
  1. 基于3S集成技术对尾矿库安全监测的探讨

    Discussion on the Safty Monitoring of Tailing Reservoir Based on 3S Integrated Technology

  2. 我国尾矿库安全现状分析及管理对策研究基于3S集成技术对尾矿库安全监测的探讨

    The safety analysis of current situation and management countermeasure on tailing reservoir in China Discussion on the Safty Monitoring of Tailing Reservoir Based on 3S Integrated Technology

  3. 圆弧条分法在尾矿库安全评价中的应用

    Safety assessment application of circular arc Swedish method in tailing pond

  4. 金属非金属尾矿库安全现状及分析

    Analysis of current safety situation of metal and non-metal tailing pond

  5. 尾矿库安全现状评价体系与方法探讨

    Discussion on assessment system and approach to safety actuality of tailing pond

  6. 基于模糊数学的尾矿库安全综合评价

    Safety Comprehensive Assessment of Tailing Reservoir Based on Fuzzy Mathematics

  7. 尾矿库安全评价中的科学问题及评价方法探讨

    Study on scientific issue and evaluation method in safety assessment of tailing reservoir

  8. 尾矿库安全评价初探

    Preliminary Discussions on Safety Assessment for Tailing Pond

  9. 模糊灰色综合评价方法及在尾矿库安全管理中的应用

    Synthetical evaluation method of Grey-fuzzy and its application in the safety-management of tailing reservoir

  10. 我国尾矿库安全现状及管理措施探讨

    Analysis of the Safety Situation and Discussion on the Management Measures of the Tailing Reservoir

  11. Matlab/Simulink建模技术在尾矿库安全预警中的应用研究

    Research on Application of Matlab / Simulink Modelling Technology in Safety Pre-warning of Tailings Reservoir

  12. 尾矿库安全在矿山企业安全生产中起着重要的作用。

    In the whole process of mining enterprises production , tailing pond play an important role .

  13. 阳山铁矿尾矿库安全运行隐患分析与防治

    Analysis , Prevention and Solution of Hidden Dangers in Safe Operation of Yangshan Iron Mine 's Tailings Reservoir

  14. 坝体稳定性计算是尾矿库安全评价中的一项重要内容。

    The computation of the dam body stability is an important content in a tailing pond safety assessment .

  15. 在安全检查表得分的基础上再采用定性的方法给出尾矿库安全度;

    Presents safety degree of tailing pond by determining the nature on the base of score of safety checklist ;

  16. 此评价体系先后在近40个尾矿库安全现状评价中应用,效果良好。

    This assessment system has been used in more than 40 tailing ponds 's safety assessment of actuality , and good effect was obtained .

  17. 尾矿库安全评价应该研究坝及其附属构筑物的安全状况,评价尾矿库的安全等级。

    Safety assessment on tailing reservoir should be based on safety conditions of dam and its affiliated construction and the assessment on safety state of the tailing reservoir .

  18. 2003年至2004年,国家安全生产监督管理总局组织了金属非金属尾矿库安全状况的调查,调查了2692座代表性的尾矿库。

    From 2003 to 2004 , State Administration of Work Safety has made an investigation on safety situation of metal and nonmetal tailing pond . 2692 representative tailing ponds have been researched .

  19. 为了提高尾矿库安全评价质量,应尽快组织编写尾矿库安全评价细则,建立科学、统一、规范、权威的标准。

    To improve safety assessment quality , detailed rules and regulations on safety assessment for tailing pond should be compiled as soon as possible and standards with science , unity , authoritativeness should be set up .

  20. 对云锡尾矿库坝安全管理的探讨

    On the Safety Management of Tailing Dam in Yunnan Tin Corporation

  21. 因此,在我国尾矿库的安全性显得更加重要。

    So the safety of tailing reservoirs is more important in our country .

  22. 浅谈尾矿库的安全技术管理

    Discussion on safety technique management of tailings pool

  23. 主沟槽长度计算方法对尾矿库防洪安全的影响分析

    Security Influence Analysis of Main Trench Length Calculation Model to Debris Storehouse Flood Prevention

  24. 尾矿库的安全稳定在矿山的安全生产和环境保护中具有十分重要的意义。

    The safety and stability of tailing reservoirs are of great importance to the mining production and environmental protection .

  25. 为了保证矿山生产可持续发展,应特别重视尾矿库的安全工作。

    So , to ensure the sustainable development of the production of mine , the safety of tailing pond should be especially thought much of .

  26. 铀尾矿库的辐射安全及事故预防对策

    Radiation safety and accident prevention countermeasures for uranium tailing impoundment

  27. 滤饼干式堆存,不但减少了环境污染,又能确保尾矿库的长期安全。

    Furthermore , the dry heaping of filter cake not only lighten environmental pollution but also keep safety of tailing pool .

  28. 由于多种原因,一半尾矿库未取得安全生产许可证,近一半处于病、险、危或超期服役状态。

    Because of various reasons , half tailing ponds in our country have not obtained safety licenses for production , and nearly half of them are in disease , dangers , hazards or extra-service state .

  29. 尾矿库一旦发生重大安全生产事故,将对人民生命财产及矿山企业造成巨大的损失。

    In case of happening serious safety accident on tailing pond , it will be caused huge property losses and people casualty .

  30. 在对20家小型尾矿库现场检查和安全评价的基础上,分析了尾矿库安全管理和安全评价工作中存在的问题,应用事故树分析法对尾矿库溃坝事故进行了具体分析。

    Based on the locale inspection and safety assessment to twenty small tailing ponds , problems existed in safety management and safety assessment are analyzed . The accident of tailing dam break is studied by fault tree analysis .