
  • 网络Finance;family finance;household financing;personal finance
  1. PhilipsAvent公司的家庭理财专家SueHayward表示;只要稍稍计划一下,新手父母们迎接宝宝降生时就能够理性消费,而不会遭遇财政危机。

    Philips Avent ` s family finance expert Sue Hayward added : ` With just a little planning new parents can make some sound purchases to welcome their baby into the world without breaking the bank .

  2. 家庭理财的目标管理与风险控制

    Study on the Targets Management and Risks Control of Family Finance

  3. 农民家庭理财现状问卷调查分析

    Investigation and Analysis of the Current Situation of Peasants ' Household Financing

  4. 层次分析在家庭理财决策模型中的应用

    Application of the Models for Decision Investments in Family Finance

  5. 有鉴于此,凯斯努力保持家庭理财的简单化。

    Accordingly , Mr. Kays keeps his money matters simple .

  6. 湖北省城镇居民家庭理财模式实证分析

    Money Management in Urban Families : An Empirical Study

  7. 试析金融市场化条件下的家庭理财

    On the Personal Finance Under the Financial Market

  8. 金融市场化和资本市场的发展,使我国家庭理财得以迅速发展。

    With the development of financial and capital market , family finance has developed swiftly .

  9. 然后我回到了厨房,又开始了我的家庭理财工作。

    Then I went back to the kitchen and started again on my household budget .

  10. 与微观经济主体的企业财务和家庭理财相比,财政具有公共性。

    In contrast to business finance and family finance of micro economic entity , finance is public .

  11. 家庭理财的9种主要方式

    Ways in Household Financing

  12. 蕾西和贾森夫妇俩正在讨论他们的家庭理财计划。

    Tracy and Jason , a couple , are talking about their family financial planning [ 1 ] .

  13. 《家庭理财一畅谈有益》在规划未来及让全家的金钱发挥最大效用方面,提出直截了当的建议。

    It Pays to Talk provides straightforward advice about planning for the future and making the most of a family 's money .

  14. 美国的遗产信托制度虽然没有英国完善,但也处于先进地位,信托已成为美国人个人乃至家庭理财的重要工具。

    Heritage trust system in the United States , although not as perfect as that in Britain is also in the leading position .

  15. 综观国内外家庭理财的研究,家庭理财是有效地运作资金,以取得个人财富需求和积累的过程。

    According to the latest research at home and abroad , family finance is the course of running capital efficiently in order to accumulate personal wealth .

  16. 家庭理财已成为当前社会经济生活中的重要内容,如何进行完善的家庭理财规划也是众多学者关切的热点领域。

    Family Finance has been the important contents in current social-economic life and how to implement refined family financial plan are also becoming the core fields of many scholars .

  17. 认识到问题就应该采取措施加以改善,文章首先对中国平安提供的理财方案进行分析,最后对当前我国家庭理财规划时提出改进建议;第七章是全文的总结和展望。

    Recognized the problem should take measures to improve the article first provides financial solutions Ping An analysis of the last of the current family financial planning recommendations for improvement ; Chapter VII is the full text of the summary and outlook .

  18. 信托的运用领域十分广泛。从家庭理财到社会共有财产的管理,从各种私人养老基金到共同基金和慈善基金会,从财产管理到金融投资等,都要利用信托原理和信托制度。

    The Trust principles and institutions can be used in many fields , such as from the management of family assets to public assets , from various private pensions to mutual and charitable foundations , from the management of property to financial investment .

  19. 首先对家庭理财记账系统的开发背景进行了考察,同时对理财记账管理系统的应用现状进行了简要分析,明确了本系统开发的必须性与实用价值,描述了家庭理财记账系统的开发目标。

    Firstly , the thesis describes development background of Family Oriented Financial Accounting System and the analysis of the application status , and clears the necessity and practical value of the system , and at the same time describes the development goals of the system .

  20. 最后,对福建省农村家庭理财未来的发展方向进行探讨,根据农村家庭理财的现状,提出政府政策扶持、企业协助支持、农民自身努力等发展途径。

    At last , there is a discussion that future development of Fujian rural families ' finance . According to financial status of rural families , government policy support , corporation support , farmers developing on their own efforts and other means have been discussed .

  21. 用一个家庭理财系统来对家庭的财产(包括收支情况、固定资产、债务等)进行科学、有效、便捷的管理,节约开支并发挥资金的最大效益,是非常必要的。

    It is very necessary to use a " family financial management system " to manage family property ( including revenue and expenditure , fixed assets , debt and so on ) scientific , effective and efficient , saving expenditure and making the maximum effectiveness of funds .

  22. Brown表示,现在他的客户计划将公寓出租,估计每年的投资回报率在3%,这样做同时兼顾了家庭和理财计划,可谓一举两得。

    For now , Mr. Brown says his client plans to rent out the unit and estimates she will earn a 3 % return on her investment each year . ' Family and financial planning all mix into one , ' Mr. Brown says .

  23. 努力构建新型商业银行家庭金融理财业务模式。

    Efforts to build a new commercial banks family financial management mode .

  24. 然后,本文通过数据分析,研究了农村家庭各种理财手段在农村开展业务的现状、自身的优缺点以及在开展业务中遇到的问题。

    And then , by data analysis , this article researched the status of business , advantages and disadvantages and problems encountered in business of rural households ' all kinds of financial instruments .

  25. 好的家庭主妇应善于理财。

    A good housewife should be able to manage money very well .

  26. 但我国现阶段金融市场不发达,投资渠道少,无法满足不同家庭多样化的投资理财需求。

    But our current financial markets are underdeveloped , few investment channels can be found , unable to meet the diversified needs of investment and financial management of different families .

  27. 因此家庭投资者在做出决策之前,一定要认识家庭理财风险,分析各种潜在的风险,采取适当的风险防范措施,将风险控制在家庭可以承受的范围内,实现家庭富裕和睦相处的目标。

    Thus the family financiers should realize the risk of family finance and analyze all kinds of latent risk and then take certain prevention treatment to control the risk in a bearable range .

  28. 因此本文建议中国家庭可将年金保险纳入其金融资产决策的规划中,尤其在家庭成员处于退休理财的阶段。

    Thus , we suggest that Chinese families can be included in the annuity plan of its financial assets in decision-making , especially in family members in a retired financial stage .

  29. 分析了农村家庭因为收入水平差异、决策的个体主观差异等内因及邻里氛围、市场和政策因素等外因对农村家庭选择理财手段的影响。

    Inner factors such as different income levels , the different subjective decisions of individual and external factors such as neighborhood environment , market and policy has been analyzed as the reason which effected the rural housholds to decide which financial instrument to choose .