
  • 网络fine fraction
  1. 偏细粒级中主要富集的是可溶有机质,有机碳和氯仿沥青A含量均高,C17色谱峰显著,呈现出有机质向粗和细两个端元富集的特点。

    While OM enriched in fine fraction is mainly dissolved OM , which is characterised by large OC and chloroform bitumen A contents and a marked C17 chromatographic peak .

  2. 试验结果表明,分级后的细粒级尾矿利用现有的压滤机脱水,产品水分和压滤生产时间都增加。

    The test result showed that the dewatering of the classified fine fraction tailings by the existing filter press resulted in increased product moisture and filtering time .

  3. 除Sr以外,细粒级沉积物中元素含量明显高于粗粒级,变化幅度大。

    Except strontium , the concentrations of elements in fine-grained sediment is great higher than those in coarse-grained , with a wide range of variations .

  4. 对承钢黑山铁矿TiO2品位33%左右的粗钛精矿进行了不磨矿的粗粒级浮选或磨矿后细粒级浮选试验研究;

    The trial researches are conducted separately with coarse-grain flotation without grinding and fine-grain flotation after grinding for crude titaniferous concentrate with TiO2 grade of about 33 percent .

  5. 各粒级土粒对磷的吸附量用langmuir方程进行拟合,具有显著的相关性;土壤中细粒级主要起到保磷(库)的作用,而大粒级在磷的释放方面的作用较大。

    Fitting the phosphorus adsorption of soil particles with langmuir equation , it had significantly correlation ; we can find out that the micro-aggregates play a major role on keeping phosphorus , and the larger sizes were more important in release phosphorus . 4 .

  6. 结果表明:当筛网为5mm,锤式破碎机的线速度为13m/s,转速为2600r/min时,细粒级产率小,小于0.074mm物料占7.88%;

    The results show that when the screen aperture mesh is 5 mm , linear speed of the hammer crusher is 13 m / s and rotation speed is 2 600 ( r / min ), the yield of fine particles of-0.074 mm is only 7.88 % .

  7. 锯齿波跳汰机回收细粒级锡矿石的试验与应用

    Test and Application of Sawtooth Wave Jigger for Recovering Fine Cassiterite

  8. 攀枝花选钛厂细粒级钛铁矿回收途径探讨

    Discussion on the Way to Recover Fine Ilmenite in Panzhihua Titanium Concentrator

  9. 对金矿床本身而言,一般细粒级、破碎的黄铁矿含金量高。

    Gold contents in pyrite may vary as highly as ten times .

  10. 表面活性剂的这些正面作用,均提高了细粒级一水硬铝石的回收率。

    All of the positive effects improve the recovery of fine diaspore .

  11. 细粒级掺杂石墨材料的制备及其出气特性的研究

    Preparation of a fine-grained doped graphite material and its out - gassing property

  12. 细粒级物料的湿式分级技术

    Hydraulic ( wet ) classification technology of fine particle

  13. 细粒级尾砂絮凝沉降模型的研究

    Study on flocculating settling model of fine-grained tailing

  14. 东海陆架北部表层细粒级沉积物的级配及意义

    Distributions and Significance of the Fing-Grained Surface Sediments on the Northern East China Sea Shelf

  15. 其难度在于细粒级尾砂的沉降速度慢和脱水困难。

    The Stumbling blocks are the low settling rate and difficult dewatering of fine-grained mill tailing .

  16. 细粒级煤泥的乳化液浮选

    The Emulsion Floatation of Fine Slime

  17. 试验表明,该筛适于细粒级筛分,处理泥浆量大,筛板寿命长、装拆方便。

    The field tests show that this type of shale shaker is suitable for fine grain screening .

  18. 组分的细粒级具有零阶产出特征。

    There is a zero order production of fine sizes in each of the components of the mixtures .

  19. 在平面分布上,粗粒级含量从西北部和北部向东南部迅速降低,而细粒级含量高值往往出现在河口中部。

    In spatial distribution , content of coarser sediment component decreased quickly from north and northwest to southeast .

  20. 中细粒级铁矿双高永磁干选新工艺研究及应用

    Research and application of " double high " permanent magnetic dry separation technology for medium and fine iron ore

  21. 金、铀矿含矿信息的直接指示元素及伴生元素富集在细粒级粘土中。

    Direction elements of including Au , U ore information and companion elements are enriched in the fine fractions of clay .

  22. 细粒级尾砂絮凝沉降性能是全尾砂充填应用中的核心问题之一。

    The flocculating settling characteristics of fine tailings is one of the key problems in application of filling by all tailings .

  23. 黄河口毗邻海域细粒级沉积物特征及沉积物入海后的运移

    Characteristics of fine-grained sediment of the shelf area adjacent to the mouth of the Huanghe River and sediment dispersion in that region

  24. 很多金属特别是细粒级金属在尾矿中损失严重,尾矿中还有许多有用矿物没有得到回收。

    A lot of metals , especially fine metals , lossed seriously in tailings . There were many useful minerals not being recovered .

  25. 梯形跳汰机不能有效地回收细粒级,因而碎矿工艺是影响收率的重要因素;

    Crushing process is the mainly influential factor to the recovery because the trapezoidal jigs in downstream cann 't effectively recover the fine fractions .

  26. 采用高频振动细筛作钛粗精矿的分级设备,改性塔尔油作细粒级的浮选捕收剂,使该精选新工艺得以实施。

    High frequency vibrating fine screen was used for the classification and improved tall oil as the flotation collector in the new cleaning technological flowsheet .

  27. 同时选钛厂目前已开展了特细粒级钛铁矿(-0.019mm)回收的实验室工作,并已取得阶段性成果;

    The concentrator is carrying out the laboratory test on recovering superfine ilmenite ( - 0 . 019 mm ) and has obtained stage achievement .

  28. 本文试就细粒级尾砂的絮凝沉降模型进行探讨,以求在计算絮凝沉降时更接近实际。

    This paper has made an exploration on the flocculating settling model of fine-grained tailing for the purpose of determinating the flocculating settling rate more practically .

  29. 针对这一实际情况,着重强化了对细粒级铁矿物的回收,取得了良好效果。

    Considering the characteristics of the ore , we reinforce to control the recovery of fine-sized iron minerals in this paper and so good effect is obtained .

  30. 考虑到这些特点,文中采取以下措施以提高浮选的技术指标:1.采用较低的矿浆浓度以提高细粒级的分选效果;

    In order to improve the flotation process , following measures have been taken : 1.Using lower pulp density to increase the separation efficiency of fine slime .