
  1. 一种基于Web管理的异地容灾系统

    Web-based remote disaster tolerant system

  2. 基于Oracle数据库的国土资源空间数据异地容灾保护

    Oracle Database Based Land and Resources Data Protection

  3. 设计了构建在IBM主机系统平台上的异地容灾备份系统。

    A disaster recovery system is designed , which is a DR system in different sites based on the IBM mainframe system .

  4. 目前的主要技术包括群集技术、防火墙技术、入侵检测技术、网络防毒技术、数据备份技术、UPS和异地容灾等。

    By now the main technologies include clustering , firewall , intrusion detection , network anti-virus , data backup , UPS , and disaster tolerance in different area .

  5. 采用模块化方法设计并实现一种支持热归档的异地容灾系统(RDTS)。

    This paper presents a Remote Disaster Tolerant System ( RDTS ) supporting hot archiving under the method of modularization .

  6. 提出并实现了一种在异地容灾系统中的快速灾难恢复方法。

    A method on quick disaster recover in disaster-tolerant system is presented and realized .

  7. 异地容灾系统的建设是保证整个信息系统稳定和数据安全的关键所在。

    Disaster Recovery System is the key to stability and data security to the information system .

  8. 设计并实现了一种将实时镜像存储、系统恢复和系统监控集于一体的异地容灾系统。

    A disaster-tolerant system with the features of real-time mirroring , data recovery and system monitoring was designed and implemented .

  9. 本文主要针对安全管理系统和异地容灾系统两个方面,描述吉林网通交换网网管系统在安全管理功能方面的设计与实现。

    The safety management module of JiLin CNC switch network management system adopts some idea based on the need of itself .

  10. 其主要原因就是因为传统的备份技术通常不能将数据的原件和副本进行有效地分开保存,也就是说,这些技术没有异地容灾的能力。

    The reason is that these technologies can not save data and its copies on different sites separately , in other words , these technologies are not incapable of recovering disaster in different places .

  11. 首先实现了具有备份和容灾等基本功能的系统,该系统由提供本地数据实时复制和切换功能的本地子系统和提供异地容灾功能的异地子系统级联而成。

    At first we implement a system with basic functions of data backup and disaster recovery . The system is composed of two cascading parts . One part is local subsystem with the functionality of real-time data copy and automatic swap .

  12. 深入分析了海量数据库的特点,并在此基础上设计了一个基于中间件的海量数据库异地异构容灾模型FRHDMD。

    After study deeply of the characteristics of the Massive Database , we designed a Framework of Remote Heterogeneous Disaster-tolerance for Massive Database ( FRHDMD ) based on the Middle-ware .

  13. 设计实现了基于上述系统的异地备份与容灾系统。

    Designed " off-site backup and disaster recovery system " .

  14. 对海量数据库系统异地、异构容灾的相关技术进行了深入研究,这些技术包括分布对象中间件技术、数据远程复制技术、网络传输技术等。

    We studied technology of Massive Database remote heterogeneous disaster-tolerance , including distributed object middleware , remote data copy , network connections and so on .

  15. 协同化网络安全事故恢复技术的研究目标是实现一个高性能、低成本、能与其他网络安全设备协同工作的异地多备份容灾恢复系统。

    The objective of CDRS is an efficient and low cost system which save multi-replica in remote host and cooperate with other network security system .

  16. 设计了协同化事故恢复系统的总体结构和工作流程,提出了事故恢复系统联盟的概念,联盟内多台主机地位对等、互为备份,实现了一个异地多备份的容灾恢复系统。

    Collectivity framework and process of CDRS is designed , and concept of alliance of CDRS is presented . The hosts of the alliance are peer to peer and store replica each other .