
wū shī
  • wizard;sorcerer;necromancer;magician;doctor;sangoma
巫师 [wū shī]
  • [doctor;wizard;sorcerer] 指替人祈祷的装神弄鬼的人

巫师[wū shī]
  1. 巫师念了一道咒语。

    The wizard recited a spell .

  2. 西弗勒斯·斯内普是《哈利波特》中一位教魔法的熟练巫师。

    Severus Snape is a skillful wizard teaching magic in Harry Potter .

  3. 旧时一些有名的巫师经常以祭品祈求他们所供奉神灵的助佑。

    The great magicians of old always invoked their gods with sacrifice .

  4. 教会将灵媒巫师和自称能和死者交谈的人都视为异端。

    The Church regards spirit mediums and people claiming to speak to the dead as heretical .

  5. 每个种族都会争取它的拥有权:人类,矮人,巫师

    Everyone will try to claim it : Men , Dwarves , wizards .

  6. 这个巫师感到很惊讶,问这个年轻人关于咒语的事情。

    The wizard was surprised , and asked the young man about the spells .

  7. 老巫师尝试了很多的办法,但都没有成功。

    There was . The old wizard tried a lot of spells , but didn 't work .

  8. 在Abracadabra冰淇淋工厂(AbracadabraIceCreamFactory),这就是低温巫师的表演。

    At Abracadabra Ice Cream Factory , it 's a cryogenic wizard 's show .

  9. J·K·罗琳那受到大家喜欢的小巫师的下一部电影《哈利波特与凤凰社》将于今年夏天上映。

    The next film installment of J.K.Rowling 's beloved wizard ," Harry Potter and the Order of Phoenix ," opens later this summer .

  10. 稍加浏览谷歌趋势(GoogleTrends)就会发现,过去几年间大众对食肉的食尸鬼的兴趣已经远远超过了对吸血鬼、巫师和霍比特人的兴趣。

    A glance at Google Trends reveals that in the past few years , interest in flesh-eating ghouls has far outstripped popular enthusiasm for vampires , wizards and hobbits .

  11. 千万别忘了巴鲁费奥巫师,他把‘f’说成了‘s’,结果发现自己躺在地板上,胸口上站着一头野牛。”

    never forget Wizard Baruffio , who said ' s ' instead of ' f ' and found himself on the floor with a buffalo on his chest .

  12. Masters扮演一个生活各方面本来都相当完美的人,他的第一任妻子是个巫师(Carpenter扮演)。

    Marsters plays a man whose life was perfect when he was first married to a witch ( Carpenter ) .

  13. 现年34岁的科林斯在过去的赛季中为波士顿凯尔特人队和华盛顿的巫师队效力;科林斯在他12年的职业生涯中,曾经在6支NBA球队中打过球。

    The 34-year-old Collins played the past season with the Boston Celtics and Washington Wizards and has played for six NBA teams during his 12-year career .

  14. 这场比赛的目的是决出20世纪最广受欢迎的魔法知识法典《巫师完全手册》VS《进阶龙与地下城第二版》。

    For the purposes of this match we will turn to the 20th century 's most widely acclaimed codex of magical knowledge - The Complete Wizard 's Handbook , Advanced Dungeons & Dragons 2nd Edition .

  15. 例如,如果舞台上的魔术师或巫师在表演中反复强调“try”和“cycle”这两个单词,潜移默化地来加深观众对这两个词的记忆,就会使得观众随后联想到“tricycle”这个单词。

    For instance , a stage magician or psychic might say the words " try " and " cycle " several times throughout a show , covertly priming an audience member to later think of the word " tricycle . "

  16. 在被吸血鬼统治的新奥尔良,巫师们是不允许练习真正的魔法的…但是Sophie却无法忍受这种现状。

    Under the rule of a maniacal vampire , New Orleans witches aren 't allowed to practice true magic ... but Sophie isn 't interested in being helpless anymore .

  17. 故事以纽约为背景,在巫师男孩波特的冒险故事发生的70年前,这个故事既不是前传也不是后续,而是J•K•罗琳的受欢迎的魔法巫师世界故事的延伸。

    The tale is set in New York , 70 years before the saga of boy wizard Potter and is described as neither a prequel or sequel , but rather an extension of author JK Rowling 's popular Wizarding World of magic 。

  18. 那个世界与其说是一款游戏,不如说是一个生活着巫师、机器人和赛车手的豪尔赫·路易斯·博尔赫斯(JorgeLuisBorges)式宇宙,它是由詹姆斯·哈利迪(JamesHalliday,马克·里朗斯[MarkRylance]饰)创造的。

    That world - less a game than a Jorge Luis Borges cosmos populated by wizards , robots and racecar drivers - is the creation of James Halliday ( Mark Rylance ) .

  19. 至于Bonnie,在加长版预告片里我们看到这位年轻巫师满身是血的在求救Kat向我们确认Bonnie的确是遇到了很大的危险。

    Back to Bonnie , the extended preview for the episode shows our favorite teenage witch covered in blood and asking someone for help and Kat confirms Bonnie is in some serious danger .

  20. J.K.罗琳的生活展现出童话般的光芒,如同她所创造的魔法小巫师—哈利·波特。

    J.K.Rowling , author of Harry Potter Like that of her own character , Harry Potter , J.K. Rowling 's life has the luster of a fairy tale .

  21. 巫师BudheswarSingh说,他用酸奶草药混合治好了很多人。”

    A healer named Budheswar Singh says his mixture of and herbs has cured many people . " If the man is brought to me on time , I can give him my medicine and he will be all right . "

  22. 巫师笑着说:“Milon,终于到了回答那些无法回答的问题的时候了,对吧?”

    The wizard smiled ," Finally , Milon , it 's time to take up the unanswerable questions , isn 't it ?"

  23. 故事以纽约为背景,在巫师男孩波特的冒险故事发生的70年前,这个故事既不是前传也不是后续,而是JK罗琳的受欢迎的魔法巫师世界故事的延伸。

    The tale is set in New York , 70 years before the saga of boy wizard Potter and is described as neither a prequel or sequel , but rather an extension of author JK Rowling 's popular Wizarding World of magic .

  24. 伏地魔是J.K。罗琳《哈利·波特》系列中哈利波特的死对头,伏地魔本名为汤姆·马沃罗·里德尔,是一个魔力高强让所有巫师听而生畏的巫师。据说只有哈利才有能力战胜他。

    Voldemort Harry Potter 's arch-nemesis in JK Rowling 's series of books , Lord Voldemort-born Tom Marvolo Riddle-is a wizard so powerful that scarcely any witch or wizard dares speak his name .

  25. 他的敌人总说他是巫师而非主教。

    His enemies always claimed he was more sorcerer than septon .

  26. 马尔福家族是个古老而高贵的巫师家族。

    The Malfoy family is an old and aristocratic wizarding family .

  27. 巫师听到的有可能是枪响。

    The sound the shaman heard may have been a gunshot .

  28. 你们不能再等你那个巫师了,佛罗多。

    You can no Ionger wait for the wizard , frodo .

  29. 是个可以用巫术哄人开心的巫师。

    Is a person can use magic to coax happy shaman .

  30. 他们认为歌薇是个巫师,是她制造了这场瘟疫。

    They think Gwen is a sorcerer who caused the disease .