
  • 网络Mechatronics;Mechatronics Technology
  1. 文章介绍了机电一体化技术在我国纺织工业中的地位及主要应用;

    The position and application of mechatronics in domestic textile industry are introduced .

  2. 机电一体化技术在皮革机械中的应用&电脑喷浆机电脑控制原理

    Application of mechatronics technique in leather machinery - Control principle for computerized spraying machine

  3. 集装箱CT检查系统机电一体化技术的应用研究

    Application Research on Mechatronics Technology Used in CT Container Inspecting System

  4. 本文深入研究了机电一体化技术在集装箱CT检查系统中的应用。

    The application effect of the field bus technology and automation technology in the CT container inspecting system has been discussed in this paper .

  5. 本文阐述了采用CAD、CAM技术和机电一体化技术在提花袜机上实现柔性编织的方法,并介绍了柔性编织系统的软、硬件设计方法。

    Describes a flexible knitting method in jacquard socks machine with CAD / CAM by mechatronics techniques . And also , introduces the hardware and software design method of flexible knitting system .

  6. 随着机器视觉技术与光机电一体化技术的快速发展,尤其在我国加入‘WTO’以后,机器视觉系统与光机电一体化系统在国民经济各行各业中得到了广泛的应用。

    With rapid development of the Machine Vision and Opto-mechatronics especially our country enters into ' WTO ' , The Machine Vision System and the Opto - mechatronics System are applied on a large scale in every walk of life .

  7. 在将机电一体化技术应用于传统制冷的基础上,研制了颅脑亚低温治疗仪。该治疗仪主要包括制冷系统、LCD显示系统、数据采集系统及智能变频控制系统。

    A hypothermia instrument consisting of refrigerating apparatus , LCD display device , data collection system and intelligent frequency control system is developed on the basis of applying of the modern mechatronics to the conventional refrigeration .

  8. 机电一体化技术在TDS-9S顶驱上的应用研究

    Application and study of electromechanical integration on TDS-9S top drive system

  9. 通过分析立式小型包装机的机构组成和传动系统,论述了机电一体化技术在包装机械中的应用及其相关内容,如传递函数、传动程序、触摸屏与PLC;

    By analysing the mechanism components and the transmission system of the vertical miniature packing-machine , it has discussed the application of the mechanics and electronics integration technology to the packing machines with it , such as transfer function , transmission program , touch-screen and PLC and so on .

  10. 分析了机电一体化技术在TDS-9S顶驱上的应用,研究了机械主体的控制逻辑与微机控制软件流程的对接。

    Application of electromechanical integration on TDS 9S top drive is analysed , and study on butt joint in mechanical control logic with control software procedure are introduced in this paper .

  11. 机电一体化技术在食品饮料包装设备中的应用

    Application of Mechatronics Technology in the Food and Drink Packing Equipment

  12. 高速纺丝卷绕机的机电一体化技术

    The Application of Mechatronics in High Speed Take - up Machine

  13. 机械和电气是设备的两大组成部分,运用机电一体化技术处理实际问题可以简单、全面、准确。

    Machine and electricity are two big parts of equpment .

  14. 绿色企业、绿色产品与机电一体化技术

    Integration of Green Enterprises , Green Products and Electromechanical Technology

  15. 我国煤矿机电一体化技术回顾与展望

    The review and expectation of electromechanical integrating technology in Chinese coal mine

  16. 包装机械的创新设计必须面向机电一体化技术

    The Creative Design of Packaging Machine Must Face to the Mechanotronics Technology

  17. 基于光机电一体化技术的螺纹测量实验教学改革

    Experiment Teaching Innovation of Screw Measurement Based on Opto-Mechatronics Technology

  18. 机电一体化技术在综合采煤设备中的应用与发展

    Application and Development of Electromechanical Integration Technique for Comprehensive Mechanized Mining Equipments

  19. 机电一体化技术综合实验台的设计及实验安排

    Design and Experimental Arrangement for the Mechatronic Integration Platform

  20. 机电一体化技术专业在高职院校中的建设与改革

    Construction and Reform on mechatronics in Higher Vocational Colleges

  21. 自动络筒机的机电一体化技术简析

    Mechatronic Technique Analysis of Auto - Winding Machine

  22. 同工业发达国家相比,我国的机电一体化技术还比较落后。

    Compared with the industry developed country , our electromechanical integration technology is under-developed .

  23. 机电一体化技术专业项目课程模式改革探索

    Electromechanical Integration Technology Specialty Project Course Model Reform

  24. 以机电一体化技术创建中国第一、世界一流的煤炭企业

    Construct Coal Enterprise of Best in China and First-class in World with Mechatronics Technique

  25. 机电一体化技术的设计思想和方法学

    The Design Thinking and Methodology for Mechatronics Technology

  26. 铸钛工业与机电一体化技术

    Titanium Casting Industry and Technology of Electromechanical Integration

  27. 机电一体化技术在控摇系统中的应用与研究

    Mechatronics Application and Research in Sway Control Sys-tem

  28. 机械制造中的现代测试技术机电一体化技术在工程机械中的应用

    Advanced Measurement and Testing in Mechanical Eng ? Application of Mechatronics in engineering machinery

  29. 真空熔铸设备与机电一体化技术

    Vacuum melting-casting equipment with electronic control system

  30. 机电一体化技术的发展状况是衡量一个国家机械工业发展水平的重要标志。

    The progress of one country 's electromechanical integration technology indicates its mechanical industry level .