
  • 网络Factory made;factory system;factory model
  1. 它不是一种企业制度的自然演进过程,而是在摧毁传统体制下工厂制基础上的新型企业制度的重建;

    It is not the natural evolution of a enterprise system but the reestablishment of enterprise system on the abolishing of traditional factory system .

  2. 清代前期苏州棉布加工业中盛行“放料制生产”,而不能被“工厂制生产”取代。

    The prevalent mode of production in Suzhous cotton cloth processing industry during the early Qing dynasty was a putting out rather than a factory system .

  3. 然中国烟草企业集团本身具有许多的特性,其下的内部审计,同其它集团化企业及工厂制卷烟企业比必有其特殊要求。

    But Chinese Tobacco Enterprise Group has its own features so that its internal audit must have its special requirements in related to other group companies .

  4. 如配有磁性滚轮时:适用于资源回收厂之铁金属分离、废轮胎金属去除及一般工厂制程去除残馀铁之用。

    When equipping with magnetic roller : proper for recycling plant to separate ferrous metal , remove metal on waste tires and scraps from general manufacturing process .

  5. 第2章分析工厂制的规模经济。然而,它们在工厂规模和产品质量方面受到了限制。

    Part II consists of chapter 2 to 5 , which is the main content of the thesis . However , they present limitations in plant size and product qualities .

  6. 而内部审计的发展必须适应由工厂制企业到转变后的公司制企业集团,方能在行业大集团化的背景下履行好内部审计的使命。

    The development of the internal audit system must adapt to the corporate enterprise groups after they change from the factory companies , which make them fulfill their mission well on the ground of industries being groups .

  7. 人民公社时期,准工厂制劳动制度充分利用劳动时间,但劳动效率低下,形成形式上的合理与本质上的不合理的矛盾。

    During the period of the people 's commune , the " quasi - industrial " labor system made full use of labor time but efficiency of labor was low , giving rise to the contradiction between rational form and irrational essence .

  8. 放料制对投入生产事业的商人财产较有保障,即使不能使用工厂制来降低监督方面的执行成本,但仍是当时投资生产者较为划算的选择。

    In general , the putting out system effectively safeguarded the assets of the merchants involved in production and was the ideal choice for investors and producers , even if it could not reduce supervision costs as effectively as the factory system .

  9. 本文提出了一个中间工厂规模制备镇草宁(南林Z型)的新方法。

    This paper presents a novel process named " Nanlin Z " process for the preparation and design of glyphosate on pilot plant scale .

  10. 这台电冰箱是由不同的工厂所制的零件组装的。

    This refrigerator is fabricated from parts made in different factories .

  11. 动球式流量计可以用普通的工厂设备制出。

    The ball flow meters can be built with common shop tools .

  12. 该工厂已停止制.造脚踏车。

    The factory has ceased making bicycles .

  13. 随着中国日益成为世界工厂,中国制造型企业面临的竞争变得越来越激烈。

    Chinese manufacturing cooperation are facing intense competition as China becoming the global manufacturing factory gradually .

  14. 据东芝表示,两家公司将在其位于日本横滨的300mm规格Fab4(而非新建的300mmFab5)工厂内采用19nm制程生产这种芯片产品,并将逐步提升芯片的产量。

    The19-nm process will be ramped up within Fab4-not Fab5-at its Yokkaichi Operations in Japan , according to Toshiba .

  15. 进行工厂检验,以评价工厂工艺和人员制备可接受焊缝的能力。

    Perform a shop inspection to evaluate the capability of shop procedures and personnel to make acceptable welds .

  16. 船的龙骨是法国克鲁棱工厂造的,推进器大轴是伦敦朋尼公司制的,船壳的钢铁板是利物浦利亚工厂造的,推进器是格拉斯哥斯各脱工厂制的。

    Its keel was forged by Creusot in France , its propeller shaft by Pen & Co. in London , the sheet-iron plates for its hull by Laird 's in Liverpool , its propeller by Scott 's in Glasgow .

  17. 工厂装瓶,厂内装盛汽车是从各不同工厂所制的零件装配成的。

    Automobile is fabricated from parts made in different factories .