
  1. 在理想世界中,官方的信贷支持不会存在。

    In a perfect world , official credit support would not exist .

  2. 中美战略与经济对话特别代表洛文杰在此对话前夕的吹风会上表示,美方已经在同中国探讨官方出口信贷方面的国际化安排。

    The U.S.and China are discussing the internationalization of official export credit , David Loevinger , special representative for the S & ED , said at a briefing before the third round began .

  3. 中国官方限制新增信贷的部分原因是为了抑制通胀,但他们也有意采取了一些措施,旨在限制炒房,并将规模较小、资金匮乏的开发商挤出市场。

    The authorities have restricted new credit in part to stifle inflation but they have also introduced measures deliberately aimed at limiting property speculation and squeezing out small , poorly capitalised developers .

  4. 如果连中国都无法微调它的经济,那么,危机后各界对官方有能力指引信贷体系的信心也许错置了。

    If even China cannot fine-tune its economy , the widespread post-crisis confidence in the authorities guiding the credit system may be misplaced .

  5. 作为政策性金融工具的一种,官方支持的出口信贷一方面对于提供国的出口贸易和国民经济的发展具有重要的作用,另一方面又对国际贸易有一定的扭曲作用。

    As a tool of financial policy , officially supported export credits plays an important role in promoting export and enhancing domestic economy as a financial tool of implementing governments ' export policies , but it also has bad effects on international trade order .