
  • 网络high strength gypsum;GRG
  1. 高强石膏的生产工艺及其改性研究

    Study on production technology and improvement of high strength gypsum

  2. 高强石膏的制备及性能影响因素研究

    Preparation of Super High Strength Gypsum and Research on Factors Affecting Its Performance

  3. (冠脉扩张药)心肌浸膏用脱硫石膏制备高强石膏粉的转晶剂

    Medium crystal agent in high-strength gypsum with flue gas desulphurization gypsum

  4. 高强石膏生产中尾矿的开发应用

    How to developing the high-strength tailings from the gypsum production

  5. 蒸压法生产高强石膏粉的工艺参数研究

    A Study on the Technological Parameters of High Strength Gypsum Powder Produced by Saturated Vapour Pressure Method

  6. 确定了相应的工艺参数,获得了性能优良的高强石膏。

    Corresponding technological parameters are determined and the high quality , high strength gypsum powder is gotten .

  7. 以高强石膏为胶凝材料,内掺玻璃纤维,制备出一种新型多孔吸声材料。

    A new type of porous sound absorbing material was made from super-strength gypsum and glass fiber .

  8. 以高强石膏为主要原料,内掺玻璃纤维,在发泡剂的作用下,制备出一种新型多孔吸声材料,采用驻波管法测试材料的吸声系数。

    A new type of sound absorbing material was made from super-strength gypsum and glass fiber and the sound absorp-tion coefficient of the material was tested by standing wave tube method .

  9. 因蒸压法生产高强石膏,尾矿率在20%以上,若丢弃,既浪费资源;增加生产成本,又造成新的环境污染。

    The tailings account for 20 percent in producing the gypsum by the method of if we do not use the tailings again , it must squander the resource , form pollution and increase the productive cost .

  10. 高强磷石膏建材的硬化机理

    Study on enhancing mechanism of phosphogypsum construction material with high strength

  11. 其次,通过三种试验研究,运用不同的石膏基材,分别加入不同的外加剂、矿物粉、纤维等,研究分析出,三种条件下的高强耐水石膏的最佳配合比。

    And second , the author mixed the different admixtures , mineral powders and fibers with the gypsum-based materials , from three kinds of tests the author found out the best mix proportion of the high strength water resistance gypsum in this three conditions .

  12. 通过对样品的物理性能和水化产物的检测以及水化机理的分析表明:将高温煅烧磷石膏、矿渣、熟料和激发剂按一定的比例混合磨细可以制备出高强的硬石膏水泥。

    Through the examination of the sample 's physical nature and hydration and the analysis of its hydration mechanism , it revealed that calcined phosphogypsum , slag , clinker , and chemical activators in a certain mixing ratio are ground finely to make the anhydrite cement with higher compression .