
  • 网络Barnard;Chester I. Barnard
  1. 巴纳德学院的一位大三学生伊丽莎白·德雷瑟说,“我更喜欢课后论文,因为这是真正关于写作的,所以你会有时间去编辑和做更多的研究。”

    " I prefer take-home essays because it is then really about the writing , so you have time to edit and do more research , " says Elizabeth Dresser , a junior at Barnard .

  2. 但是曾在广告界任职,现任伊萨卡学院(IthacaCollege)副教授的莉萨•巴纳德(LisaBarnard)进行了几项试验,旨在确定广告宣传的可怕程度(她称之为“可怕因子”)。

    But Lisa Barnard , who once worked in advertising and is now assistant professor at Ithaca College , ran some experiments aimed at identifying the creepiness quotient ( she calls it the " creepiness factor " ) in ad campaigns .

  3. 在其中一项研究中,著有《一只狗的内心》(InsideofaDog)的认知科学家、巴纳德学院(BarnardCollege)客座副教授亚历山德拉·霍罗威茨(AlexandraHorowitz)发现,狗狗表现出来的所谓的内疚表情似乎与害怕受到惩罚更相关。

    In one case , Alexandra Horowitz , a cognitive scientist who is an adjunct associate professor at Barnard College and the author of " Inside of a Dog , " found that the so-called guilty look that dogs exhibit seemed to be more related to fear of punishment .

  4. 因此巴纳德和他的同事们正在发明一种蚊子一嗅就死的陷阱。

    So Barnard and his colleagues are developing a sniff-and-die trap .

  5. 图书馆馆长的权威与魅力&基于巴纳德的理论视角

    Authority and Charm of Librarian : on the Basis of Barnard 's Theory

  6. 但更要亲近在你们巴纳德学院毕业典礼上讲话的人这话寓意深长

    And your Barnard commencement speakers even closer There 's wisdom in that .

  7. 巴纳德的社会系统理论与虚拟企业

    Barnard 's Theory on Social System and Virtual Corporation

  8. 巴纳德的实验室在两个有可能成功的领域取得了一些进步。

    Barnard 's lab has made some progress in a couple of promising areas .

  9. 巴纳德组织理论研究

    Discussion about Barnard 's Organizational Theory

  10. 我叫巴纳德,能够向你们说明我们的新产品,我感到非常荣幸。

    600 I 'm Barnard and it 's my great honor to tell you about our new product .

  11. 合作社会系统的巴纳德原则已影响到许多关心管理的社会科学家的研究工作。

    The Barnard concept of cooperative social system pervades the work of many social scientists concerned with management .

  12. 我承认这是不用费力就能在巴纳德学院的毕业典礼上赢得鼓掌喝彩的一句话

    Now , I recognize that 's a cheap applause line when you 're giving a commencement at Barnard .

  13. 现在,克里斯蒂安·巴纳德所面临的主要问题是,如何防止人体对新心脏的排斥。

    The main problem facing Christiaan Barnard was how to prevent the body 's rejection of the new heart .

  14. 针对管理与组织理论的一系列基本问题,巴纳德提出了与传统管理和组织理论完全不同的观点。

    For a series of basic issues of organization and management theory , Barnard brought totally different opinions with traditional theory .

  15. 美国总统奥巴马在巴纳德学院毕业典礼上的讲话纽约州纽约市哥伦比亚大学巴纳德学院2012年5月14日

    Remarks by President Obama at Barnard College Commencement Ceremony Barnard College Columbia University New York , New York May 14 , 2012

  16. 巴纳德组织理论中的多样性、复杂性及包容性,使他成为了组织理论中的韦伯。

    The variousness , complexity and containing in Barnard 's Organizational Theory set up the master position for him in Organizational Theory .

  17. 当今的组织理论家,无论他们属于哪个理论阵营,都从巴纳德那里获得了灵感和找到了他们所需要的东西。

    Later organizational theorists , no matter what theory school they belong to , have from Barnard got inspirations and found what they needed .

  18. 巴纳德则自觉地关注组织本身的整体及组织与环境的统一,表现出彻底的整体思维方式。

    Barnard consciously put his thinking-field on the entirety of organization and the unity of organization and environment , thus demonstrated a totality-thinking way .

  19. 你们在巴纳德得到的这样的教育如果有更多的人能够获得今天的雇主所需要的

    Were able to get the kind of education that you 've received here at Barnard if more people could get the specific skills and training .

  20. 幸运总是偏爱勇敢的人,如果不去尝试,永远也不会知道自己有多大能耐。这是她给巴纳德学院学生的忠告。

    Fortune does favor the bold , and I promise that you will never know what you 're capable of unless you try , she told the Barnard audience .

  21. 西方现代管理理论中社会系统学派的创始人巴纳德也在他最著名的代表作《经理人员的职能》中提出:对事实的辨别就是对决策提供证据。

    Mr. Barnard , the founder of the social system school of modern west administrative theory pointed out in his the function of management staff that the discrimination for the fact provide evidence for decision .

  22. 组织松弛是组织理论中非常核心的概念,最早是由巴纳德引入到组织理论中,它长期以来受到研究者不同程度的关注,已成为战略管理相关文献中讨论的焦点。

    Organizational slack is the concepts at the very core of organization theory , introduced by Barnard first , which has become the focus of the discussion related to the literature in the strategic management .

  23. 有些学生就业服务中心——比如巴纳德学院——提供套装出借服务,没有职业套装的学生可以用自己的学生证免费借用捐赠的套装。

    Some student career service centers - like Barnard 's - have a suit-borrowing program from which students without business-professional clothing can borrow a donated dress suit with their student ID , at no cost .

  24. 巴纳德表示,新兴市场股票可以用作多元化投资的工具,但同时警告:毫无疑问,有些国家的股市表现优异,而有些国家则令人失望。

    Mr Barnard said there was a case for emerging market equities as a diversifying component but warned : There are definitely some countries that perform exceptionally well but there are also countries that are disappointing .

  25. 多萝西·海特:“我被巴纳德学院录取,但是我到那里的时候却被拒绝入学,因为他们只有两个名额。他们不知道我不是白人。所以我到那里之后又被赶了出来。”

    DOROTHY HEIGHT : " I was accepted at Barnard College and I was denied when I arrived because they had a of two . And they did not know that I was not white . And so when I got there I was

  26. 试用巴纳德的社会系统平衡理论并结合权变理论,分析在社会主义市场经济条件下医院的内外环境与发展,寻求保持医院内外环境平衡的对策。

    According to Barnard 's society system balance theory and adaptability theory , the internal and external circumstances and the development of hospital under socialist market economy are analyzed to seek a countermeasure for keeping a balance between the internal and external circumstances of the hospital .

  27. 比如说,我们知道,如果有更多的美国人能得到你们在巴纳德得到的这样的教育(掌声)如果有更多的人能够获得今天的雇主所需要的那些特定的技能和训练,美国的情况会更好。

    We know , for example , that this country would be better off if more Americans were able to get the kind of education that youve received here at Barnard ( applause ) if more people could get the specific skills and training that employers are looking for today .

  28. 实际上,有一种食谱还真能让你一直在减肥——它能帮助使用者减轻体重并且维持这个体重,而且按照这个食谱做的大有人在们这个食谱就是欧宁胥和巴纳德以及其他专家都推荐的:脂肪量很低的素食餐。

    In fact , there is a diet that works -- consistently -- at helping adherents to lose weight and keep it off , and which has a very high compliance rate : a very low fat , vegetarian diet , as recommended by Dr. Dean Ornish , Dr. John McDougall , Dr. Neal Barnard , and many others .