
  • 网络Fez;Fes;FACE;Fès
  1. 1982年菲斯方案,标志着阿盟对巴勒斯坦政策实现了从武装斗争向寻求和谈根本性的转变。

    The " Fez plan " in 1982 marked that the policy of Arab league about Palestine had finished the change from war to peace .

  2. 摩洛哥菲斯大学医院123例腹膜结核病例报道

    Peritoneal tuberculosis in the Fes University Hospital ( Morocco ): Report of 123 cases

  3. 如果玩家是初学者,福尔菲斯将会以一种缓慢而简单的方式进行,但是如果玩家已经比较熟练了,那么游戏将会以一种更快且更困难的方式进行。

    If the player are just beginners , Forpheus will play in a slow and easy way , but if the players are better ones , the robot will play in a faster and more difficult way .

  4. 从菲斯科(Fisker)到Coda,汽车业倒下了成片的初创企业。

    From Fisker to Coda , the car industry is littered with failed start-ups .

  5. 菲斯科对阿斯顿马丁的最大贡献,是将严凯伦的设计改进为一辆V8发动机的Vantange跑车。在二人的合力下,开发出了今天为我们熟知的标志性的“阿斯顿”风格。

    Fisker is credited with turning Callum 's design into the V8 Vantage , and together , they developed the characteristic Aston Martin look as we know it today .

  6. 旗下拥有乐斯菲斯户外服装和lee牛仔裤等品牌的vfcorporation今年2月表示,该公司的成本在今年上半年会上涨4%,下半年会上涨10%。

    VF Corporation , whose brands include North Face outdoor wear and Lee denim , said in February that its costs would rise 4 per cent in the first half of this year and 10 per cent in the second half .

  7. 这也意味着严凯伦和菲斯科的经典设计可能即将成为历史,而V12VanquishS跑车也将成为阿斯顿马丁在当前平台上的最后一款车型。

    That means that Ian Callum 's and Henrik Fisker 's iconic shape could become part of Aston 's history , and the V-12 Vanquish S could be one of the last of the Astons on the current platform .

  8. 赫菲斯托斯通常被是锻冶之神。

    Hephaestus was often remembered as the blacksmith of the gods .

  9. 墨菲斯,你不只是领袖。

    Morpheus , you were more than a leader to us .

  10. 听见了吗,梅菲斯托?一条黑领带。

    Did you hear , mephisto ? A black tie .

  11. 菲斯,如果你还在树坡镇。

    Faith , if you still lived in tree hill .

  12. 尼奥,墨菲斯牺牲了自己把你救出来。

    Neo , Morpheus sacrificed himself so that we could get you out .

  13. 摄影师吉农•马菲斯必须小心前进。

    Cameraman Jenion Mafirse must pick his foot carefully .

  14. 菲斯可上校是佩伽索斯的新指挥官。

    Major Fisk is the new Pegasus commander .

  15. 我们会住在曼菲斯市。

    And we 're gonna live in memphis .

  16. 去蒙菲斯的车站在哪?

    Where is the bus stop for memphis ?

  17. 他遵守誓言,去找赫菲斯提昂了。

    And as he vowed he joined ephistian .

  18. 今天是华盛顿访问格利菲斯堡的日子。

    It 's Washington does Fort Griffith day .

  19. 赫菲斯托斯气呼呼地回到煅炉旁。

    Hephaestus angrily retired to his forge .

  20. 印度文明首先是出现于早期的哈拉帕/拉维菲斯阶段文明。

    The first appearance of the Indus civilization was the early Harappan / Ravi Phase .

  21. 很难相信比尔是梦菲斯州立大学的二年级学生。

    It 's hard to believe that Bill is a sophomore at Memphis State University .

  22. 庞尼菲斯不得不放弃他的主张。

    Boniface had to moderate his claims .

  23. 乐斯菲斯店的售货员说过这是军方级别的东西

    The girl at the North Face store said it was , like , military grade .

  24. 停下!在冒险进入迪亚波罗的巢穴之前,先带着墨菲斯托的灵魂之石前往地狱熔炉。

    Halt ! Before venturing into Diablo 's lair , go to the Hellforge with Mephisto 's Soulstone .

  25. 严凯伦和菲斯科的设计中有些东西让我觉得特别有吸引力,或许是前格栅周围的唇线和尾部的曲线太迷人的缘故。

    There is just something about the classic design that Callum and Fisker created that I find incredibly appealing .

  26. 据悉,上世纪80年代打破女子短跑世界纪录的“花蝴蝶”弗洛伦斯-格丽菲斯-乔伊纳双手蓄甲,上面涂有美国国旗图案,色彩缤纷的美甲艺术才第一次走进人们的视野。

    Exotic fingernails first came to most people 's attention in the1980s via the world-record breaking sprinter Florence Griffith Joyner .

  27. 如果你能见到睡梦之神墨菲斯,他能够告诉你我们的收容所是如何运行的。再会,朋友。

    If you corner Father Morpheus , he may be able to tell you how to get involved with our hospices .

  28. 正如伯尼菲斯指出,很明显去假婚礼结交朋友远比去真婚礼方便。

    And as Boniface pointed out , it 's apparently easier to meet someone at fake weddings than at real ones !

  29. 威廉姆斯的《琴仙下凡》基于有关俄菲斯的希腊神话,贯穿了两条并行的主题:即艺术家救助他人与逃避尘世的欲望。

    Inspired by the Greek myth of Orpheus , Williams intertwines two themes : to save the world and to escape it .

  30. 但赫尔方指出,“阿波菲斯”是个很好的例子,它提醒人们注意“杀手行星”的存在。

    Scientists are confident it will miss , but Helfand said Apophis is a good reminder that killer asteroids are out there .