
  • 网络Transponder
  1. 直升飞机飞行动力学飞机离开地面后,飞行员会开启机内的自动异频雷达收发机。

    Helicopter flight dynamics Once your plane takes off , your pilot activates a transponder device inside the aircraft .

  2. 我会开汽车,但我对发动机一窍不通。飞机离开地面后,飞行员会开启机内的自动异频雷达收发机。

    I can drive a car but I don 't know anything about the nuts and bolts . Once your plane takes off , your pilot activates a transponder device inside the aircraft .

  3. 那个私人飞机没有异频雷达收发机。

    The corporate jet didn 't have its transponder on .

  4. 他的异频雷达收发机没有开。

    His transponder wasn 't on .

  5. 经过批准的森林旅游者们可以领到一个异频雷达收发机,这个收发机可以使探测器确认旅游者的身份,就像战机上经常有配备的“敌友认证”系统一样。

    Authorised travelers through the park will be given transponders that tell the detectors who they are , as with the " identification friend-or-foe " systems on military aircraft .

  6. 我第一次在机场飞机停泊处自由行走(从地面登机的经验不算)等等。飞机离开地面后,飞行员会开启机内的自动异频雷达收发机。

    I took my first free walk on the parking apron of an airport rather than Boarding for a flight . Once your plane takes off , your pilot activates a transponder device inside the aircraft .