
  1. 各地区工业产品销售率商品产销成本对销售净额的比率

    Ratio of cost of goods manufactured and sold to net sales

  2. 各地区工业产品销售率

    Ratio of Sales of Industrial Products by Region

  3. 工业产品销售率达到97.16%,比上年提高0.56个百分点;

    The marketing rate of industrial products reached 97.16 % , up 0.56 % on that of 1998 .

  4. 上半年全国工业产品销售率为95.66%,比上年同期提高0.74个百分点。

    In the first half of this year , sales ratio of industrial products is95.66 % , an increase of0.74 percentage points over that in the same period of last year .

  5. 工业产品销售率达96.59%,比上年同期上升0.61个百分点。企业效益明显改善。

    The sale ratio of industrial products reached 96.59 percent , up by 0.61 percentages point compared to that of the same period in the previous year and enterprise efficiency has been obviously improved .

  6. 全年规模以上工业企业产品销售率达到100.1%,比上年提高1.8个百分点。

    The sales rate of industrial enterprises above designated size was 100.1 percent , an increase of 1.8 percentage points year-on-year .

  7. 工业产销衔接状况良好,前三季度工业产品销售率为97.8%,比上年同期提高0.4个百分点。

    The production and sales of industrial products went on well . In the first three quarters of this year , the sales ratio of industrial products was 97.8 percent , or 0.4 percentage point higher than that in the previous year .