
  • Volvo;AB Volvo
  1. 沃尔沃公司的3人小组将车拆开进行了维修。

    Volvo 's three-man team stripped the car and restored it .

  2. 对沃尔沃而言,安全永远是其卖点。

    With Volvo , safety was always the USP .

  3. 沃尔沃新型E系列轮式装载机

    VOLVO new E-series wheel loader

  4. 福特汽车(FordMotorCo.)在2010年8月以18亿美元的价格将沃尔沃出售给了吉利。

    Ford Motor Co. sold Volvo to the consortium in August , 2010 for $ 1.8 billion .

  5. 一旦沃尔沃被卖掉,将为福特花费浩大、最终失败的高端汽车战略(PremierAutomotiveStrategy)的完结画上句号。

    Once Volvo is sold it will complete the dismantling of Ford 's expensive and failed Premier Automotive Strategy .

  6. 沃尔沃需要俘获像AllanSong这样的车主。

    Volvo needs to capture drivers like Allan Song .

  7. 花旗投资研究(CitiInvestmentResearch)说,沃尔沃还欠着福特汽车35亿美元未偿贷款,而且未来五年还需要大笔资金投入。

    Citi Investment Research says it has a $ 3.5 billion outstanding loan from Ford and needs substantial investment over the next five years .

  8. 沃尔沃的主管们无疑相信林疯狂还是会持久影响NBA。

    But Volvo executives believe Lin will have staying power .

  9. 就连沃尔沃(Volvo)的产量都能达到它的两三倍。

    Even Volvo made two or three times that many cars .

  10. 沃尔沃(Volvo)正在将中国制造的汽车送到美国司机的手中。

    Volvo is bringing Made in China to American drivers .

  11. 吉利控股集团正准备提出收购在困境中挣扎的福特汽车(FordMotorCo.)旗下同样陷入困境的瑞典公司沃尔沃(Volvo)。

    Geely Holding Group is preparing to bid for Volvo , the struggling Swedish firm owned by a similarly troubled Ford Motor Co.

  12. 沃尔沃C3系列汽车用可变喉管汽化器

    Variable venturi carburetor of VOLVO C3 series

  13. 围绕安全性打造其品牌的沃尔沃(Volvo)是这一方式的典型。

    Volvo , which has built its brand around safety , typifies that approach .

  14. 穆拉利重塑公司的方式是,大刀阔斧地砍掉了沃尔沃(Volvo)和水星(Mercury)这两条产品线,致力于打造全球统一的福特品牌。

    Mulally reshaped the company by dropping lines like Volvo and mercury and focusing on one global Ford brand .

  15. 而沃尔沃(volvo)和卡特彼勒(caterpillar)等同业则达到5到6倍。

    That compares with five to six times for peers such as Volvo and caterpillar .

  16. 沈晖之前是菲亚特动力科技(fiatpowertraintechnologies)中国区首席执行官,他表示,没有一家西方公司能够拯救沃尔沃。

    Mr Shen , a former China chief executive of Fiat powertrain technologies , said no Western company could save Volvo .

  17. 经过多年的浮浮沉沉,沃尔沃被新东家中国吉利汽车(GeelyMotors)收购后,正在重新构建产品线。

    After years of drift , VolvCars is trying trebuild its product line under its Chinese owners Geely Motors .

  18. 沃尔沃设计高级副总裁托马斯•英根拉特(ThomasIngenlath)表示,沃尔沃从吉利那里学到了要重视后排座的乘客。

    Thomas Ingenlath , head of design , said Volvo had learned to value the importance of the back-seat passenger from its Chinese owner .

  19. 优步(Uber)和沃尔沃(Volvo)宣布,未来几周内,它们将率先在匹兹堡推出一支自动驾驶出租车车队。

    Uber and Volvo announced that they would pioneer an autonomous taxi fleet in Pittsburgh within weeks .

  20. 在沃尔沃公司的一个项目中,龚怡乐提出为这个来自瑞典的汽车制造商上线一份互动性的iPad杂志。

    In a project for Volvo , she had the idea of launching an interactive iPad magazine for the Sweden-based auto maker .

  21. 在周一的底特律车展上,沃尔沃汽车集团(VolvoCarCorporation)宣布将在未来几个月开始出售一款在成都生产的中型轿车。

    The Volvo Car Corporation announced at the Detroit auto show on Monday that it planned to begin shipping a midsize sedan from Chengdu in the next several months .

  22. 福特汽车(fordmotor)昨日表示正在研究有关沃尔沃(volvo)的战略选择,“包括可能出售”这个亏损的瑞典优质品牌。

    Ford Motor yesterday said it was reviewing its strategic options for Volvo , " including the possible sale " of the lossmaking Swedish premium brand .

  23. 2012年,沃尔沃全球销量同比下降6.1%,售出了大约42.2万辆轿车和运动型多功能(SUV)车。

    World-wide sales fell 6.1 % in 2012 to about 422,000 cars and sport utilities from 2011 .

  24. 传统观点认为,最近沃尔沃(Volvo)为复兴这个汽车品牌所付出的努力成功的几率很小。

    Conventional wisdom suggests that the latest attempt to revive Volvo as an automotive brand faces very long odds .

  25. 沃尔沃汽车公司(VolvoCarCorp.)周三在成都展示了其新工厂,这是让中国成为该品牌生存关键要素的部分计划。

    On Wednesday , Volvo Car Corp. showcased its new plant here as part of a plan to make China key to the brand 's survival .

  26. 福特汽车(fordmotor)正在考虑出售旗下的沃尔沃汽车(volvo)业务,此举将标志其北美市场以外的高档车业务彻底解体。

    Ford motor is considering the sale of its Volvo car division , a move that would mark the final dismemberment of its premium-car business outside North America .

  27. 今年早些时候,13岁的关天朗在天津的沃尔沃中国公开赛(VolvoChinaOpen)上开球,成为参加欧洲职业高尔夫球巡回赛(EuropeanPGATour)的最年轻选手。

    Earlier this year , at age 13 , he became the youngest player to take part in a European PGA Tour event when he teed off at the Volvo China Open in Tianjin .

  28. 拥有沃尔沃(Volvo)和伦敦出租(LondonTaxi)的吉利等中国品牌,力图通过收购海外资产获得全球影响力。

    Chinese brands such as Geely , the owner of Volvo and the London Taxi Company , have sought to gain global presence by acquiring interests in overseas assets .

  29. 沃尔沃(Volvo)更进一步,最近宣布从2019年起停止生产配备纯汽油发动机的汽车。

    Volvo went a step further this week , announcing the end of the purely petrol engine in its cars from 2019 .

  30. 1999年至2010年在美国福特(Ford)旗下时,沃尔沃曾与金牛座(Taurus)、福克斯(Focus)等轿车共享过制造平台、发动机及各种零部件。

    Under Ford , the US carmaker that owned it from 1999 to 2010 , Volvo shared platforms , engines and components with cars such as the Taurus and Focus .