
xiǎo fēn duì
  • Team;squad;detachment;contingent;small group;column
小分队 [xiǎo fēn duì]
  • [detachment;column;contingent] 指组织上具有永久性的独立单位,一般其人数比一排少,其组成也和正规单位不同

  • 医疗小分队

小分队[xiǎo fēn duì]
  1. 一支小分队开进了东部郊区向飞机场挺进。

    One detachment pushed into the eastern suburbs towards the airfield

  2. 小分队提前出动了。

    The detachment set off ahead of schedule .

  3. 一名中士和一个四人小分队出现在眼前。

    A sergeant with a detail of four men came into view .

  4. 一个4人小分队被派出寻找核试验地。

    A team of four was sent to scout for a nuclear test site

  5. 有段时间他离开了炮兵部队去指挥一支雷达小分队。

    At some stage he left the Artillery to command a radar unit .

  6. 原定去希腊执行任务的一支澳大利亚小分队接到命令后继续留在埃及。

    An Australian division scheduled for assignment to Greece was ordered to remain in Egypt .

  7. 两支海军小分队在过去的36个小时被困在城内。

    Two small Marine units have been trapped inside the city for the last 36 hours .

  8. 小分队的警察比那些负责大片区域的警察更了解自己管片的群众。

    The team police get to know the people in their patrol areas better than cops who must cover a larger beat .

  9. 作为特工小分队的一员,部队总会派我们去做他们不愿做的事。

    As a member of an elite army hit squad , the army would send us out to do their dirty work for them .

  10. 人一组的小分队,经过长途跋涉,穿过了森林,分别用72小时到96小时不等

    Six-man teams trekked through the woods , respectively for 72 to 96 hours . 6

  11. 因此Miller上尉他的小分队深入敌后,去执行这个危险的任务。

    Therefore , Captain Miller takes his squad behind enemy lines on this dangerous mission .

  12. 现实中,adhoc网络的一类典型应用是侦查小分队到野外执行任务,灾后救助、矿场勘测等。

    In reality , Ad hoc network is a typical application such as fieldworks of investigative teams , disaster relief , mineral exploration , and so on .

  13. 三周前,海豹部队的一个小分队在巴基斯坦大胆、高调地刺杀了奥萨马本拉登(osamabinladen)。

    Three weeks ago , a unit of the seals performed an audacious , high-profile assassination of Osama bin Laden in Pakistan .

  14. 预告:下一期《签到》,我们将跟随RAM小分队前往广州、深圳和香港,敬请期待!

    Preview : Next month " Check-in " will follow another team of RAM to visit Guangzhou , Shenzhen , and Hong Kong , stay informed with us !

  15. 我计划派一支小分队去XX,从供应商到制造程序,进行一个差距的审核,一定有一些方面可以给我们带来成本的节约。

    I am going to send a team to XX have a gap review for from supplier based to manufacturing process there are must somewhere that can bring cost saving .

  16. 他说,那些残暴的袭击都是由LRA的游击小分队发动的,他们将一个个村镇洗劫一空。

    He says the brutal attacks are usually carried out by small bands of LRA ( Lord 's Resistance Army ) guerillas who loot the towns and leave little in their wake .

  17. 他最开始相信甘地(Gandhian)的非暴力不合作运动,但当罢工和抗议看似徒劳之后,曼德拉组建了一支破坏者小分队。

    He initially put his faith in Gandhian nonviolence , but when strikes and protests began to seem futile , he founded a band of saboteurs .

  18. Mali说,疑犯和他的一名被警方打死的同伙曾杀了三名高级警官,包括反恐小分队的负责人HemantKarkare。

    Mali , said the suspect and one of his collaborators , who was slain by the police , had killed three top police officials , including the head of the antiterrorist squad , Hemant Karkare .

  19. 是的,她,还是她,以及另一个她的眼神里,都没有一丝对尼康F16以及对小分队的摄像机和虹膜仪的信任。

    Yes , her , even in her eyes and in another 's too , there is not the slightest confidence in the Nikon F-16 or the search party 's camera or the iris detector .

  20. 这时女巫追捕小分队的队长跑上前来。

    and the Captain of his Brigade of Witch-Hunters ran forwards .

  21. 斯科特的五人小分队,死于归途。

    Scott 's team of five died on the return journey .

  22. 除非我的小分队确实撑不住了

    Until I 'm certain my team can 't hold it ,

  23. 他们的小分队被炮火轰击。

    When their unit was attacked by gunfire and mortars .

  24. 这家人生活在对杀人小分队的惊恐中。

    The family lived in fear of the death squads .

  25. 再派另一个小分队去抓副机长。

    Send a secondary team to pick up the copilot .

  26. 我真的很喜欢我们3个人的小分队

    You know , I really like this menage-three some team thing .

  27. 我们是蓝精灵小分队这个任务我们一起完成

    We 're team smurf and we 're in this together

  28. 他派出一个小分队暗中监视敌人的行动。

    He sent out a party to spy the enemy .

  29. 够了.我需要在恋爱游行上安排一支小分队.

    Enough . I want a full contingent at that Love Parade .

  30. 你的小分队成员里有宇航员、科学家、曾经的罪犯

    you 've got the astronaut , the scientist , the ex-convict ,