
  • 网络anisakis;anisakid nematode
  1. 目的了解异尖线虫Ⅲ期幼虫(L3)生物学特性及致病性。

    Objective To observe the characteristics of biology and pathogenicity of the third stage Anisakis simplex larvae ( L3 ) . Stage ⅲ .

  2. 异尖线虫四种抗原的酶免测定法检测抗体的比较

    Comparison of Four Different Kinds of Anisakis Larvae Antigen for Circulating Antibody Detection by ELISA

  3. 简单异尖线虫PCR检测方法的建立

    Establishment of the PCR assay for detection of Anisakis simplex

  4. 台湾海峡异尖线虫病病原线虫幼虫的rDNA序列分析

    Sequence anlysis of rDNA of Anisakid nematodes with zoonotic potential from Taiwan strait

  5. 本研究将分子分类方法与形态学鉴定方法相结合,得到较为理想的鉴定结果,并建立了一套可用于对异尖线虫种类做出快速、准确鉴定的特异PCR检测方法。

    In this study , Molecular Identification and morphological classification method had been combined to get the better identification result , and set up a rapid , accurate specific PCR detection methods .

  6. 海产品中异尖线虫危害及其检测控制研究进展

    Recent Advances in Determination and Control of Anisakis in Seafood

  7. 异尖线虫病传播媒介的调查研究

    Investigation on Transmitting Vectors of Anisakiasis

  8. 异尖线虫Ⅲ期幼虫在不同条件下生存试验及人工感染大鼠观察

    Survival of the Third Stage Larvae of Anisakis simplex in Various Conditions and Experimental Infection in Rats

  9. 福建沿海鱼类异尖线虫幼虫感染情况调查及其分类鉴定方法的研究

    Studies on the Identification Method of Anisakid Nematodes in Sea Fish and Investigates on the Infection of Fujian Coast

  10. 异尖线虫是世界各大海域鱼类的主要寄生线虫,异尖线虫病属于海洋自然疫源性疾病。

    Anisakis are the main parasitic nematodes in major marine fish in the world , and anisakiasis is a natural marine disease .

  11. 结果共解剖海鱼和软体动物23种311尾,发现135尾有异尖线虫幼虫感染,总感染率为43.41%,有些鱼种异尖线虫幼虫感染率高达100%。

    Results 311 marine fish and mollusk of 23 species were dissected and 135 fish were found to be infected with anisakis larvae with an infection rate of 43.41 % .

  12. 我国出入境部门相继报道进口鱼类查出该幼虫,并将异尖线虫列为国家禁止入境的二类动物寄生虫。

    The larvae , which are the second class animal parasites forbidden by our country , have been found a lot in the imported fish by the entry-exist inspection and quarantine bureau .

  13. 为了了解渤海各种鱼类中人体异尖线虫病的主要致病源&简单异尖线虫幼虫的感染情况,进行本调查。

    An investigation of Anisakis simplex larvae , the most important causative agent of anisakiasis , in marine fishes caught in Bohai sea was carried out in order to detect their infectivity .

  14. 而在其他调料中的存活时间之长出乎意料,这证明生鱼片短时间的腌制,不可能将异尖线虫幼虫杀死。异尖线虫幼虫传统的分类方法主要为形态学鉴定法。

    Unexpectedly , in other spices , anisakis can survive long time , which proved that is impossible to kill anisakis larvae after being pickled in short-time . Traditionally , the classification of anisakis ways mainly morphological identification .

  15. 在已有的工作基础上,本研究第二章介绍了如何用形态学方法对异尖线虫做初步的鉴定,将采集到的异尖线虫幼虫鉴定到属(个别种类可以鉴定到种)。

    Based on previous work experience , Chapter II of this study introduced how to use morphological method to make a preliminary identification to anisakis . Collected Anisakis larvae had been identified to genus ( individual types can be identified to species ) .

  16. 异尖属线虫研究进展

    Advanced on the research of Anisakis