
  1. CM模式是当今国际上被广泛运用的一种工程承发包的管理模式。

    Nowadays , CM approach has been widely used as an international building procurement model .

  2. 由防水材料的等效性谈防水工程承发包中的问题

    Problems existing in contracting of waterproofing projects viewed from equivalence of waterproof materials

  3. 我国开展涉外工程承发包的经济合作动力分析

    Analysis of Economic Cooperation Motive to Develop Foreign Project Contracting in our Country

  4. 另一个研究方面是建设工程承发包合同管理,主要研究了九种工程承发包合同方式与风险管理。

    The second is contract and its hazards management .

  5. 招标投标是国际通用的、比较成熟的而且科学合理的工程承发包方式。

    Tender and bidding is an universal , mature and scientific project contract mode .

  6. 工程承发包双方在工程合同执行过程中博弈行为分析

    Game analysis of contracting during the contract execution

  7. 目前,招投标已成为工程承发包最主要形式之一,对于市政工程亦不例外。

    Bidding has become one of the main forms for obtaining engineering item at present , and no exception for Municipal Engineering .

  8. 我国现行的工程承发包价格实际是双轨制价格,即以指导价格形成的承发包价格,和以市场价格形成承发包价格。

    Active engineering bid price is virtually ' double-track system ' price , namely which is formed by ' guidance price ' and ' market price ' .

  9. 工程承发包价格的形成、变化和最终确定,贯穿于一个工程项目预可研、可研、设计、施工、竣工的全过程。本文仅研究工程项目施工招投标阶段的承发包价格。

    It goes through whole course of pre-feasibility study , feasibility study , design , construction and completion of an engineering project that engineering bid price forms , changes and confirms ultimately .

  10. 工程项目承发包价格研究

    A Study on the Price of Constructive Contract

  11. 工程项目的承发包价格管理长期以来一直是我国建筑工程管理领域的一个重要课题。

    The price management of project contracting has long been an important issue in the field of the construction management in our country .

  12. 分类评述了建设工程中平行承发包、设计和施工总分包、项目总承包、项目总承包管理四种主要的管理模式。

    The author comments four kinds of main management modes in construction project classifying : the parallel contract , design-construct lump-sum contract , project total contract , and project total contract management .

  13. 建设工程项目招投标是工程实施承发包最为重要的环节,它决定了项目能否顺利完成。

    Bidding for construction projects is the most important part , which determines whether the successful completion of the project .

  14. 工程担保是国际上保障工程建设承发包合同履行的一种重要的信用工具。

    Construction bond is an important credit instrument to guarantee the performance of a construction contract .

  15. 工程招投标是市场经济条件下工程承发包交易的主要方式。

    As a main dealing method of project contracting in the market economy , project biding entails the market price of construction products .

  16. 工程总承包是一种在工程界流行的承发包方式,它同时承揽一个项目的设计和施工等多阶段。

    General contracting is a popular contracting manner in the engineering field , it means that contractors contract the designing and constructing parts at least on one project .

  17. 中国建筑领域存在的许多问题,如工程质量问题、工程款拖欠问题等,都与承发包合同履行不良有着密切关系,工程保证担保是国际上保障建设工程承发包合同履行的一种信用工具。

    Nowadays , many problems exist in Chinese construction market , such as bad quality and nonpayment , which obviously related with bad performance of contract . Construction contract guarantee is an important credit instrument to guarantee the performance of a construction contract .

  18. 建设工程项目招标投标是国际上通用的、成熟的并且科学合理的工程承发包方式,是确保建设工程项目质量、降低工程造价、提高经济收益的有效方式。

    Bidding for construction projects is internationally accepted , mature and scientific way of construction contracts . It can ensure the quality of construction projects , reduce the cost of project and improve the economic benefits .