
fàn zuì xìnɡ
  • criminality
  1. 持有行为必须与特定义务相联系,才能反映出行为的犯罪性。

    The act of possession can only reflect the criminality as connected with specific obligation .

  2. 目的通过对有关犯罪性研究的回顾与评价,提出了对犯罪性进行评估的新构想,方法采用文献研究法。

    Objective Based on the review and analysis of the past studies in criminality , this paper puts forward a new assumption to evaluating the criminality .

  3. 因此,应当在我国构建犯罪性的双层次审查机制理论。

    Therefore , they advocate the double-level reviewing mechanism of crime .

  4. 论犯罪性自杀

    On Criminal Suicide the criminal suspects ' . The Nature of Criminal Law

  5. 本研究的最后对艾森克的犯罪性理论进行了实证性验证。

    Finally , this article verified Eysencks " Criminality theory " with empirical method .

  6. 第四部分,犯罪性的双层次审查机制之提倡。

    The fourth part : the advocacy of double - level reviewing mechanism of crime .

  7. 他说,缅甸军政府领导人目前的政策是“犯罪性的玩忽职守”。

    Gates said he would describe the Burmese generals'current policy as one of-in his words-criminal neglect .

  8. 家庭教养方式对男性罪犯犯罪性获得的影响

    A Study of the Influence of the Family Rearing Patterns On the Man 's Acquisition of Crime

  9. 它在能量方面已得到确证。排除犯罪性行为与犯罪构成关系之探讨

    It is energetically justified . Research on Relationship Between Justified Act in Criminal Law and Crime Constitution

  10. 结论是:不良的教养方式对犯罪性的获得产生深刻的影响。

    The conclusions were : The inappropriate family rearing patterns will influence the acquisition of the crime greatly .

  11. 一个可怕的错误,不过当然不是犯罪性的,不然我们现在就跑了。

    A very horrible mistake , but certainly nothing criminal , or we 'd be downtown right now .

  12. 现行刑法体系中排除犯罪性行为与犯罪构成相分离的关系并不合理。

    It is not correct that justified act in criminal law is separated from crime constitution in our present criminal law system .

  13. 本文浅要分析了偷取他人器官这一行为的犯罪性,并就不同情况下偷取他人器官行为的定性与处罚问题进行了论证。

    This article analyzes the harm of this kind of conduct and demonstrates its nature under different circumstances as well as its punishment .

  14. 在我国澳门刑法与大陆刑法中,依法执行命令的事实均可排除行为之犯罪性。

    In both criminal laws of Chinese mainland and Macao area , the fact of order enforcement by law can be exempted from a crime .

  15. 从现阶段来看,国际恐怖主义具有暴力或威胁使用暴力、政治性或社会性、恐惧及心理影响、犯罪性、宣传性等本质特征。

    Nowadays the international terrorism has essential features of violence or coercion by violence , politics or sociality , dread or mental impact , criminality and publicity etc.

  16. 排除犯罪性行为与犯罪构成关系之探讨2[和合]求你将我的罪孽4洗除净尽,并洁除我的罪。

    Research on Relationship Between Justified Act in Criminal Law and Crime Constitution ; [ NIV ] Wash away all my iniquity and cleanse me from my sin .

  17. 在该书中,我用了两个章节来记录我们今天都司空见惯的与人性相背的欺诈的、腐化的甚至是犯罪性的现代医疗垄断行为。

    In this book , I dedicate two full chapters on documenting the fraud , corruption and crimes against humanity that now seem routine in our present-day medical monopoly .

  18. 其中对犯罪性动机和非犯罪性动机的区分让我们明确了:犯罪动机不仅仅存在于直接故意犯罪中,而是存在于几乎所有的犯罪行为中。

    The distinction between criminal motivation and non-criminal motivation makes this clear : crime motive exists not only in the direct intentional crime , but in almost all criminal behavior .

  19. 但是,由于受诸种因素的影响,两地刑法对于执行命令的立法渊源、构成条件以及排除犯罪性的理由等方面存在显著差异。

    Due to many factors'influence , however , there exists obvious difference in its legislative source , constituency and the cause of exclusion between Chines mainland and Macao area 's criminal law .

  20. 其中,以对正当化根据的研究最为重要,因为这关系到正当行为制度建立的根基以及各种行为能否得以排除犯罪性而成立正当事由。

    Among them , it is the most important to do research on the justification reasons of Justified acts , because it decides whether some act be justifiable and can be legislated .

  21. 排除犯罪性的事由是指根据刑法规范或者社会相当性理念而排除行为的犯罪性使之正当化的事实。

    The cause of excluding the crime refers to the fact that can exclude such act from a crime because of the normalization according to the criminal stipulation or social ideology of due .

  22. 正当防卫是排除犯罪性的行为,也就是说,这种行为在表面上给合法权益造成了损害,实质上却是保护了合法权益。

    Justifiable defence is the act being exempted from crimes , namely , this act a ears to cause damage to lawful rights and interests , but in e ential it protects lawful rights and interests .

  23. 他们参与创建了一个犯罪性黑客新行业。就像构成中国制造业的供应商、集成商、贸易商和服务提供商一样,这些人已变得非常专业化了。

    They have helped create a new industry of criminal hackers who – just like the suppliers , integrators , traders and service providers that make up China 's manufacturing sector – have become highly specialised .

  24. 罪犯的医疗保健列入监狱所在地区的卫生、疫计划。医生诱导治疗的犯罪性及解决途径&以加强被害人保护为视角

    Medical and health care of prisoners shall be put into the public health and epidemic prevention programme of the area in which the prison is located . Analysis on Criminality of Induced Treatment and its Legal Remedy

  25. 但从信用卡犯罪性法规之发展的角度来说,应引进银行卡概念,并根据其不同的犯罪特征重新构建银行卡犯罪。

    However , from the development of legislations on Credit Card crimes , it is necessary that the concept of Bank Card shall be applied in criminal law field and Bank Card crimes shall be restructured and determined subject to different characteristics of the crime .

  26. 以实例为根据,深入剖析青少年性犯罪、性过失与STD存在的内涵关系,青少年患STD对个人及社会构成危害。

    Based on living examples , the author has analyzed the relationship between teenagers ' sexual misconduct , sex crime and STD. In the article , the author explains the harm of teenagers ' contracting STD to themselves and the society .

  27. 犯罪必然性规律及其刑事政策意义

    The Certainty Law of the Crime and Criminal Policy Meaning

  28. 城市化运动中犯罪现代性的思考

    On the Modern Character of Crimes Ami dst Urbanizing Movement

  29. 论对团伙犯罪前置性侦查打击

    On the Precedent Strike of Criminal Investigation against Organized Crimes

  30. 关于斡旋受贿犯罪独立性的立法思考&与《联合国反腐败公约》接轨

    Legislative Thinking About the Independence of Medi-bribery Offence