
gǒng gāo
  • sagitta;slack;arch rise;arch
拱高 [gǒng gāo]
  • [arch] 钢板弹簧中主弹簧片与簧眼中心线之间的垂直距离

拱高[gǒng gāo]
  1. B组拱高高于A组拱高,根据统计学分析A、B两组术后人工晶体拱高差异有统计学意义(P0.05)。

    The arch high of IOL in group B is higher than A. According to statistical analysis , the IOL arch height difference of postoperative in two groups was statistically significant ( P0.05 ) . 5 .

  2. PRL和ICL两种人工晶体植入治疗高度近视眼术后前房深度及人工晶体拱高稳定,两组差异有统计学意义。

    PRL and ICL two IOL implantation for high myopia anterior chamber depth and intraocular lens arch high stability , the difference was statistically significant .

  3. 拱高跨比对拱式转换层受力性能的影响分析

    Analysis of Depth-Span Ratio on Mechanics Behaviour in Arch Transfer Floor Structure

  4. 我们将一如即住地提拱高质量的产品和最优质的服务。

    We always offer the best price , high-quality products and best services for customers .

  5. 导出了粒径与临界孔口直径、拱高之间的关系。

    The relationships of the particle size , critical hole diameter and arch highness are derived .

  6. 拱高宜为坝高的25-35%;

    The arch would be - 25 & ~ 35 % as high as the dam ;

  7. 采用镍-钴合金镀液电镀出磨低拱高磁瓦的金刚石砂轮。

    The diamond wheel for grinding magnet shoe with low sagitta was manufactured by composite electroplating in Ni-Co alloy electrolyte .

  8. 键合线的直径、长度、拱高和并列键合线间距等物理参量,均对器件性能有很大影响。

    The diameter , length , arch height and space of bond-wires have great impacts on the radio frequency performance of RF power transistor .

  9. 复合电镀制备磨低拱高磁瓦金刚石砂轮金刚砂土和粘合剂的混合物,能铸成旋转磨石。

    Composite Electroplating Manufacture of Diamond Wheel for Grinding Magnet Shoe with Low Sagitta a mixture of emery dust and a binder ; can be molded into grindstones .

  10. 在拟合工作特性曲线时能避免最小二乘法拟合时常常出现的拟合曲线拱高过大的问题。

    When fitting operating characteristic curves , it can avoid the error that the arch height of curves is sometimes too high when the curves are fitted by least square method .

  11. 键合互连是实现微波多芯片组件电气互连的关键技术,键合互连的拱高、跨距和金丝根数对其微波特性具有很大的影响。

    Bonding interconnect is the critical technique for realizing the interconnect of microwave multichip module ( MCM ) . The height , distance and number of wires of bonding interconnect have important effects on its microwave characteristics .

  12. 合理的安装顺序和工艺技术措施保证了钢桁拱的高精度合龙。

    The high accuracy closure of steel trussed arch was ensured due to using correct assembly order and taking national technical measures .

  13. 这些参数为索预应力、索垂度、拱矢高、拱竖向抗弯刚度以及索和拱的轴向刚度比。

    These are prestress in cables , sag of cables , rise of arches , the vertical flexible stiffness of arches and the axial stiffness ratio between the cable and the arch .

  14. 富溪连拱隧道进口高仰坡堆积体的整治

    The Treatment of the Talus with High-slope of the Entrance of Fuxi Multi-arch Tunnel

  15. 对于矢跨比较小的坦拱,矢高与截面回转半径的比值将决定拱的屈曲形式。

    Secondary buckling mode of shallow arches depended on the ratio of rise to gyration radius .

  16. 考虑拱效应的高面板堆石坝流变收敛机制研究

    Study of creep convergence mechanism of high concrete face rockfill dam with consideration of rockfill arch action

  17. 然而由于联拱隧道的高跨比很小,其受力结构复杂,设计要求高,施工难度大,且对施工工艺方法与程序有严格要求。

    However , because the ratio of height and span of double-arch tunnel is very small , its structure , design and construction are more complicated .

  18. 西南某巨型水电站地下厂房顶拱安全埋高解析解初步研究

    An elementary study on the analytical method of the safety height of vault of underground workshop of a huge water and electricity plant in southwestern China

  19. 通过离心模型试验,观察到抗滑桩宽度越大,桩间土拱稳定性越高。

    By the centrifuge model tests , the phenomenon was observed that the larger the width of piles was , the more stable of the soil arching was .

  20. 考虑封拱灌浆过程的高拱坝施工期仿真分析

    Simulation analysis of high arch dam considering closure grouting during construction period

  21. 基于此模型,系统研究了普通正拱形爆破片预拱成形压力与拱高之间的关系,及根部圆角和成型压力对爆破性能影响。

    Based on the model , the relations between the pre-bulged pressure and central deflections and the effects of the corner radius and preformed pressure on the bursting properties were studied .

  22. 针对富溪连拱隧道中隔墙开裂造成施工停止的事例,提出了富溪连拱隧道进口高仰坡堆积体的防护对策。

    In the light of the stoppage of the construction of Fuxi Multi-arch Tunnel caused by the cracks on the partition walls in the tunnel , this paper puts forward some protective measures for the talus with high-slope of the entrance of Fuxi Multi-arch Tunnel .