
guān huà
  • Northern Mandarin;Mandarin Language;Chinese mandarin;bureaucratic tone
官话 [guān huà]
  • (1) [chinese mandarin]∶中国封建时代为朝廷和政界使用的中国北方主要方言,其中心是北京话

  • (2) [bureaucratic tone]∶犹官腔

  • 大家打起官话来,都会说男女婚姻要自主

官话[guān huà]
  1. 兴平方言属北方官话中原方言关中片的一个地点方言,具有浓郁的地方色彩。

    Belonging to Guanzhong dialect branch in Northern Mandarin family , Xingping dialect is rich in local color .

  2. 如果说有,是北方官话还是南方官话?量刑指南是指导法官裁量刑罚的准则。

    Was it northern Mandarin or southern Mandarin if there was ? Sentencing guidelines are specific guidance for judges on how to make decisions in sentencing .

  3. 与其他西南官话相比,昆明方言最突出的特点之&就是具有动词重叠式,形成了“VV”与“V一下”表示短暂、尝试意义两种形式共存的局面。

    Compared with other standard dialects in southwest China , Kunming dialect has the typical trait of " vv " and " v + Yixia " to express the meanings of transience and trial .

  4. 结论OSAS患者发病与HLA抗原特异性有关。杭州方言是历史上宋室南迁、建都杭州而形成的一支带官话色彩的吴语。

    Conclusion The specific HLA antigens might be relevant to the development of OSAS in patients living in northern mandarin China . Hangzhou Dialect is a Wu Dialect bearing the Northern Mandarin flavour for Southern migration of Song Dynasty .

  5. 记者从他那里所得到的,无非是官话。

    What the reporters got from him was just political doublespeak .

  6. 蒲城方言属于北方官话下属中原官话区的陕西关中方言片。

    Pucheng dialect belongs to the Guanzhong sub-dialect of the Zhongyua .

  7. 而在西南官话中,下更具有较高的一致性。

    In southwest mandarin ," Xa " bears higher level of consistency .

  8. 渭南方言属于北方官话下属中原官话区。

    Weinan dialect belongs to the Zhongyuan dialect of northern mandarin Chinese .

  9. 古代朝鲜、琉球汉语教学及教材研究引论&以《老乞大》、《朴通事》、《白姓官话》为例

    On the Chinese textbooks in ancient Korea and Ryukyu : some examples

  10. 辽宁方言属于北方方言的东北官话区。

    Liaoning , Northeast China dialect is Mandarin dialect in northern areas .

  11. 试论琉球官话课本的音系特点

    Review of the Phonological Features of Ryukyu Mandarin Textbooks

  12. 四川方言是西南官话的代表。

    Sichuan dialect is one of the representative official languages in southwest China .

  13. 它是徐州话与普通话之间的过渡语或中介语,有的学者称之为蓝青官话。

    It is transitional language or intermediate language between Xuzhou dialect and Mandarin .

  14. 关键还在于破解官话密码。

    The key is to crack the guanhua code .

  15. 官话和合本圣经的翻译及其对汉语的影响

    The Translation of CUV and Its Influence on Chinese

  16. 玄武方言属于中原官话的豫东片。

    Xuanwu dialect belongs to the East Henan Section of Central Plains Mandarin .

  17. 试论近代南方官话的形成及其地位

    Modern Southern Mandarin : Its Formation and Social Status

  18. 近代汉语史上有没有通行全国的官话?

    Was there a Mandarin commonly used in the history of modern Chinese ?

  19. 关于官话方言早期发展的一些想法

    Some Thoughts on the Early Development of Mandarin

  20. 东北官话形容词生动式研究

    The Vivid Forms of Adjective of Northeastern Mandarin

  21. 西南官话区湘南片普通话使用情况调查及教学对策

    A Teaching Research of the Putonghua in South Hunan Area Attached to the Official

  22. 安徽怀远方言属江淮官话。

    Huaiyuan dialect is subordinate to Jianghuai mandarin .

  23. 传教士罗马字记音反映的官话音-k尾

    The Romanized Spelling Noted by Missionaries which Reflects a-k Final in the Mandarin Sounds

  24. 总体上说,陕南和川北西南官话的内部一致性比较高。

    Overall , northern Sichuan and Shaanxi Southwestern Mandarin have relatively high internal consistency .

  25. 官话方言中的人称代词研究

    The Study of Personal Pronouns in Guanhua Dialects

  26. 客家人在家庭内部一直或经常使用客家话,很少使用成都官话。

    The Hakkas have been using Hakka Dialects Rather than Chengdu Mandarin within the family .

  27. 第二章是关于中原官话和江淮官话已有的划分意见。

    The second chapter is about ideas of classifications between Zhongyuan and Jiang-huai mandarin dialects .

  28. 政府的调查显示,十三亿人口中只有大约一半的人使用官话方言。

    Only about half of China's1.3 billion people speak Mandarin , according to government surveys .

  29. 第四章是就祁县方言重叠式名词与西北官话、西南官话、吴语等方言点的比较。

    Chapter IV : The comparison with the Mandarin of Northwest , Southwest and Wu Dialect .

  30. 研究明末清初官话基础方言的廿三年历程&从字缝里看到从字面上看

    23 Years ' Study on the Base Dialect of the Mandarin of Ming and Qing Dynasty