
wú guó jí
  • stateless
无国籍[wú guó jí]
  1. 少数民族人士实际上将沦为无国籍的人。

    The ethnic minorities will be effectively stateless .

  2. �居留在中华人民共和国境内的外国人和无国籍人,不适用本条例。

    These Regulations shall not apply to aliens and stateless persons who reside in the People 's Republic of China .

  3. Web服务是根据定义,无国籍应用和这个例子没有什么不同,因为它是旨在使无国籍利用地理信息系统的服务器。

    Web services are , by definition , stateless applications and this example is no different because it is designed to make stateless use of the GIS server .

  4. 无国籍女人:在传统与现代之间徘徊的族群

    Women of No Nationality : A Group Wandering between Tradition and Modernization

  5. 申请条件:来佛山探望其他亲属的外国人或无国籍人。

    I.Applicant : Alien or stateless person visiting other relatives in Foshan .

  6. 难民和无国籍人地位全权代表会议;

    Conference of plenipotentiaries on the status of refugees and stateless persons ;

  7. 所有的申请将被收费除非你是无国籍人士。

    All applications will be charged unless you are an exempt nationality .

  8. 他的确是个无国籍的游民。

    He was indeed a nomad of no nationality .

  9. 联合国难民和无国籍人地位全权代表会议全国冶金工会联合会

    United Nations Conference of Plenipotentiaries on the Status of Refugees and Stateless Persons

  10. 他在某种程度上成了一个无国籍的人。

    He became , as it were , a man without a country .

  11. 商学院毕业生经常把自己视为无国籍人士。

    Business school graduates often see themselves as stateless .

  12. 在国内流离失所的人和无国籍的人士也是调查的对象。

    So were internally displaced and stateless people .

  13. 难民及无国籍人问题特设委员会

    Ad Hoc Committee on Refugees and Stateless Persons

  14. 无国籍人地位问题会议

    Conference on the Status of Stateless Persons

  15. 沦为无国籍者的人们。

    People who have been made stateless .

  16. 领土庇护、难民和无国籍人所涉法律问题特设专家委员会

    Ad Hoc Committee of Experts on the Legal Aspects of Territorial Asylum , Refugees and Stateless Persons

  17. 这些无国籍者丧失了这个盛产石油的酋长国恩赠给公民的种种舒适待遇,包括教育。

    The bidoun forfeit the amenities that the oil-rich emirate showers on its citizens , including education .

  18. 这些无国籍的人中大部分是世界上最贫穷的,都是被剥夺最多权利的人。

    Many of these stateless people are among the world 's poorest ; all are the most disenfranchised .

  19. 这些越南女人既没有加入中国国籍,事实上又自动丧失了越南国籍,成为无国籍女人。

    These women are a group of people who haven 't acquired Chinese nationality and have lost Vietnamese nationality .

  20. 我兄弟吉姆竟然说“没人说得清”国际恐怖主义无国籍行动者大范围流行�

    As my brother Jim would say , " go figure " International terrorism , stateless actors , pandemic disease .

  21. 此外,对在中国受审的外国人、无国籍人,在享有法律援助帮助方面给予保障。

    Besides , foreigners and stateless persons who are to stand trial in China are guaranteed to enjoy legal aid .

  22. 无国籍侨居本港的外国人外国人居留证上填写的项目内如有变更怎么办?

    Stateless alien resident of Hong Kong What to do in case items in the residence permit for foreigners change ?

  23. 新加坡肃毒局说,来自尼日利亚现年21岁的托奇和另一名无国籍非洲人马拉奇星期五早上被处以绞刑。

    Singapore 's narcotics bureau said twenty-one year old Tochi from Nigeria and a stateless African named Malachy were hung Friday morning .

  24. 第十八条居留在中华人民共和国境内的外国人和无国籍人,不适用本条例。

    Article 18 . These Regulations shall not apply to aliens and stateless persons who reside in the People 's Republic of China .

  25. 公司长期招聘外语人才。各国外语人才。无国籍和种族限制。

    Our company invites application of people who is good at foreign languages , there is no limitation for different nationality and race .

  26. 涉外婚姻关系是指中国公民与外国人、无国籍人之间,或者在我国的外国人之间结成的婚姻关系。

    Foreign marriage is a relationship between Chinese and foreigners or people without nationality , or a relationship between the foreigners living in china .

  27. 外国人、无国籍人、外国组织在中华人民共和国委托律师代理诉讼进行行政诉讼

    Foreign nationals , stateless persons and foreign organizations appoint lawyers as their agents ad litem in administrative suits in the People 's Republic of China

  28. 涉外域名纠纷案件包括当事人一方或者双方是外国人、无国籍人、外国企业或组织、国际组织,或者域名注册地在外国的域名纠纷案件。

    To the tort disputes over domain names , the intermediate courts in the places of tort or the residences of the accused have the jurisdiction .

  29. 外国人、无国籍人申请归化我国国籍者,于申请归化时,应确定其中文姓氏。

    In case a foreigner or a person of non-nationality applying for naturalization as a R.O.C. national shall make certain of his / her Chinese family name .

  30. 大约有两百万这样的人生活在泰国,大多来自少数民族和山族部落,也许这是世界上最大的一群无国籍人口。

    About two million of them are in Thailand , mostly members of ethnic minority groups and hill tribes , perhaps the largest stateless population in the world .