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cún xīn
  • deliberately;on purpose;attentively;cherish certain intentions
存心 [cún xīn]
  • (1) [deliberately;on purpose]∶蓄意,有意,故意

  • 我不是存心这么做的

  • (2) [cherish certain intentions]∶怀着某种念头、打算;居心

  • 他说这番话,不知存什么心?

  • (3) [attentively]∶用心;专心

存心[cún xīn]
  1. 他们把音乐放得这么响就是存心要搅扰我们。

    They 're playing the music so loud just to spite us .

  2. 你是不是存心要败坏我的名誉?

    Are you intent upon destroying my reputation ?

  3. 这些电影存心让人恶心。

    These movies deliberately set out to shock .

  4. 他不是真有此意,只不过是存心挑逗一下罢了。

    He doesn 't really mean that ─ he 's just being deliberately provocative .

  5. 我不是存心要吓唬你。

    I didn 't mean to startle you .

  6. 他指责她存心报复。

    He accused her of being vindictive .

  7. 他们存心谋杀。

    They were intent on murder .

  8. 你如果不在这上面投资,那是存心不想发财。

    If you don 't invest in this , you 're saying no to a potential fortune .

  9. 他存心捣乱。

    He means trouble .

  10. 你知道我无意存心作对。

    You know I have no intention of being awkward and obstreperous .

  11. 我坚信我们的策略正在被人存心恶意操纵。

    I firmly believe our strategy is being deliberately , cynically manipulated .

  12. 如果他存心要让你不得安宁的话,那他是得逞了。

    If he 's trying to rattle your cage , it 's working .

  13. 潘特拉拉斯将自己的艺术藏品全都无偿捐了出去,存心要激怒玛丽和她的丈夫。

    Pantelaras was giving his art collection away for nothing , to spite Marie and her husband .

  14. 他并不是存心要骗你,只是开开玩笑。

    He didn 't mean to deceive you , it was just a joke .

  15. 存心要使坏,不怕没机会。

    He who is disposed for mischief will never want occasion .

  16. 人家批评你,并不是(存心)跟你过不去。

    The criticism was not meant to be hard on you .

  17. 他这是存心跟我过不去。

    He is deliberately making it hot for me .

  18. 最牵强附会的、存心的、沉闷而没有生气的一部小说(b乔伊丝卡罗尔奥茨)

    That most strained , willed , wooden , lifeless of novels ( bJoyce Carol Oates )

  19. 1.willfullyadv.任性固执地,蓄意地他决不会违抗你或者存心伤害你。

    He will never set you at defiance or willfully injure you .

  20. 我拼命地登广告征聘一个女管家或者女佣,可是她们存心不理睬这回事,是不是?Eg.Thehousekeeperisaverypickywoman.这个家庭主妇是位特别爱挑剔的人。

    Eg. I 'm advertising like mad for a housekeeper or a maid , but they don 't want to know , do they ?

  21. 她不是存心告发他的。

    She didn 't mean to blow the whistle on him .

  22. 他总是存心在我们俩之间制造麻烦。

    He 's always been out to cause trouble between us .

  23. 你存心规避规章制度是不对的。

    It 's wrong of you to get around the regulation .

  24. 吵架;争论;挑剔他似乎存心要找我们吵架。

    quarrel He seemed determined to pick a quarrel with us .

  25. 骗子出售那楝房子企图向她存心要诈骗。

    The swindler sold the house with intent to cheat her .

  26. 他是否知道他们存心私奔?

    Did he know of their intending to go off ?

  27. 一般说他们的存心是好的,不过他对人有些生硬罢了。

    He generally means well , but he is a little tactless .

  28. 他看来存心要惹恼屋里的每个人。

    He seems intent on upsetting everyone in the room !

  29. 它们不是存心需要隐讳的事,我可以把它们坦白地说出来。

    They are not mental reservations , I will state them frankly .

  30. 他决不会违抗你,或者存心伤害你。

    He will never set you at defiance or wilfully injure you .