
  • 网络Sciences Po;Sciences Po Paris;institut d'etudes politiques de paris
  1. 巴黎政治学院的那位教员说,她的法国学生对这个演讲无动于衷,称之为完全与现实脱节,加利福利亚色彩太浓。

    The Sciences Po instructor said that her French students were unmoved by this speech , calling it completely disconnected from reality and so Californian .

  2. 例如,哈桑•雷贾博耶夫(KhasanRedjaboev)在乌兹别克斯坦长大,他在那里尝试过创业,当过政府的教育顾问,后来他注册为巴黎政治学院(SciencesPo)和李光耀公共政策学院的双学位学生。

    Khasan Redjaboev , for example , grew up in Uzbekistan , where he dabbled in entrepreneurship and was an education consultant to the government , before enrolling as a double-degree student at Sciences Po in Paris and the Lee Kuan Yew School .

  3. 不过,巴黎政治学院(sciences-po)社会关系学教授居伊格鲁(guygroux)表示,倘若企业能认识到,工人的目的并非阻止重组,就根本不必担心冲突。

    Yet companies need not fear a bout of conflicts if they recognise that workers have not aimed to stop restructuring itself , suggests guy groux , social relations professor at sciences-po .

  4. 她今年再接再厉,获著名的巴黎政治学院取录为硕士生,并获发奖学金。

    This year , she was granted the merit-award scholarship by the most prestigious French Political Science institution , Sciences Po Paris .