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  1. 一定程度上,审刑院是长期以来封建统治者慎重刑罚精神制度化的产物。

    To some extent , it is the result to institutionalize the spirit which feudal rulers considered penalty for a long time .

  2. 审刑院作为司法复审机构,主要职责是复审天下上奏的疑难案件。

    As a judicial reexamining department , the Case Review Court focuses on reexamining the doubtful and difficult cases reported from the country .

  3. 本文拟从审刑院设置的原因及其沿革与废除、审刑院的司法复审程序和职责、审刑院官员的选任及管理等方面对其作初步探讨。

    This thesis plans to make a preliminary research on the Case Review Court from the following : its foundation and its reasons and evolution and abolition , the judicial reexamining procedure and its duties , and the selection and management of its officers .