
  • 网络stock and flow
  1. 随着中国房地产建设投资达到GDP的10%,这成为一个存量和流量都很大的市场。

    With investment in property construction reaching 10 per cent of GDP , it is a large market in stock and flow .

  2. 核心能力有存量和流量两个方面。

    Core competence is composed of two parts : stock and flow .

  3. 在电子商务的贸易往来中,信息的存量和流量相当大。

    The stock and flow of information in thee-commerce trade is large .

  4. 第三种选择会避免外围国家的存量和流量调整,但有可能导致核心国家失去偿债能力。

    The third would avoid both stock and flow adjustment in the periphery , but threaten insolvency in the core .

  5. 服务业跨国公司的对外直接投资已占世界对外直接投资总的存量和流量的一半以上。

    In the gross stock and outflow of worldwide FDI , the scale of service multinationals has already accounted for more than one half .

  6. 同固定资产一样,对无形资产的管理离不开对其价值存量和流量的测度。

    Like the fixed assets , the management of intangible assets can not be separated from their measurement of the stock and flow of their values .

  7. 以金融市场的存量和流量作为反映金融体系发展水平的指标仅适用于市场化程度较高的金融市场。

    To the stock market and financial flows reflect the financial system as the level of development indicators only apply to market a higher degree of financial markets .

  8. 在此基础上,根据个人对竞争优势的理解,以存量和流量为出发点,提出对竞争优势和持续竞争优势来源的思考和结论。

    Based on this and according to author 's understanding of competitive advantage , this paper points out thinking and conclusion about the source of competitive advantage and sustainable competitive advantage from the starting point of storage flow and circulation flow .

  9. 利率作为资产的价格和宏观调控的重要手段,它的变动决定着积累和消费的比例,调节着金融资产的存量和流量在各金融工具、各经济部门中的分配。

    Interest rates as the prices of asset and an important means of macroeconomic control , which determines the change in the ratio of accumulation and consumption , regulates the stock and flow of financial assets in all financial instruments , and the distribution of various economic sectors .

  10. 知识资源、知识存量和知识流量:概念、特征和测度

    Stores and Flows of Knowledge Resources : Features and Measurement

  11. 文中认为知识存量和知识流量的概念是基于知识资源概念的。

    The concepts of knowledge stores and knowledge flows are based on that of knowledge resources .

  12. 房地产商品的耐用性特征决定了房地产市场可以划分为存量市场和流量市场。

    The characters of red estate durable commodity determine that the real estate market include stock market and flow market .

  13. 本文初步探讨了知识资源、知识存量和知识流量的概念,知识资源的基本特征和对知识资源的测度问题。

    This article preliminarily discusses the concepts of knowledge resources , knowledge stores and knowledge flows . Features as well as measurements of knowledge resources are also discussed .

  14. 因此,知识整合对组织学习结果的影响,就是对知识存量和知识流量的影响。

    Therefore , the influence of the results of organizational learning that is caused by knowledge integration can be regarded as the influence of the learning stocks and learning flows which are caused by knowledge integration .

  15. 因此,本文根据经典知识分类,研究了知识管理的边界和管理对象,并以知识存量和知识流量为基础划分出组织智力中的知识管理边界和对象。

    Therefore , based on classical classification of knowledge , this dissertation analyzes the boundaries and management objects of knowledge management and defines the boundaries and management objects of knowledge management according to the knowledge stores and knowledge flows .