
nǎi yóu mó ɡu
  • cream mushroom soup
  1. 我们有鸡肉面汤、意大利通心粉汤和奶油蘑菇汤。

    We have chicken noodle , minestrone , and cream of mushroom .

  2. 当天的婚宴以“低热量”食品为主,包括肉类、奶油蘑菇和黄油蔬菜等。

    The wedding reception had a " low-calorie banquet " with meat , cream of mushroom and buttered vegetables .

  3. 我个人喜欢鸡肉通心粉配奶油蘑菇酱。不过明虾宽面也不错。

    Well , I personally like the chicken penne with cream mushroom sauce , but the prawn fettuccine is also very nice .

  4. 当孩子们在享受睡衣晚会的时候,他给自己做了最爱吃的一顿饭——培根鸡肉卷、奶油蘑菇烤四季豆和蒜香吐司——还开了一瓶灰比诺葡萄酒。

    While the kids were at a slumber party , he cooked himself his favorite meal -- bacon-wrapped chicken , green-bean casserole and garlic toast -- and opened a bottle of Pinot Grigio .

  5. 利克阴暗地认为,像我这样图省事的人不是在追逐健康的、不省事的、真正的食物,而是被餐馆、外卖、“罐装奶油蘑菇汤”以及她所说的“偶尔的冷冻食物晚餐”这样的猎食者吓倒了。

    Instead of hunting down healthful , real , inconvenient food , dinner-shirkers like myself are menaced , in Leake 's dark vision , by such predators as restaurants , takeout , " cans of cream of mushroom soup " and what she calls " even the occasional frozen dinner . "

  6. 但之后我回到家用奶油、蘑菇和红酒烹饪鸡肉

    But then I came home and cooked chicken with cream , mushrooms and port ,

  7. 但这种煎蛋还是比不上一种轻食雪利酒奶油酱汁蘑菇。

    But even the omelet couldn 't compare to the next tapa mushroom in a sherry and butter sauce .

  8. 我给您推荐几个菜吧:奶油西红柿汤,蘑菇汁牛排。

    May I suggest cream of tomato soup , steak with mushroom gravy .