
  • 网络Aesthetic characteristics;aesthetic properties
  1. 中国花鸟画独特的绘画语言和审美特性,具有符合自身发展的规律。

    Chinese flower and bird painting unique and aesthetic properties of language with its own development in line with the law .

  2. 中国电视舞蹈接受主体审美特性研究

    Study on the Aesthetic Characters of Acceptant Objects of Chinese TV Dancing

  3. 论林徽因诗歌语言的审美特性

    Analysis of Aesthetic Characteristics of Lin Huiyin 's Poetry Language

  4. 论新闻的审美特性

    On the beauty of news and the esthetic features of TV news

  5. 从文学观看,沈从文坚持的是文学的审美特性和独立品格;

    His view of literature was holding the aesthetical characteristic of literature .

  6. 把握其审美特性,是确定其审美价值的基础。

    To hold its aesthetics is the basis to define its aesthetic value .

  7. 这是一篇探讨新闻作品的审美特性的论文。

    This thesis is an article discuss the aesthetic characteristic of journalistic writing .

  8. 其画面中所透出的幽雅、恬静,无不与东方人之审美特性相契相合。

    The elegance and quietness of his paintings is compatible to Oriental aesthetics .

  9. 似与不似之间&论绘画的审美特性明显不同的,不相似的。

    Somewhere between Similarity and Dissimilarity & On the Aesthetic Features of Painting ;

  10. 论艺术语言的审美特性

    Discussion on the Aesthetic Features of Artistic Language

  11. 试谈史传文学中的审美特性在新闻叙事中的运用

    On the Application of Aesthetic Characteristic to News Narrative in Historical and Biographic Literature

  12. 众里寻他千百度&文学观察力审美特性及其不同层面之描述

    The commonplace magnitude and outstanding rare & Aestheticism of literary observation and layers of description

  13. 艺术指向活动的审美特性

    The Aesthetic Characteristics of Artistic Directing Activities

  14. 教学作为艺术,具有两个基本的审美特性:创造性和表演性。

    Teaching as an art is of two basic aesthetic characteristics : innovation and performance .

  15. 历史剧题材的审美特性

    Aesthetic Characteristic of Historical Play Theme

  16. 论山水诗的审美特性及其对旅游建设的意义

    On Aesthetic Characteristics of the Landscape Poem and It to the Meaning of the Tour Construction

  17. 经过三方面论述,本文得出新闻作品不仅要有新闻性,还需要具备审美特性的结论。

    By the above discuss , it educe a conclusion that journalistic writing also need aesthetic characteristics .

  18. 建筑审美特性摭论

    On Aesthetic Characteristics of Architecture

  19. 叙述从多方面影响着小说文体的审美特性。

    The paper points out that narration has divergent influences on the aesthetic features of fiction style .

  20. 论新闻活动的审美特性

    On Aesthetic Features of News

  21. 西部民族民俗文化的基本形态及其审美特性

    Studies into the Basic Formation of the National Folk Culture in Western China and its Aesthetic Characteristics

  22. 在人学研究中,人的历史发展和人的审美特性都是重要的问题。

    Both the historical development and aesthetic characters are important issues in the study of the human being .

  23. 大众文化的审美特性对现有美学理论提出了有力挑战,而现有美学理论是把大众文化的审美诉求排斥在外的。

    The aesthetic features of popular culture challenge present aesthetic theories , but these theories exclude popular culture .

  24. 目前,国内学术界对广告中女性形象的分析大多采取女权主义或男权文化视角,没有对消费时代广告中女性形象的审美特性及意识形态作全面而系统的研究,失之片面。

    At present the analysis of female images in advertising are mostly in the feminist or masculine hegemony perspectives .

  25. 从文学研究到文化研究:世界性文学审美特性之变革

    From " Literary Study " to " Culture Study ": A Worldwide Change of the Aesthetic Feature of Literature

  26. 美感是人们对周围现实的审美特性进行感知、理解和评价后产生的感受。

    Aesthetics is the sense drawn from the perception , comprehension and assessment of the world a person is in .

  27. 水的运用对水彩艺术独特审美特性的形成有着重要作用。

    The use of water on the unique aesthetic characteristics of watercolor painting has an important role in the formation .

  28. 由于这种壁画类型所具有的物质审美特性,往往排除掉了传统壁画所具有的社会道德服务功能,因此壁画中质料的本体性特征理应成为被关注的对象。

    Morals attached to traditional murals have been dispelled because of the material aesthetic features-hence a strong interest in physical characteristics .

  29. 结合传统艺术中的美学理念,分析并论述了数码图形艺术的审美特性。

    This paper analyzes and discusses the aesthetics features of digital graphics art according to the aesthetic ideas of traditional art .

  30. 戏曲题材的动画片最大程度地集中了戏曲和动画这两门综合艺术的审美特性,从而构成了一种非常特别的艺术形式。

    The drama and opera animation on comprehensive art aesthetic characteristics of animation , thus formed a kind of special artistic form .