理和过激行为深深震惊。

    Audiences always ponder unconsciously and engender strong resonance when they are watching his films , and are deeply startled by his characters ' morbid mentalities and extreme behaviors .

  2. 第二部分从情感表达的角度入手,研究画家是如何运用光影来营造与之相适应的氛围从而表达内心情感,使观者获得心灵共鸣。

    The second part starts from the perspective of emotional expression to study the artists methods of using light and shadow , create a suited atmosphere to express their inner feelings that the viewers identify with .

  3. 该书扉页上的评论说她的诗歌可以引起读者心灵的共鸣。

    The jacket flyleaf said her poems strike a responsive chord with readers .

  4. 寻找心灵的共鸣,培养毅力和启迪智慧以回应内向的召唤。

    We seek to find our inward calling , and develop the will and wisdom to follow it .

  5. 他与技法选择在作品中是互相呼应的,以向观众倾诉感情呼唤人们心灵的共鸣。

    He and technique selection in his works is to echo each other , to the audience to tell feelings call people spiritual resonance .

  6. 课程内容的不断变革与创造是英语教学的核心,也是提高英语教学质量的关键和师生心灵和谐共鸣的源泉。

    The author argues that the continual transformation and creation of curriculum content is the core of English teaching , the key to increasing the efficiency of L2 and the source of harmony between the hearts of teachers and students .

  7. 我首先对观众充满深深感激,然后对他们满怀美好的祝愿。这样一来我就知道我能和观众和谐互动,因为我真的喜爱他们,他们也会喜爱我——这样我们就能产生心灵的共鸣。

    Well , I first have a deep sense of gratitude to an audience , and a feeling of good will and good wishes , so that I know there is complete harmony between them and me , and I know they will like me because I really like them - that we will tune in together .

  8. 目前白酒品牌文化细分的发掘还停留在表层,尚未深入到酒文化的深层,也未触动消费者的心灵而引起共鸣,品牌同质化严重。

    Currently , the culture subdivision of liquor brands still remained in low level and rarely went to the heart of wine culture .

  9. 艺术能直接触动人类心灵以产生共鸣,卢梭艺术的率真纯朴激起了我们内心向往纯洁的美好理想,这种率真拙朴的艺术风格在今天依然显得非常重要。

    Arts can resonate by directly touching the human soul . The innocence and naivety of Rousseau arts stir our beautiful ideal longing for inner purity . This paintings style is still very important today .

  10. 他的作品在现代社会受到日益广泛的关注,是因为他的作品中所展示出来的人性的焦虑与痛苦与当代人们的心灵世界产生了共鸣。

    His novels receive more and more attention nowadays , because his novels express the human anxiety and pains in modern world .

  11. 通过写生的形式和自然山水的对话中,领略自然的千变万化,挖掘自身的感悟,探寻心灵与自然的共鸣。

    By the form of sketching and dialogue with natural landscapes , enjoy the ever-changing nature ; dig their own perception ; explore the resonance of the spirit and the nature .

  12. 一方面,作者将细节纵深到人的内心世界,使作品所散发的情感与读者心灵的情感达成共鸣,拉近他们之间的距离。

    On the one hand , of the details to the depth to the inner world , the works are distributed by emotions and the emotions of the readers mind to reach a resonance , bridge the gap between them .