
  • 网络Existence theorem
  1. 基于α-较多锥,引进了Hα-外稳定、Hα-共轭映射和Hα-次微分的概念,并给出了它们的基本性质以及Hα-次微分的存在性定理。

    The H α conjugate map and H α subdifferential were defined based on the α major cone , and the existence theorem for H α subdifferential was given .

  2. 关于ODE非局部存在性定理的讨论

    Discussion on Global Existence Theorem of ODE

  3. 作为应用,得到P型空间中的ε-Nash平衡点的存在性定理。

    As applications , We obtain e & Nash equilibrium theorems in P-spaces .

  4. 讨论了一般有理分式函数f(x,y)的极限存在性定理。

    The limit existence theorem for general fractional rational fuction is discussed .

  5. H-空间上N-人非协作对策的Nash平衡点的存在性定理

    Existence theorems of Nash equilibrium points for n person games on H space

  6. Fan的零点存在性定理与重合定理,同时也改进了K。

    Fan 's existence theorem of zore and coincidence theorem of set-valued map , and improve K.

  7. 关于类空W超曲面的一个存在性定理

    An existent theorem on spacelike Weingarten hypersurface

  8. 自反Banach空间中随机微分包含的一个存在性定理

    An existence theorem for random differential inclusions in reflexive Banach Spaces

  9. 给出了Banach空间上指数有界C-半群的位势算子存在性定理及相关命题。

    This paper gives the existence theorem and relevant proposition of exponentially bounded C-semigroups in a Banach space X. .

  10. 一类n阶方程Robin问题的存在性定理和对解的估计

    The existence and estimation of the solution of the Robin problem for a class of nth order equation

  11. 偏好意义下的Pareto极值存在性定理及其应用

    Existence theorems for Pareto extremum with respect to preference ordering and Applications

  12. 利用已知的不动点定理,在非紧H空间内得到抽象广义变分不等式解的存在性定理;

    By using a known fixed point theorem , an existence theorem of solutions of generalized variational inequality is proved in noncompact H space .

  13. 通过建立等价映射的不动点存在性定理,首次研究了带有时滞的pLaplace方程的边值问题。

    By establishing equivalent fixed point theorem , the boundary value problems of p Laplace equations with finite time delay are studied .

  14. 超凸空间上Nash平衡点的存在性定理

    Nash Equilibrium Existence Theorem in Hyperconvex Spaces

  15. 随机Nash平衡的存在性定理

    Existence Theorems of Random Nash Equilibria

  16. 首先,给出了H-空间下的Nash平衡点的一个存在性定理;

    Firstly , we obtain an existence theorem of Nash equilibria for n-person non-cooperative games in H-spaces .

  17. Heisenberg型群上的不存在性定理

    A Nonexistence Theorem on Groups of Heisenberg Type

  18. 本文在Banach空间中证明了隐补问题解的存在性定理。

    The purpose of this paper is to prove the existence theorems of solutions for the implicit complementarity problems in Banach spaces .

  19. 从研究Fuzzy集合的直积和Fuzzy关系出发,讨论了Fuzzy关系和Fuzzy映射的一些性质,最后利用Fuzzy关系的截影性质给出了乘积H型Fuzzy测度的存在性定理。

    In this paper , from investigating direct product of fuzzy set and fuzzy relation , we discuss the properties of fuzzy relation and fuzzy mapping . Then we give the existential theorem of product H fuzzy measures .

  20. 本文对Banach空间中的微分包含及随机微分包含引入了弱解的概念,并给出了它们的存在性定理。

    In this paper the weak solutions of differential inclusions , random differential inclusions in Banach spaces are introduced ; their existence theorems are proved .

  21. 利用Fourier方法得到复调和函数的混合边值问题解的表示式及解的存在性定理并讨论了解的唯一性。

    By using the Fourier method , the representation and existence theorem of solutions of mixed boundary value problems for complex harmonic functions are obtained , the uniqueness of the solutions is discussed .

  22. 在已经建立好模型后,证明了三个研究Nash均衡解的存在性定理,并且给出了解的性质。

    After it had set up the model , it showed the three theorems that study the existence of Nash-solutions and gave the natures of solutions .

  23. 利用锥映射的拓扑度理论与上、下解方法获得了有序Banach空间中二阶常微分方程周期边值问题的多解存在性定理。

    Existence and multiplicity of periodic solutions are obtained by using cone mapping theory and supersolution and subsolution method for second order ordinary differential equations in ordered Banach spaces .

  24. 本文以非紧致度为工具,研究了Banach空间中具有不连续右端的常微分方程的终值问题,得到了解的存在性定理。

    The purpose of this paper is to study the terminal value problem for ordinary differen-ial equations that are discontinuous on their right hands in Banach spaces by using noncompact measures .

  25. 本文证明了半序Banach空间中混合单调算子的耦合不动点的若干存在性定理,并将所得结果应用到非线性方程组的求解中。

    In this paper , we prove some existence theorems of coupled fixed point of mixed monotone operators in the semi-ordering Banach space , and give some applications to nonlinear equations .

  26. 迁移理论中&类具扰动的Chandrasekhar方程解的存在性定理

    Existence Theorems for A Class of Chandrasekhar Equation With Perturbation in Transport Theory

  27. 对具有无穷时滞中立型泛函微分方程,本文利用Liapunov泛函,建立概周期解的存在性定理。

    This paper presents some existence theorems for almost periodic solutions to neutral functional differential equations with infinite delay by means of Liapunov functionals .

  28. 用Galerkin方法证明了波动方程的一类非线性非局部边值问题的解的存在性定理。

    In this paper , we prove an existence theorem of solutions of a kind of nonlinear and non local boundary value problem of wave equations by Galerkin ′ s method .

  29. 利用Liapunov中心定理,进一步得到了周期解的存在性定理,并举例说明结果的应用。

    Furthermore the existence theorem of periodic solutions was obtained by using Liapunov center theorem , and an example was presented to illustrate the results .

  30. 考虑极小极大定理中所获临界点集是否含有鞍点的问题,在不假设临界值为R1中孤立点的情况下获得了鞍点的存在性定理。

    The existence of the saddle points generated by Mini-max theorem is studied under the case that the critical value need not be isolated point in R.