- 网络Family resemblance

The Mis - reach of the Categorization Theory : Family Resemblance
The internal structure of polysemy is linked by prototype and family resemblance .
Sequence analysis showed that members of Peptidases_S8family were highly similarity . The reported cuticle-degrading proteases are mainly belong to the PCSK9_ProteinaseK_like subfamily and Subtilisin_subset subfamily , are important fungal virulence factors .
Chapter 2 is the basic theory about core words drawing .
Modern category theory holds that any category is developed from its archetype .
On the Relationship Between the Lexical Meaning of Verbs and Their Argument Realization
So , synonym is a group of words which have the family resemblance .
On the family resemblance of semantic categories
The Family Similarity of R-pronounced Words and Its Basis of Cognition & Cases from Hebei Dialect
The family resemblance principle is a powerful tool for explicating the meaning extension of Internet-related expressions .
They preferred the latter based purely on family resemblance since they did not know any of the depicted apes .
Among them , family resemblance , prototype theory and basic level category have been used to study the words meaning .
The meanings of a polysemic word compose a category in which the meanings distribute around a prototype and share family resemblance .
In addition to this , the memes which have family similarities will be altered through the cognitive ways : metaphor and metonymy .
In such a category , the prototype has the most similarity to others and functions as the start point of such family resemblances .
The influence of the standard Chinese , language economic principle , the prototype category theory and family resemblance play a direct role in it .
Parts of speech are a kind of prototype categories , which are gathered according to the family resemblance between words and words ' distribution .
Prototype semantics ( PS ) originated from Wittgenstein 's description of the family resemblance of the semantic category of " Spiel " ( game ) .
According to prototype theory , the extended meanings of a word evolve from prototypical meaning , and different meanings show different degrees of family resemblance .
It focuses on Chinese English learners ' comprehension of English polysemous common verbs in sentence processing by using the theory of family resemblance and frame semantics .
It is a reflecting process between the original field and the target field , which is based on the family resemblance and aided by imagination and association .
The features of each type and how non-prototypical passives deviate from the prototypes and share the features with the prototypes through family resemblance were first examined before classification .
Following such a guideline , the thesis proposes that the v-ing construction is the peripheral member of grammatical categories because of the family resemblance between their semantic-syntactic characteristics .
Dynamic construal theory is a new view on the construction of category in the process of human cognition after Classical Categorization Theory , family resemblance and prototype theory .
Using category-construction paradigm , this experiment was designed to examine the knowledge effects of the junior high school students ' unsupervised category learning with artificial categories in family resemblance .
Meanwhile , in certain prototypical categories , prototypical features and family resemblances reflected in different function words from the perspective of syntax and semantics will be explored respectively as well .
The writer analyzes the general five uses of the simple present tense within the prototype theory to find out its family resemblance , i.e. its essence among its different uses .
According to this theory , we classify the perceived experience into different categories according to its family resemblance to members of a category and consequently form a concept of it .
Cognitive linguistics has an impact on the choice of words in literary translation , as is focused on the bodily experiential nature of cognition and the family resemblance of semantic prototypes .
In cognitive linguistics , polysemy is regarded as a categorizing phenomenon , i.e. , related meanings of words form categories centering around a prototype and bearing family resemblance relations to one another .