
ɡuān shānɡ hé bàn
  • official-merchant joint management;run/operated jointly by the government and private citizens
  1. 从官办、官商合办到商办:浙江实业银行及其前身的制度变迁(1908-1937)

    From Government Bank , Government-Private Joint Bank to Private Bank : Institutional Changes of the Chekiang Industrial Bank and Its Predecessors , 1908 ~ 1937 ;

  2. 上述三家银行均系官商合办的股份制银行,具有地方银行职能,并兼营商业银行业务。

    All of those three banks above mentioned were government-private joint banks with the sharecapital system , they had the functions of provincial bank and operated the business of commercial bank .

  3. 辛亥革命后,河南组织起官商合办的中原煤矿股份有限公司,与福公司合并组成福中总公司,使福公司在中国的活动由原来的独家经营进入与中国官商合办企业联合经营的历史阶段。

    After the Revolution of 1911 , central China Mine Company invested by government and businessman , jointed with Peking Syndicate Limited , the situation was put by joint-venture_Fu-China General Company into a new stage .

  4. 四川旅行社是近代中国继上海中国旅行社之后又一大型的以赢利为目的、为旅客提供旅行服务的企业,原属官办性质,改组为股份有限公司之后成为官商合办企业。

    " Sichuan Tourist Agency ", another large profit-oriented tourism service provider in modern China after " Tourist Agency of China " in Shanghai , is originally officially-run but later is transformed into a stock limited company between the official and businessmen .