- government-supervised and merchant-managed

Probe into the Official-Controlling and Merchant-Running Thought of Lin Zexu
The Earliest Practice of Share Company in China
These contradictions and difference have caused this system move towards failing finally , This system is a failed try .
At the beginning of 20th century , the Qing government founded the commercial imperial water company under official supervision due to mass appeal .
The practice of his management of the enterprises in name of government supervision and merchant operation is the precondition for the formation of his idea as such .
In the light of the western corporation systems , people criticized that the government monitored and privately invested stock-enterprises violated some basic demands for corporation enterprises , and asked to perfect enterprise systems .
Private enterprises with the supervision of the government were the earliest practice of the system of western share company in China . It played an important role both in the process of Chinese modernization and in its connection with international convention .
On Late Qing Dynasty Foreign Learners Thought in Economics and Management ; The Operation Form of Enterprises Supervised by Government and Managed by Businessmen in the Movement of Advocating Foreign Affairs & With Steamship Investment Promotion Bureau and Li Hong-zhang at the Center
From the perspective of social environment , purpose , director , and market foundation , this article attempts to make a comparative analyses the reasons of different destine of running by businessman under official supervision in the late of the 19th century of Sino-Japan modernization .
This thesis targets the Imperial Chinese Telegraph Administration of the late Qing Dynasty , attempting to locate the characteristics of the company and the relations between the company and the Late Qing society by surveying the course of development of this Government-Monitored-and-Privately-Invested company in nearly thirty years .