
  • 网络Snacks
  1. 这包括来自于维生素的全部和健康零食的补充。

    That includes everything from vitamins and supplements to healthy snacks .

  2. 当然,别忘了带上你自己的健康零食。

    And of course , pack your own healthy snacks !

  3. 但是记住一点:要确保你所食用的是健康零食。

    Just make sure your snacks are healthy .

  4. 如果你打算出去一整天,带上你自己的健康零食来抵御饥饿。

    When you plan to be out all day , bring along your own healthy snacks to stave off hunger .

  5. 一杯爆米花的热量仅有20卡路里,天然的爆米花是为人们所忽视的一种健康零食。希拉说。

    ' At only 20 calories per cup , natural popcorn is an underrated and reasonably healthy snack , ' said Ms Zhou .

  6. 可以是像追踪你的水或者在的钱包里放一个木棒以远离不健康零食一样简单的事情。

    It could be as simple as tracking your water , or putting a bar in your purse to keep from unhealthy snacking .

  7. 例如,给儿童喝含糖饮料和吃含盐分和脂肪太多的不健康零食是导致肥胖的重要原因。

    For example , children being given sugary drinks and unhealthy snack foods with too much salt and fat contributes significantly to obesity .

  8. 这些小目标的表现形式有:10分钟的冥想、用生蔬菜代替不健康零食,或是每天步行15分钟。

    Some examples of small changes would be to meditate for 10 minutes , replace one unhealthy snack with raw veggies , or walk 15 minutes per day .

  9. 不管是在酒店内溜达、远足,还是放弃公共交通改用步行,只要你动起来,就会感觉好很多。2.自备健康零食。

    Whether it be working out at your hotel , taking hikes , or forgoing public transport to walk , you 'll feel much better if you get in some activity . 2 . Snack Smart .

  10. 猕猴桃作为有益健康的零食是再好不过了。

    Kiwi fruit are just the thing for a healthy snack

  11. 如果你肚子饿,比起薯片,苹果是比较健康的零食。

    If you 're hungry , an apple is a healthier snack than chips .

  12. 只购买健康的零食,这样他们的选择范围仅限制在比较好的食品。

    Keep only healthy snacks around so their options are limited to good choices .

  13. 各类动物健康美味零食

    Various types of animal health delicious snacks

  14. 搁一些健康的零食在你的桌子上、车里,或者任何你在的处所。

    Keep healthy snacks at your desk or in your car or wherever you go .

  15. 总是准备好健康的零食,你会让自己通往成功。

    By always having a healthy snack prepared , you are setting yourself up for success .

  16. 像营养餐条和水果这类健康的零食可以放在包里,在考试与考试间的休息时间嚼的吃一点。

    Keep healthy snacks like protein bars and fruit in your bag to munch on between tests .

  17. 有一个很不错的大技能,就是把你柜子和炭箱里的不健康的零食什么的都清算掉。

    A good trick is to clear your fridge and cabinets of all unhealthy snacks and foods .

  18. 再给这样份量巨大的爆米花加上盐,本来健康的零食就成了侵犯健康的罪犯(健康侵犯者)。

    Add salt to the enormous portions , and your once-healthy snack turns into a health offender .

  19. 随身携带健康的零食

    Always Pack a Healthy Snack

  20. 大部分的更好的减肥计划所提供的健康小零食和三个小餐。

    Most of the better weight loss plans place healthy snacks between meals and provide three small meals .

  21. 你觉得这个主意怎么样呢?它会帮助你在全天工作时吃到更加健康的零食吗?

    What do you think of this idea * would it work to help you eat healthier snacks throughout the day ?

  22. 这项结果可能会让那些选择在(电影院里的)小卖部买爆米花的人感到惊讶,因为他们认为电影院小卖部的爆米花(这)是相对健康的零食。

    The findings may surprise those who choose popcorn at the concession stand because they believe it is a relatively healthy snack .

  23. 据研究人员介绍,男性和女性工作的时间越长,饮酒就会越少,而长时间的工作则会让女性很想吃那些不健康的零食。

    Both sexes consume less alcohol if they spend more time working , researchers said , buttoilingextra hours makes women crave unhealthy snacks .

  24. 找一种健康的零食来随身携带,来代替香烟解馋。

    Find a healthy snack food you can keep with you and use in place of cigarettes to quench that urge for oral gratification .

  25. 传统的垃圾食品扔掉吧,健康的零食才会让你保持精力又不至于牺牲了健康。

    By refueling with healthy snack foods , instead of traditional junk food , you 'll keep your energy levels high without sacrificing your health .

  26. 要一个有小冰箱的房间,藏点健康的零食,像水果、蔬菜和坚果,不要客房送餐服务。

    Ask for a room with a mini-fridge and keep it stocked with healthy snacks like fruits , veggies , and nuts to avoid room service .

  27. 下一次,你需要充电时,找一个离线活动,比如吃点健康的零食,伸伸懒腰或者散散步。

    Next time you need to recharge , she suggests finding an offline activity , such as eating a healthy snack , stretching or walking outside 。

  28. 据英国《每日邮报》报道,最新调查显示,办公室一族如果无聊,就会用不健康的零食来打发一天,这让他们迅速发胖

    Being deskbound and bored at work is fuelling obesity as employees reach for unhealthy snacks to pass the day , according to a recent survey , the Daily Mail reported .

  29. 科学家们认为,粗粮有助于降低胆固醇,帮助调节血糖,以及维持更长时间的饱腹感。这意味着人们不会食用不健康的零食。

    Scientists believe that whole grains help lower cholesterol and help regulate blood sugar , as well as keeping people full for longer , meaning they don 't snack on unhealthy foods .

  30. 一份高质量的早餐能防止你吃零食以及中午吃的太多,但如果你选择吃健康的零食,并控制好每餐的份量,那么看起来,吃不吃早餐与健康的体重以及减肥之间并没有直接的联系。

    A good breakfast can help prevent snacking and eating large portions for lunch , but if you choose to eat healthy snacks and control meal portions , then there seems to be no direct correlation between breakfast and a healthy weight or weight-loss .