
dǎo yuán
  • originate;derive; have its source
导源 [dǎo yuán]
  • (1) [river rises in]∶发源,起源

  • 黄河导源于青海

  • (2) [derive;originate]∶由某种事物发展而来

  • 非导源于小儒乎。--清. 黄宗羲《原君》

  1. 黄河导源于青海。

    The Yellow River rises in Qinghai province .

  2. EMC设计须从减弱干扰源(传导源)强度、衰减传播因子、提高受扰设备抗干扰能力三方面进行综合考虑。

    Design of EMC must be considered from three aspects : reducing intensity of interference source , attenuating propagation factor and enhancing anti-jamming capability of interfered equipment .

  3. 韦伯的形式法治直接导源于他的形式合理性。

    Formal law of Weber 's comes from formal rationality directly .

  4. 这一模式的形成主要导源于以下两方面的原因。

    The formation of the model is derived from two reasons .

  5. 公共财政的形成是导源于社会分工。

    Public finance is formed from the social division of labor .

  6. 这样的尴尬现象导源于同时也进一步导致了学术评估和学术批评的价值失衡,无论是学者自身还是相应的管理机构,从来没有像现在这样几乎完全失去了学术特别是人文学术质量评价的自信力。

    The academic evaluation and criticism have lost their balance of value .

  7. 此为中医郁病之理论导源。

    This is the origin of the theory of depressive disease of TCM .

  8. 唐代占梦小说导源于古代的占梦术和占梦小说故事。

    The Relationship between Dream Interpreting Novels in Tang Dynasty and Ji Zhong Shuoyu ;

  9. 各种形式的乱收费直接导源于政府公共支出的不断膨胀。

    The continual expansion of government expenditure directly results in various fees collected at random .

  10. 法律与道德的矛盾,导源于这两种不同文化的价值特性。

    The contradiction between law and ethic originates from the two different intellectual value characteristics .

  11. 日常生活批判理论导源于马克思发动的哲学革命。

    The critique theory of everyday life originated from the philosophy revolution that Marx started .

  12. 阴阳导源于《周易》,《内经》在医学方面作了;

    Yin-yang theory originated from Zhouyi and was improved by the Internal Canon in traditional medicine .

  13. 总体而言,政府管制需求主要导源于自然垄断性与外部性这两大类问题。

    To sum up , the demand of government control originates from two kinds of problem of natural monopolize and exterior .

  14. 客观事实在诉讼中不可把握,但导源于它的确证事实和法律事实具有可操作性。

    We cannot grasp the objective fact , but the confirmed or legal fact that come from it in a law case .

  15. 民本经济,导源于中国传统的民本思想、“企业本位论”、“权利本位论”和“公民本位论”。

    People standard economy stems from traditional Chinese standard thinking , enterprise standard theories , rights standard theories and citizen standard theories .

  16. 技术供应链思想导源于物料供应链,形成于技术形态的理性思维和分析。

    The technology supply chain originates from the material supply chain and is formed based on rational thoughts and analysis of technology modality .

  17. 山水之所以美还在于它常常作为独立的艺术形象,产生象征比喻意义,我国古典美学理论中的比德说导源于此。

    The beauty of moutains and waters also shows in artistic image which exists by itself , and has symbolic and analogy sense .

  18. 这类舞蹈导源于舞蹈艺术的萌芽期,至今仍大量存在,构成我们今天习惯称之为民间舞蹈的一大门类。

    This kind of dance originated from the embryonic period of the dance art and still exists today , forming the so-called folk dance .

  19. 同构性导源于规范对象的同一性,差异性则根植于政治制度和法制状况的区别性。

    The identity originates from the identical regulated objects , while the difference is rooted in the distinction of political system and state of legality .

  20. 中国公共事业主体多元化导源于两种不同的发展路径:公共事业组织民营化与民间力量介入公共事业。

    The main body of Chinese public service 's multiplication originated from two different resources : privatization of public institutions and intervention of private enterprise into public service .

  21. 这种精神的深厚渊源来自于对人类文明成果的继承,导源于对真理的探求,植根于伟大实践的沃土,交融于完美的人格风范。

    It is the result of the inheritance of human civilization , the pursuit of the truth . Based on practice it eventually mingles in his perfect personality .

  22. 社会利益失衡主要导源于竞争秩序的不完善,传统体制下的伦理规范也不能从根本上协调社会利益关系。

    The imperfection of the competition order leads to the imbalanced social interests ; even the ethic criterions in traditional mechanism can 't fully coordinate with the social benefits .

  23. 民事诉讼当事人处分权是导源于民事实体法中的私法自治原则,而又经过诉讼法公法性改造的程序性权利。

    Civil litigants ' jus disponendi originated from the principle of autonomy of private law in civil substantive law . It is a procedural right through the public law reform of procedural law .

  24. 苏轼的归隐向往,不仅根基于功成身退的人生理想,而且导源于那个时代的浓郁的政治忧患和生命忧患。

    Sushis yearning for hermitage not only founded on his idea of retirement from political life after having won tremendous successes , but also derived from the heavy worries about politics and life .

  25. 在周族形成国家的过程中自然就产生天与帝之对抗,这种对抗主要导源于周族向商族之挑战。

    While Zhou Clan was gradually getting to the ruling position of the country , there naturally gave rise to conflicts between God and Heaven , which originated in rivalry between the two clans .

  26. 柏拉图对绝对美的反复追寻、理念论对真正尺度的探求,以及对爱欲的论述和文艺政策的设计,均导源于苏格拉底之死所带给他的震撼。

    Plato , to definitely beautiful pursuing repeatedly , to seeking real yardstick , to argumentation love and design the policy of literature and art all come from death of Socrates bring his shock .

  27. 改革以后,城乡差距的周期性变化则主要导源于城市利益集团的压力以及传统经济体制遗留的制度障碍。

    Since the initiation of the reform , cyclical fluctuations in the income gap have resulted because of pressure from interest groups in the cities , and institutional obstacles left over from the traditional economic system .

  28. 远在秦汉时代,宁夏平原的人民便依据区域独特的地理环境进行农业技术选择,通过修凿渠道、导源黄河水灌溉农田,进而发展灌溉农业。

    Long before the Qin and Han Dynasty , based on the unique geographical environment people of Ningxia began the derived the Yellow River water for irrigation of farmland , and developed the agriculture of irrigation .

  29. 上市公司绩效低劣的深层次原因不在于公司的治理结构不完善,而导源于上市公司所面临的制度环境和其本身的制度性缺陷,以及由此导致的投资主体错位。

    The poor performance of the listed companies does not result from the consummation of corporate governance but from the institutional environment and their own institutional defects which in turn cause the wrong location of the investment main bodies .

  30. 造成我国企业国际竞争力连年下降的重要原因是企业效率低下,这直接导源于企业从业人员过多、规模效益差、科技开发能力弱和企业组织结构低效等。

    The main reason for the yearly decreasing of Chinese enterprises ' competitiveness is the low efficiency , which has led to too many employees , low scale merit , poor scientific development ability and weak performance of enterprise organization .